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Posts posted by whisperer

  1. The WHISPERER is in JASPER CO. Checking out this allstar team! Stay posted ...... Girl in lowes Checking me out said her nephew is on the senior team said "THEY BE BUST'in HEAD UP HERA"!

    Good luck WOS! I think your gonna need it! Lol

  2. Just picking at you whisperer.....good luck to them dogs tomorrow. Just like one of the post I said a few days ago(before LonghornsWeAre took the thread off), this dog team will be by far the toughest on our schedule this season. ;)

    It just gets easier for us playing them dogs in week 6&7.

    Funny! Lamar is funny.
    I try to tell booger Ned youngsters are going to get him next yr! And look !!! you are worried abt this team and you are on the almighty Toby team! You better tell Rivers abt this !!!

  3. I agree with buggatti but all that other crap (is crap) shut up he will be back and lets play some football its not like white want win with out there coach. I have said it before and ill say it again 2 teams and not 3 make a huge difference in this group and the are just way better than there competition! The white team is going to have a hard time not beating all the brakes off teams they face.......






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