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Everything posted by vpride

  1. Vidor needs no move ins. We are doing very well growing our own players. With the group we have coming back there wouldn't be anywhere for them to play anyway.
  2. Welcome to the wonderful world of coaching Mr. Riojas. On your first day you have already had people congratulate you, wish you good luck, claim you are the wrong guy for the job, and even a future parent stroke your ego a little. You are officialy off and running now.
  3. Why on earth would Coach Green leave what he's built up at Vidor to go to BC where he has 500 zillion whining political parents running the show. With the talent coming up at Vidor, I doubt Coach Green will be going anywhere soon. He should be licking his chops right now.
  4. Coach Green owes no one anything except the players on his team. If someone needs rest then he will and should give it to them. I however know of no one. So expect to see Hester and the rest give the bears all they want.
  5. I don't understand how Ozen's field, which is within thirty minutes of ten high school games that were played tonight could be deemed rained out on Saturday as early as Friday afternoon. Take the photo of bear field that is posted on this site and take the statement they made saying they probably could have gotten it ready by 9:00pm tonight. AND they will have it ready tomorrow at noon. The picture shows kids trying to get the water off of the dirt. Does Ozen just let the water sit there? Is there a rule that you have to try to get the field ready? Even if the water just sat there I would think today's afternoon sun would have dried it for tomorrow. Anybody have some ensight into the rules or the situation?
  6. I don't think that is to bold of a statement. It is pretty much a two team race at this point and the winner of that game will have the edge down the stretch. Third looks like a 3 team race. Will be a 2 team race also after Ned/Ozen tonight.
  7. It is never to early to start this one. Both teams have games so that they can rest their pitching a little tonight and get ready to play for the district championship on Friday. I personally can't wait for it to get here.
  8. How can a post about a tarp get deleted. Just wondering what the plan was and if it was out or not? If not I am going to make other plans for tonight.
  9. Does anyone know who we will start on the mound. I would like to finally see Hester in a big game. I think we can recover from last night. Robi didn't throw to much he should be available to close if needed.
  10. Gunho What you should have said was, "I can't believe Vidor was stealing down eight runs." You should also be made aware that with that lead and runners at the corners, you always try to gun down the runner at second. (I should not say always, but that is how the game is supposed to be be played in that situation) Couldn't agree with you more. I was scratching my head several times during the game. Especial while not seeing Hester have a chance. Again.
  11. ??????????????????? I'm scratching my head on that one, too. They had not faced each other until last night, so how is anyone to judge which was the better team earlier in the season? 18-3 sounds like a pretty solid team at any point in their season to me. I think he is talking to the PNG people saying that we were the better team the night we played them. I don't think it was a reference to LCM.
  12. Congrats LCM on the win. The better team won tonight. I hope we can rebound before Friday. But don't forget pirate fans we split with them last year with both teams winning the road games. So when the second half rolls around we should have some confidence going over there. I will have to ask this question however? Has anyone had a Tre Hester sighting. Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe it has been just one district start for him. Is he possibly injured?
  13. Now you are just trying to be controversial or funny, which one is it. But those scores are just not realistic.
  14. Surely you are smart enough to figure out who started the "LCM/PNG game". I think I was crystal clear about that. It wasn't you, it was Todd. No one brought your name into this until you did. However lets not say Robi doesn't compare when he was pitch for pitch with you the whole game and not to mention we won.
  15. I am refering to the kid who started the PNG/LCM game and shut LCM down for 5 or 6 innings. He pitched against us as well and lets just say it is a good thing the ball Hester hit went out of the park so it did inury anyone on the field.
  16. OK. I have tried to bite my tongue. When is Hester going to start again. Probably the most "talented" pitcher in the district can't get a start. I know it has to be frustrating for him. Surely he will start one of the two this week. Both are big games and I predict he will show up big. I am sure Coach Green will start Robi Tuesday night and he is more than deserving. I just hope to see Hester at least Friday. My prediction is Robi is to hot right now and will have the Bears head spinning with his assortment of pitches. Robi is far better than the kid from PNG that mowed them down. And I don't think LCM has a lock down starting pitcher. Vidor 7 LCM 1
  17. "May be"? Are you kidding me? I think he put all doubt to rest Tuesday night.
