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Posts posted by HIGHpoint96

  1. They beat Barbers hill state ranked the week before to win district then their team captain got shot at his deer feeder early saturday/sunday. Can't remember his name but my uncle probably does, he said they didn't have practice monday cause everyone was ripped up then practice on tuesday the wake wednesday funeral thursday game friday with only 1 practice and some heavy hearts.

  2. That was also the day after they buried their team captain who died in a hunting accident, are you trying to bring that up as a negative cause i think any team of 15-18 yr olds would probably have a bad game after that. Maybe you should've looked that up first. My uncles were the Randolphs that played on that team, they said they never showed up cause they were all still at the funeral mentally.

  3. Story is the same with Barbay at Coldspring. They were bad when he got there, and they will be bad when he leaves. To call the two equals is insanity. Haynes has never coached a lick of defense a day in his life. I think Larry can coach, but to say that he has as much swag before the Lumberton administration as Brian Barbay would have is nonsense. Barbay could walk into Lumberton call his shot, and begin to win almost immediately.

    Haha, No one can win at lumberton and no coach in the world will walk in regardless of how much "SWAG" he has lol, and convince a school district to add 6-8 new employees and add and extra $320,000 in payroll. Wow your just plain silly. Once again I'll take a guy who turned around 4 5/6A programs and has a 25/30 yr track record with 4 undefeated seasons at the 6A level in the DFW / HOUSTON area over a 3A guy with an historic run of talent any day. And what makes you say he hasn't ever coached a lick of defense. You think he can go undefeated at the 6A level in Houston and DFW four different seasons and not play a lick of defense. What a clown you obviously don't like the guy cause he's from Hardin because your a local from the armpit of SETX at HD. What a clown, yeah they beat every one in 6A games 65-62 10 games in a row 4 different seasons then I guess huh, just Mickey mouse football and beat all those big time 6A programs, what a clown.
  4. Exactly, Jimmy's & Joe's With Barbay vs. Haynes, All the programs he had that success with at were bad before and been bad since except Crosby. Haynes grew up and graduated from Hardin and wanted to go back to his roots I assume. Hes a career 5A/6A Houston / Metroplex / SETX coach with right at 150 wins and had the only success in school history every job he's had. Barbay is also phenomenal but small 3A  4A and his 2 14 win seasons were with the best 3A player in the state at RB and loaded all over. Still a great coach and coldspring will suffer if he leaves. I think they are about even as coaches honestly, thats why i'm comparing the two, Barbay cant get any extra coaches or extra sway at lumberton if they wont give it to Haynes. They are definitely comparable. Look at Clear Lake and Haltom and Lumberton since Haynes left, Coldspring would probably fall off a bit too if Barbay left, but they wouldn't disappear like those 3 programs did. Coldspring is nuts if they let Barbay go no doubt though. 

  5. Yeah but when a school district makes a varsity 5A football team coach with only 4 Varsity assistants and a head coach like Lumberton did this last season, and they had a big name coach with a resume every bit as good as Barbays, and he wasnt allowed by his administration to hire coaches when coaches leave. Look it up Lumberton is a 5A with 4 varsity assistants. It doesnt matter where you go in the state most 5A schools have 8-12 varsity assistants. So you think barbay will be able to talk his Principal and Superintendent to double or triple his staff. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. They just reassigned a coach who was a veteran and is shrewd and they consistently took coaches away from him. Lumberton wont be able to hire anyone worth a flip unless the Admin completely changes the way they operate. Lumberton has less coaches on staff than most 3A schools do. How can you expect to get a good coach when you wont let him have a full staff he has bad talent traditionally and you pay jack squat for a 5A job. Why do you think the assistants leave there so fast, its a bad job period.

  6. Which Barbay we talkin here, Coldspring or Jasper. Really though it doesn't matter which one why would either want to go to lumberton. They are one of the lowest paying jobs in the area, Zero College athletes in 3 seasons as a 5A program, so zero talent no matter what the locals claim, they are the smallest school in the toughest 5A district in the region, the board just ran off the coach with the 2nd most career wins (150+ wins) among non retired coaches in SETX after 17 months on the job, and they have less coaches on staff than most 3A schools do. Hard to be successful with that formula. Neither Barbay wants to fight that much of an uphill battle when they can make the same money and they have athletes where they are now, that would be plain dumb. The only good coach Lumberton can get is a young coach who is starving for his first job and he will use it as a stepping stone job and only stay for 2 years or so if he wins. other than that sub par pay, way below sub par athletes, and a crazy board.

  7. I heard that a school board member, Hernandez or something made a post on facebook inviting anyone who thinks they know more about how to find the right head coach, or if you think you know more about football than we do, to come to the next board meeting and have an open discussion about why they made the decision. If thats true, A) its the most unprofessional thing I've ever heard of any school board member doing, B( God i hope its true and on film somewhere cause its sure to be instant comedy and a cluster of epic proportions, C) this guy had to have been running unopposed cause who would choose someone that silly over anyone else. Man I hope thats true, if the school board is inviting people to disrupt district board proceedings and using facebook to do so that will be beyond a dog and pony show and into the realm of a straight up circus. I mean seriously if its true that a board member did that on facebook then BISD Board members are thinking finally someone is taking the heat and focus off of us. Stay Classy San Diego.

  8. No, i know that because a board member told me that. He said they had a meeting with Haynes and since he was eligible to receive retirement and continue getting paid he would resign. because of that 1 employee didn't have to be laid off cause it saved the district over 25,000, it's a fact go look at the two salaries big boy. That was the year of the state budget crisis when houston isd laid off hundreds of employess all surrounding schools had huge lay offs, Hardin had very little. he directly allowed a school teacher to keep their job insteads of being selfish and demanding they pay him through the remainder of his contract. He had two years left on his contract when he resigned at 80,000+ so he walked away from over $100,000 to help other employees. So be careful before you say the guy wasnt liked.

