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Posts posted by whisperer

  1. If the 2 Nederland teams don't meet in the bowl game it will be a shame they deserve it! I do not like this spirit of the rule cause it takes from kids that are deserving. They can't control what a coach so call has done the supper bowl
    Is the Nederland teams without a doubt! Come on board fix this it's not right anyone that says other wise is wrong period! It's abt the kids and how they play to get to that point !

  2. This is the way it should be since what is said on the board does not stay on the board! Nobody wants to talk because we all know that what is being done to the Beaumont KIDS is not right. You can do what you want to the coaches but did the kids deserve to loose both those games? give me a break. This is comical (STJFL). I guess both Lumberton teams had to get in the playoffs.......

  3. Well I have been in deep dire depression over the drama so I stayed away from the board but I can feel myself pulling out of it as I type ! I can also feel the flapping coming on the tip of my tongue! Yep guess who's back ! Takes more than a bus and slander to hold down the WHISPERER! So PN has spent all yr preparing for this one. So much that they looked past the lumber in Vidor! BMT sank the pirate ship early in week one which everyone knows week one DONT COUNT! Come on !! The wheels on tha BMT bus go flat this week flat this week flat this week OH tha wheels on tha bus go flat this week and the force will be back in balance!

    Bigpoppa I like tha name though!

    The Mr. SH....……… is back for good back for good.

  4. You can kick the coaches out of the league from Bmt. You're still gonna have the same problem as you had yesterday, today, and tomorrow and that's stopping Bryce Anderson and Chandler Rivers. They're not going anywhere. The results you see on Saturdays starts at home in the backyard and all summer on the track while you're playing Playstation.

    Read this jag and booger and you will know why u r so disrespected across the league get a grip man y'all are losing it! You have made it like this with theses remarks and frankly we are tired of herring it! We have all spent hrs in the back yard thank god yours are so blessed. Trust me I speak for a lot of people!

    Sh ....... Shut up geez.........
  5. Now there is where I will have to say something my friend lol The part about me not havng interest in that team is no where close to true. I had 7 teams in my organization last year, and only one of them had anyone I was related to and that was the 5th grade team that I did not coach. I had 70 kids in my organization and was related to 1 and he is no longer in the organization. I care about every single one of those 70 kids...Including yours! I hate seing my organization dragged into this from multiple people, but I think everyone knows that I have NOTHING but respect for the Beamont coaches and kids. And BTW, I had a lot to do with forming that team and buying them all team shoes... I have a lot of respect for you as a friend and a coach, but this statement that you wrote could be taken the wrong way by some outside people. I dont think you were trying to down me, but some people might think you were..So i wanted to make sure that everyone knows that we are good.

    Brady do you need some chap stick for that !!! Lol

  6. Stirr it up, first of all SETX HEAT didnt even have a fourth grade team until Chuck attemted to put one together for you and your boy. Brady wasnt apart of the forming of a fourth grade team, he just allowed chuch to use his team name. The only person on that original team that had a son that was a 4th grader was you. Every one of the kids brought over played lil dribblers in BMT. Thats how the 4th grade team got started, Brady b had nothing to do with it but let the kids play under his club name. So lets get it straight, Brady B nor Chuck has any interest in a 4th - 5th grade team bc they dont have any kids or relatives that play on it. Your the only one thats going to be left out. let me know what team you latch on to so I can put a team together so we can play you guys!!

    So your saying the SETX. 4th grade group was mine where in the same hell do y'all dream this crap up! Geez us ... Ill let you know who we play with and we can play no problem. Man U guys are something else. You weren't even on that team last yr let me guess why because me and my son were on it???

    You are beginning to be to predictable jag!

  7. And this is why you guys are on the edge of getting kick out of stjfl I don't agree with you and this is what I get? Your an idiot and Ive already told Anderson I want be back over there with the heat. So let that rest. You don't know nothing abt me! i had a hard couple of yrs with close family members lost 7 to be exact and a nasty divorce. That is why I didn't coach and jr did want to play this yr! I love coaching football and have plenty of friends and supporters. People that really know me know I'm just joking around on here and they jab back but not bmt sense y'all have found out who I am it has been nothing but attacks. I love the game of football played it all my life absolutely love to coach the kids and they love me (it's only you guys) Ask me if I give a crap what you think and ill tell ya I don't care. Bring on the verbal attacks but I have honestly never attacked y'all. As long as everybody is bashing who y

    You are bash you are ok but as soon as someone disagrees this is how u act and there lyes the damn problem y'all not the kids y'all!
  8. You cant do it in basketball so how can you do it in football. Youre a daddy ball coach and thats why you dont play with any team out of Nederland because they dont care for you!!! Thats real talk, maybe chuck and brady can thank you for SETX Heat not having any players from the BMT area this year. Sorry brady but you need to get rid of that wanna be!!!

    And this is why you guys are on the edge of getting kick out of stjfl I don't agree with you and this is what I get? Your an idiot and Ive already told Anderson I want be back over there with the heat. So let that rest. You don't know nothing abt me! i had a hard couple of yrs with close family members lost 7 to be exact and a nasty divorce. That is why I didn't coach and jr did want to play this yr! I love coaching football and have plenty of friends and supporters. People that really know me know I'm just joking around on here and they jab back but not bmt sense y'all have found out who I am it has been nothing but attacks. I love the game of football played it all my life absolutely love to coach the kids and they love me (it's only you guys) Ask me if I give a crap what you think and ill tell ya I don't care. Bring on the verbal attacks but I have honestly never attacked y'all. As long as everybody is bashing who y
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