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Everything posted by lonestar

  1. At least we have the memories of winning the NL last year..... :|
  2. I have been reading about Jordan. Many NBA scouts think he will play college ball for one, maybe two years, before going pro. I guess thats always the downside of recruiting great players.
  3. Texas has only recently started to have a good program. Also, with the Ags coach and great players coming back and coming in next year, the future looks bright for A&M. ESPN, CBS, and a few other media outlets have A&M as a top 10 program next year, and Texas either around 20-25th or not even in the top 25. Texas does have some great talent coming though.
  4. I sure wish I could make myself not watch. I just can't pull myself away. I keep thinking they are going to get hot and go on a big winning streak.
  5. Hes announced hes going to be an Aggie. I am surprised, but obviously thrilled!
  6. DeAndre Jordan, one of the top three high school players in Texas and among the best in the nation is going to announce tonight live on television in Houston. His top choices are LSU, Indiana, Texas, Texas A&M, and Florida. He would be a great pick up for any of those programs.
  7. I hope they do something. Watching the Astros lack of offense is so stressful, I think I am going to have a heart attack before the end of the season. I remember when watching baseball used to be relaxing!
  8. kicker, don't think he speaks for all lumberton fans!
  9. The more I think about it, the more I tend to agree with you smitty Its tough being a Raider fan. We had a few good years when I was in middle school.....seems like forever ago. Still, not good enough to make the playoffs!
  10. I would love to see the Raiders do well this year, but i just don't see it happening. Good luck to the new coach, he will be playing quite a schedule there!
  11. Does anyone know if Hardin-Jefferson is still military?
  12. I really like Nederland's band. Especially when they play the Aggie War Hymn.
  13. Anybody else watch the Mets hit two grand slams in one inning against the Cubs tonight? That was crazy. Almost made me have sympathy for the Cub fans......almost.
  14. Way to go coop, you just cursed it. :BB :wink:
  15. This was announced about a month ago. He will be missed as he was a great recruiter. Coincidently, A&M hired his replacement yesterday.
  16. Couldn't have asked for a better start to his Astros career.
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