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Posts posted by Periballo77

  1. Best I ever saw was a Home plate umpire tossing a kid for arguing strikes and balls. The ump wrung this kid up on an inside pitch (it was a strike, I had no dogs in the fight, just watching a good HS baseball game) and the kid took his bat and drew a line in the dirt where he thought the pitch was. He then yelled at the ump, "That's not a strike right here!". The ump calmly asked for his bat, drew a line in the dirt from the batters' box all the way to the dugout. He then drew an X in the dirt in front of the bench and leaned his bat on the bench, then told the kid, "You, right here, rest of the game". Everyone was silent in the moment, but it sure made for some laughs once the game resumed. Coach didn't argue and the kid was so stunned he just sat down and watched the rest of the game. Instant Classic!!

  2. I was surprised 19-4a swept 20-4a the way they did PeriBallo, without any homerism lol, I think it will be 2 and 2 for our ditricts. Is that better? :D

    It's all in good fun!! I was surprised 18-4A swept 17-4A!! I didn't have Mag West beating Georgetown, but they did split w Brenham during district. Magnolia surprised me as well cause they weren't playing well at end of season. I see a split this round as well. Brenham, Mag West, Dayton, and Barbers Hill move on IMO. But you know what they say about opinions.......
  3. Who you got?
    I dont know much about about Mag West, but if its a one gamer I'll say Kingwood Park in 1.

    Man, you and the district homer picks!! Ha ha

    I'm going to have to go with Mag West here, they are very scrappy and are a better team than their record says. Probably a 1 run ballgame either way, but I think Mag West wins in the end. They have a really good pitcher for a 1 game playoff also.
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