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Posts posted by OleMoe

  1. Every poll had CC up near the top.
    When you do the math and look at the figures they had a record that shined. Its like the old saying:
    Everything that glitters isn't gold.I don't think the statement was directed at SETXsports or your ranking. (Only my opinion) I think a team is measured by the strength of opponents they play win or lose.
  2. After tomorrow night Newton fans will just say: We told you so. I'm sure you would be strutting if the CC JV had beat Newton. Your remark to GATA about where to find JV scores is pathetic. I have read on this forum where some have talked how good your JV is and undefeated and all. Reality is hard to swallow but go ahead and swallow.
    Gonna be same outcome tomorrow night.Newton with the sweep.
    (Purple Pride)
  3. I'll admit Newton has the better defense! But yes corrigans offense is better and I'm sorry if I make someone mad saying that.
    And you know what they say... the proof is in the pudding! We'll see what yalls offense can do against Crockett Friday night.
    and then yall will have the opportunity to shut us down next week an offense who has averaged 60 a game. I don't care if we score 20 or 100 as long as we come out with a win haha

    Your not gonna score 20 and your not gonna win. CC house is coming down and reality gonna be put in place.
    Fat lady gonna sit on CC then sing sweet melodies.:-)
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