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Posts posted by OleMoe

  1. Gata I think Newton had to move some of its freshman players to varsity.  All 3 backs down and 4 lineman out for season. I heard QB was questionable with busted ankle. I think this one will be over 1st quarter if this is the scoop. WOS will get to be Foster in this one.. ouch 

  2. Well Newton starting out with the same record as last year this time. Only difference is they Lost to Tatum last year and beat Bridge City last year . I see a well balanced team in Newton. Passing more this year along with a good running game. A tweek on the defense and a fine polish on the offensive side they will be ok. Fat Lady hasn't stepped up to sing yet. We will hear more from Newton deep into the playoffs. Big game coming up. WOS.

  3. CardinalBacker don't knock the pulpwood. That's a weak minded response and your IQ seems to be in the lower quarters. Newton has turned out many Doc , Lawyers, engineers , etc along with having a great football program. Also Newton has some psychological graduates that you might need to visit.

  4. "Their horn was louder than ours." "We don't even try until the playoffs start." "We're a smaller school." "Our two best players were injured and didn't dress out."  "We had ride a school bus all of the way there and back, when we should have had charter buses."


    Just doing my part to keep the purple tradition of making excuses alive AND fresh.  

    We will be playing while you and your team are sitting home or bouncing basketballs.  Dont  get carried away with your words. Same goes for kitty backer. I will remember and remind you of your comments later in the season. Crow is cooking.

  5. Good grief. Seriously? Refs screwed you, didn't have home field advantage, couldn't hang on to the ball......and now you want credit or respect cause you lost to teams that were TOO GOOD?? Geez this takes the cake. Let me lay it out there for you.....you want respect? Win. Period. Stop talking the talk and start walking the walk.

    Newton is not playing pushover teams. Can't wait till the playoffs so I can remind you why Newton is still playing .We take our losses in preseason.  You can take yours in the playoffs . If you make the playoffs that is. And no your not a Newton backer . That seems to be your comeback on all your post. 

  6. Henderson did win . With 6 or more turnovers any team will be on the losing end. But!!! Even with 3 fumbles and a lost onside Newton ruled the first half.. more running yards more passing yrds. Yes Henderson won. They are a very good team with size and speed. Newton will take this loss and learn. That's what preseason is for. In the end they will give WildcatBaker a team to watch deep in the playoffs while his is bouncing basketballs.

  7. Will be a tough game for Newton and an opportunity to gain experience for district and postseason play. Most will have Newton the Udog in this game but I wouldn't count  Newton out of any game on their schedule. So since your from Henderson (ENJOYLIFE)  my message is We shall see and be ready to play.

  8. "Oh man BC, congrats on your win but y'all better be glad you don't have to play us again cause I think we'd take you out!" <--- That's trash talk. "Refs screwed us over!" ...or... "Man BC if y'all keep those same refs every game you should go undefeated the rest of the year." <--- Total disrespect to the team that beat you. Fact is, you lost. BC beat you. Refs are part of the game and I can ASSURE you, PROMISE you and GUARANTEE you.....that there have been many games where Newton was on the positive side of those iffy calls from refs. So suck it up buttercup. That blemish on your record isn't so bad. :)

    You seem to be so happy the blemish is on Newtons record. Newton had blemishes on their record last year . Nothing new. But Kirbyville wasn't one of them buttercup. Go back to sleep..

  9. When we played BC opening week, I remember several unsportsmanlike calls that went against Kirbyville that were iffy. You know what else I remember? Several iffy calls went against BC too. It's funny how some fans seem to only want to see what they want to see if it helps them rationalize things in their mind. The Newton fans thought their team was so far above and beyond BC and Kirbyville that the mere thought of losing just can't take hold in their heads. They see now, and they know.....everybody knows.....that Newton is just another good team. They're not immortal at all. They can and have been beaten. That just has to suck for these fans claiming refs screwed us. Lmao

    But can and always have kicked Kville Butt. Grind on that for the nite and the fact that Newton does have a collection of State Championships.. How many does Kville have?? What I thought.. Nite again.

  10. There is so many ignorant people on here BC had the same refs making bad calls on them. And for the safety it WASNT a safety! Keep crying about the refs all you want but they didn't cause that 24 point spread yall were suppose to have! Nothing but respect for Newton great ball club but sour fans not the same thing

    No not ignorant. Sat there and watched every play. That's not ignorance.  Also saw the game on film afterwards. I have seen what went on while most comments about this game are just that and they never saw the game. 

  11. The most ridiculous post so far. It seems like talk is all Newton fans can do when their team doesn't back it up on the field. This 'ref screwed us' thing is getting ridiculous. I now think that if Newton and BC played 10 games, BC would win 10 out of 10. And the score differential would widen each game. BC is for real this year and apparently Newton and Kirbyville are not at their level. That's football. 

    Bring your bankroll. . No way they beat Newton 10 out of 10. They won this game. How it was officiated played a giant part in that win. I ll say that if BC can keep those same officals they go undefeated on the year. I wish BC a good year. They deserve a successful year after all the many duds they endured. 

  12. I agree with Gata... Newton did get in the end zone more than BC only to get it called back. Also had a safety took away along with multiple calls once Newton got inside BC 25 the rag stared flying. BC did at the end of the game come out on top and it's in the books score wise due to the rags and unprecedented calls made against them. Newton may loose a couple more and they may not regardless Newton will be ready when it's time to win . Cream rises to the top.

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