  18. Sorry maddness, but I have to disagree. This may well be the most talented team in the history of our school. D-1 shortstop. D-1 left handed pitcher that can mash. Right handed pitcher that could beat any team in the state, but can't get any respect because he doesn't throw 88 like our other guy. #3 throws 84-86. That is 3 legit. Centerfielder as good as any I have seen in this district in years. Yes we do have a freshman starter, but I bet when guys like Allen Harrington and Dustin Hood were starting as freshman they were making an impact just like ours is.
  19. Okay, I have been silent on this board to give everyone the chance to make their comments. I am the loud lady yelling at the umps from the PNG side. First off, I will admit I am biased with my son as most all honest parents that would answer that question are. Second, I apologize for being as loud as I was because of my frustration, but my feelings still remain the same about the umprie situation. Third, I never did or ever would direct any of my comments to the Vidor players, as I know several of them personally and my son has ball with them. My irritation was with the ump who reversed the call after the double play third out called. My whole issue, as disscussed on this board was the run that was allowed to come in after the players had all left the field. Okay, so our left field dropped the ball after that, may have happened, maybe not. We will never know. Lastly, I apologized to my son after the game if it embarrised him and he told me point blank "Mom, I think you are great - you have been there for me all the way through my baseball years and we both are getting a little emotional that the end of my highschool ball is moving way too fast. Don't worry what other folks think - keep cheering on our team to the very end". And yes, he did have a great day yesterday, signing to play at the next level with his best friend. I couldn't be more proud of him. Thankfully, because of my husband's vacation availability, we will have the opportunity to see him play just about every weekend, so you local Vidor folks won't have to "listen" to me ever again. I have read about PNG folks cussing out Vidor folks, etc. I have no clue where that came from unless it was in the stands under the pressbox. Those folks have to deal with their own issues. I have a wonderful son, I love to watch he and his friends play, and it just was a little too much to handle with the terrible umps because it has happened on more than one occassion when playing in Vidor. PNG needed to regroup faster, move the batters around after the ump fiasco, and that didn't happen, so Vidor gets the victory. I do congratulate the players on both teams for their abilities to play - they both fought hard and well; the music was "bearable" but very tacky after the game when playing "Another one bites the dust". Classless. When you come to the reservation to play, I pray for good umps, a well-played game decided by the players ,and you won't have to wear ear plugs to tune out the loud obnoxious, tasteless music. Well said cleanup13. I think there were times in this game when both sides did some less than appealing things. I do believe that everyone had the best intrest of their team at heart. Glad to see you and your son have a great relationship. I think all in all it is time for us to let this all be behind us. There is plenty more baseball to be played. I hope everyone stays healthy and we can rematch for the district championship at your place in a couple of weeks.
  20. I have changed my mind to think that Simms should pitch this game as well. As hot as our bats are we should be able to score plenty no matter who they throw. Then we would have Robi and Hester ready for LCM on Tuesday. Vidor 11 Ozen 4
  21. Sorry I don't think this will happen. All Vidor has left is Ozen Friday with Hester on the mound. Then Tuesday LCM at home with Robi on the mound. LCM struggled versus the righty Todd from PNG. I would have to say if that is any thing to go off of Robi should have no problem. That would make us undefeated at the end of the first half.
  22. Looks like this is now our district to loose. Hester will dominate Ozen this Friday I am sure and Robi will be on schedule to lock down LCM. This would complete a perfect 1st half for the pirates. People said last years team was the best in the history of the school. Looks like the '08 version may even be a little better.
  23. Jasper, Hudson, Lumberton (I think) Bad weather and I didn't go.
  24. I don't think they will get 10 run. They have played the other good teams fairly close and this will be the same. I would love to see the dogs take LCM down another level away from the Pirates, but I think LCM will win by 2 runs. I to would love to see this. In fact I predicted LCM to finish 4th in this district. I believe that begins to unfold Tuesday night when Nederland defeats them 7-4. LCM will score 3 more run off of Sampere than they did off of Todd. Not trying to start any trash talk just making a prediction.
  25. I know Taylor is hot right now. But I am hoping for Hester versus Harrington. At some point we have to put Hester in the big game so everyone can see what he has got. In district I mean. Jasper already found out, but that was on a small stage in a tournament. It is time for him to have his coming out party on the big stage in 22-4A versus one of the big guns like PNG. Vidor 7 PNG 0 (Hester complete game shut out)
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