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Posts posted by BlackShirts5

  1. I am a huge college fan but this ruling is ridiculous. I say if they want to be considered employees of the college then they need to see what it is like to be in the work force. Go ahead and pay these kids but, cut back on the scholarship percentage and let them see what it's like to be a working man and pay for what you want......I believe an athlete that gets his tuition paid for and stays in the athlete's dorms with meals is enough for these kids. If they want spending money then let them work in the offseason and learn to save......receiving a scholarship to a college is an honor not a priveledge. Some kids now days are so spoiled they don't appreciate what is given to them, all they want is more. This is going to hurt college sports a whole lot more then help it. Big schools will even suffer in the long run. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Look what happened to the NFL since the union came in. It created a lot of greedy men who are basically playing for the money and not for the passion of the game like it should be. Same will happen in college....Just wait.

    I cant hit the like button enough times for your post!!!!

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