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Posts posted by whisperer

  1. I'd like to make an adjustment to my earlier predictions. Due to current events id like to change the following point spread......

    Bmt -39.75 Lum B

    Thank you and sorry for the line change!

  2. Man stop all the hating, if your son played on a team than you may can flap. You stirr more stuff up on this forum, theres a diffence when everyone knows who you are!!!

    That is starting and stirring up the pot because I don't see it your way come on man obviously something was done wrong or it wouldn't have happen Lum is not the only vote. There are people from all over the league that saw the Video and were in agreement that it was time for him to go. You guys are the ones that turn it Into all this and that. Stirring the Pot lol that is funny I thought that was what u were doing! ITS ON FILM (JAG ) and they all watched it and he was suspended before for this same thing. Then you come on here and turn it into they don't want your kids playing and that is far from the truth you guys are the problem not your kids! I know you no who I am what does that matter I'm just not seeing it your way so u guys attack me so go ahead!
  3. well since you asked and this isn't in the right forum, I figured it out that the only reason hawk is doing well this season is because you trained those boys for years and taught them what football is all about. by going to 2 teams, he added a few key players to make a run at it. I think he needs to say thanks for what you have put in his lap.

    No I only had the older group every other yr so its all him I've been gone for 2 yrs I was takin over by a far more superior coach and staff. Good luck Jr allstar coaches!

  4. Even the select baseball and basketball kids play league ball....

    Maybe the Anderson's and River's don't want to drive to Houston every weekend. And it really doesn't matter anyway - it's just football. They live in 06,07, and 13 zip code. It isn't "illegal" for the "dynamic duo" to play in your league. Y'all wrote the rules and have continued to change them every year to penalize Bmt. Look back at the history of the league and the scores. Funny how "running it up" didn't seem to bother anyone until bmt started winning.

    This IS NOT school or a car - it's a game. AndYour precious baby from mid county or bobcat country or wherever will surely survive one loss in a season at the hands of the 2 superhuman football gods from BMT and hopefully go on to become successful adults.

    And if their "spirit" is just to broken to go on, well let's just say youth sports probably isn't the issue.

    Not everyone's a winner all the time and life is not fair. Quit setting your kids up for failure by protesting a loss every time you play a better team. Kids have to learn to cope. Do you protest their math grade if it's an F? Or do you have them study harder next time and pass? Is it never little Johnny's fault? Do you fix everything for him??

    This has everything to do with a bunch of small minded egotistical coaches reliving their glory days and nothing to do with the kids playing football. Deal with it and move on.

    Riddle me this: If the two "10" year olds playing Sr ball are unstoppable, then how in the world did PNG manage to beat them 2x last year?

    And for your information Bmt does rotate to 2nd and third string for O and D after the 2ndQ. However, we only have 18 kids..... Not everyone can take a seat.

    Oh and to address your ignorant car analogy, I'd say a corvette's not any where near adequate. I'd have to go with a Bugatti......

    And so the wussification of America is alive and well on this forum!

    You really see it this way you need help my friend !

  5. Bmt B
    Bmt W

    You pick jasper over Lum w no way dude you Better hope y'all beat BRIDGE CITY because they came to play this yr! I've seen jasper jr Lum w white will adjust ( if they even need too) and shut them down no chance.

  6. BMT -30 LUM B

    LCM -6 BC

    KTZ +21 WOS

    PN W -20 VID

    PN P -20 NED

    LUM W -14 OF






  7. BMT B -12 BMT G

    BMW -1 LUM R

    LCM -6 BC

    WOS -14 OF O

    KTZ pick  OF W

    PN P pick VID

    PN W +30 NED W

    LUM W -20 JAS


    Lots of good match ups this week LCM / BC game of the week !





  8. This year whisperer, this year.

    can't hear you
    sh................................... as you say or did I say that wrong too

    How dare you Sh..... The whisperer sitting on you bumm eating snacks with way to much down time at work on your hands ! Get out there and swing a hammer like us real men while flappin now that is talent And you know this loopy!

  9. I think its an issue of BradyB filming my game last week in Jasper hahahaha

    Was that you BradyB or did you send one of your minions to do your filming????

    My wife said she thought it was you, I wanted to at least say hello! I hope yall have a great concession stand next week I'll be Hongry after that long drive!!!!!

    You just may have spotted the whisperer who knows "he is everywhere"

  10. If every organization tried to write a rule for every situation for every "Coach/Lawyer", the rule book with be terabytes big.

    Just like society, you can't legislate morality. STJFL nor the Government can be at every corner, sometimes you have to govern yourself.

    If not STJF or the Government will get complaints of being a "Police" state.

    So I have a corvette, limit is 55 mph. But the cop gives me a ticket for driving 55 mph because the road conditions in his opinion are unsafe.

    Who would say, "Officer, I have a Vett that goes 210 mph, how can I tell it not to speed. "

    I would suggest for you to take your vett off the "public roads" and take yourself to Baytown and run with the big Dogs.

  11. Different group Of kids and compitition hawks you know that and yes I am a Super Bowl flapper. I can remember a yr you coach the groups I always had to coach and you didn't win a game ?? See that is abt the same thing you are trying to say! Take a good coach can make a less talented team be 5oo but anybody can win with y'all's talent don't Deni that I'm not saying you are not a good coach at all because you guys are I just know football and your offense can be stopped with equal or abt equal talent. You can go on and on on my record. I get it!

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