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Posts posted by OleMoe

  1. In Newton we don't expect to lose. This started back in my opinion in 1973. We have had and still have dedicated coaches. Coach Thompson , Coach Barbay , WT Johnston,  Bryan Barbay the son of Curtis Barbay is with Newton now. It's a family environment in Newton. When our boys hit the field they expect to win. This along with a great off season program each year and many hours of late night planning by our Coaches placing the talent they are given in the right place. The community is dedicated to our teams. Our fans are 110% behind our team and young players in all sports. It starts in the lower grades. Our coaches in the junior high are very much responsible for our winning ways. They are the seed of the fruit we develope.  Without a good Jr high coaching staff you will not have a developed high school team.  It takes the complete process to have a great team each year. Including great teachers to keep these guys and girls on the right track. A good family life at home is also very important. That's where it all begins. Purple Pride.

  2. Enjoy your one and only playoff game this coming weekend cardbacker. But you can come watch Newton . They might misspell but they will continue their way through the playoffs. Maybe that's the answer. You BC guys have all the study time because you never go to the playoffs. When you do its an early exit. Yea that's it.. Enjoy your short playoff. Purple Pride......




  3. Crockett- 77

    Newton - 14

    Crockett will EXPOSE Newton for the whole state to see.  Phillips and Daniels will go wild in this one and the the QB will not be touched all night.  

     If there's a 77 pt game it will be in Newtons favor .  There's a lot of air being pumped for a win over a JV team by some of you Crockett fans. Hate to bust that bubble but Friday Night there's not gonna be a  JV team playing against the Dogs. So to pump a score of 77 to 14  in favor of Crockett is laughable.  

  4. what are you talking about , Newton has no injuries .. No one got hurt last game .. Newton has played bad the last few games that all there is to it .. Plus they are missing there head coach which seems m to be the promblem . Don't try and make excuses saying where going to get killed cause of injuries .. Not one player that this guy mention is hurt . 

    LIke I  said Swag.. I keep up with the gossip.  If it's gossip and not true. This game will be closer than people are predicting. 

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