  9. The big problem in Beaumont is that people in Beaumont and from Beaumont just think there really isnt a problem. Stop defending the district, it doesn't make you or the city worse to say there is corruption and shady stuff going on. Instead of trying to act like there isnt a problem and hoping it will go away hold the people responsible accountable and fix your cities school district. Quit promoting people into power that are obviously not doing their jobs thoroughly and giving everyone a black eye and ending up on the news every other night. It's not normal to have the fbi and tea come in and to constantly have under the table activities come to light. the need to replace everyone at the top and start making wholesale open book change. If you defend BISD at this point and think its just like any other school district you are in 100% denial, but hey ignorance is bliss.

  10. Its common knowledge that the coach has contact with the recruiter and tells him about his best players who have a chance to play and shows them film, do you think you just told me something i dont already know? I'm not saying that the high school coach should just lock his door when college coaches come through and tell him good luck finding them on your own the film rooms that way. Every one on this website knows the coaches are in contact with each other, but alot of people on here think that when a kid doesnt get recruited its the coaches fault for not pushing him, or for not finding a school that will take him. The truth is if a kid doesnt get recruited its because the kid doesnt have the goods, no matter what the coach says or how many highlight films he shows. For instance, my dad told me once that a teacher sent him a detailed letter about why cant you find a scholarship for lil johnny when you found scholarships for other players on your team. This is the common misconception that drives me crazy. I'm not saying the high school coach has no role in the process, I'm saying he doesnt get kids recruited talent does. 

  11. Ok, you can talk about the process and say the steps and try to use textbook language to make your point sound correct, but you're missing the entirety of what i'm saying. No s*** the coach will talk to the recruiter and tell him who his best players are and give him film, but once again the coach doesn't get the kid recruited, the talent the kid has gets him recruited when the coach puts on the film and sees him in person. Coaches dont get kids recruited their ability, grades, and character(sometimes) get them recruited. Even if a coach tells the recruiter about a kid who isnt on the radar and the recruiter decides to offer him a scholarship, its not because the coach told him about the player its because the player has the talent necessary to get the offer. There isn't a single coach in the country that doesn't try to push his players unless the kid is a turd, but he can push all he wants because if the kid cant play the offer wont come. 

  12. Yeah right I'm sure you have, so you must be a coach because otherwise how are you involved in these meetings, they aren't exactly open to the public. So in these meetings you were in supposedly, did the college coach not like a kid but the coach sold him and got him a scholarship, because if so then i guess I'm wrong. Also a kid not getting a coaches endorsement is a whole other ball of wax. The only time that happens is if a kid is lazy or a turd. We are talking about a coach getting a kid recruited, and that isn't how it works, talent gets you a scholarship not your high school coach, if you think otherwise you are ignorant to the truth bottom line. Sure a coach can speak negatively about a kid and stop him getting recruited but that's not what i'm talking about. 

  13. I was a part of the process personally and have talked to countless coaches about the process and I know for a fact, unless you are a coach with a massive reputation the only thing that will make colleges sign kids is their talent. Because guess what if a college coach recruits abunch of kids from his area that never hit the field because he is going off of high school coaches recommendations  then that college coach will get fired. 

  14. No I personally havent, but like i said my brother and father are coaches and they do every year, and they will tell you exactly what im saying. Also when I was going through the process everyday my coaches and father would tell me everything that took place. We talked to the coach from such and such school but they wouldnt listen to us because they dont like your size. How many meetings have you sat in on?

  15. Also my brother and father are high school coaches and they will tell you the same exact thing. Coaches dont get kids recruited. If Dan Hooks says a kid can play then the college coach will listen, but thats because the college coach knows that he has coached 40-60 (probably more) D1 kids and a bunch of NFL guys to boot. However Walter Fortune at Hardin (or your typical high school coach) can scream till hes blue in the face about one of his Hardin players but if the college coach puts on the film or calls him out of class and the kid doesnt pass the eyeball test the college coach will then say to himself, oh hes just a 2A football coach that doesnt see real college talent everyday. 

  16. I have a ton of knowledge about the situation actually. I was a high school athlete that was 1st team all greater houston area at a 4A school, wasnt being recruited however because i was slightly undersized. My coaches told every recruiter that came through that I could play college ball, sent out film to every D 1AA D2 D3 school they could find, told me to go to camps for schools i could play at and pumped me up till they were blue in the face. Yet i still had to walk on at a D2 school and ended up getting a scholarship and playing my last 2 years. So I do know exactly how the process works, the only people who blame coaches for not getting kids recruited are players who arent good enough to play at the next level and wanna blame someone or their parents. No matter what a coach says about a recruit, if the kid doesnt pass the eyeball test most college coaches wont think twice about that kid. Coaches dont get kids recruited, talent height weight and speed get kids recruited plain and simple. If you think other wise then you are absolutely clueless about the process.

  17. For the love of god people stop saying that its the coaches job to get a kid noticed for a scholarship. Talent gets you recruited not your high school coach. A coach can scream all day to come look at this kid or that kid but if there isnt talent there it wont matter. not to mention if a coach tells a recruiter that he thinks a kid can play college ball and he actually cant, then the next time that recruiter comes through he will think the coach doesnt have a clue and wont listen to him the next time he says a kid can play. Coaches dont get kids recruited.

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