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Everything posted by bleacher_bum

  1. Graduated HS from HD, college from Lamar, and has coached at Hardin, Liberty, and then Hardin again. Great guy, great friend, and a terrific coach. HD is lucky to have him.
  2. ETBU, I believe you're thinking of Hardin, not West Hardin. Hardin has been up and down from 3A to 2A a couple of times, but to my knowledge, West Hardin has never been 3A, or in BH or Huffman's district. West Hardin dropped down 2 years ago now. (This will be the 2nd year at 1A).
  3. Congrats Joe. Good luck, we'll miss you in Hardin this year.
  4. I think the main reason for this rule in HS, is safety. Kids could be trying to get up when they haven't been touched, and could potentially take a bad shot. I like the rule the way it is, its safer, and as shermdog said, it would be tougher to see with the fewer number of officials. At least HS changed the rule (a long time ago), that allows the opposing team to advance a fumble. That rule was ridiculous. I totally agree with what has been said about the pass interference call too.
  5. I was there, and I'll try and recall, but they lost to Hitchcock by 2 points. They did have a couple of TD passes IN THEIR HANDS, but could not hold on. They beat Danbury by 21 I think. (35-14). They beat 2nd Babtist by 14. They played very well, and Hitchcock is their only loss this summer so far. All this is just by memory, so I'm not sure. But I do know they played good, and really should have beat Hitchcock.
  6. ;D Well, not actually "stalking", but more of a walk thru the woods truing to jump some!!! I like my 30-30 in the thicket. A shotgun with a slug works well for a lot of people...
  7. 25-06 is what I shoot almost all whitetails with. I don't take a shot if its over 200 yds. most of the time. I do use a Marlin 30-30 when I'm stalking in east texas sometimes. Question for anyone, speaking of 30-30 rounds, has anyone tried the leverevolution? I hear its a good round.
  8. Personally, I would like Slack to stay in Hardin, (selfish reasons), and learn from Haynes a couple of years. I think Joe could handle an AD job, but I also think he could really learn alot from Coach Haynes in Hardin. Good luck to HD in their quest and especially good luck to a good friend of mine - Slack.
  9. Congrats to Hardin, on what I think, is a good hire. Good luck to the Hornets and good luck to coach Haynes. Hardin had another good hire with their Super. as well. Way to go Hardin.
  10. Karma for you, something we agree on. I do embrace these kids, and agree we should. I look forward to this upcoming year, and will be at every game pulling for the kids.
  11. I'm not going to give an explanation, if you think that Hardin's football program is on track, then no explanation would sufice you. And I happen to like Mike Morgan alot. Not saying its all his fault, maybe he did what he could, but the football team definately needs to go in a different direction. Good luck to Coach Morgan, and Anthony in Carthage. Oh yea, Yard Bird, quit getting your feathers ruffled. (pun intended)
  12. What kind of excuse do you think soking is looking for? The program is in shambles, its worse than terrible. I think what soking is trying to say is, that if a quality coach with a rep such as this one, can't turn the program around, then it may not be something a coach can fix.
  13. Heard the same thing, but I did not hear that he took his name out of the New Caney job. I hope he goes to Hardin, he would be what (IMO) Hardin needs.
  14. I would have to agree with ya. Don't know how this will work, should be intresting to say the least.
  15. I think Liberty has the better team, (seen both teams play this year), but I'll have to agree with everyone here, I wouldn't want to play HJ right now. When Liberty's offense gets going they can be tough. They seem to be pretty streaky though. Their defense is solid, but only use 2 pitchers (for the most part), both lefty's.
  16. They do have some "internal" options available. Ronald Scott, or Joe Slack could handle the job. But I agree with soking, they need to make a decision. Its going to be hard enough to get this program headed in the right direction. No one should have to get a late start on Preperations...
  17. I will have to agree with you, but when Liberty's bats get going, they can be hard to stop. Splendora's pitching can be tough also. When play-offs start, anything can happen.
  18. Newton has a great program, but don't take it out on EC for being in a weak district. Newton may have beaten EC this past year if they had played, but it wouldn't have been a blow-out. Yes 23-AA is a stronger district than 24-AA, but that has nothing to do with how good EC is. Obviously, Newtons "TOUGH" pre-season schedule didn't help them in the 2A play-offs this past year, so if record means so much to yall, schedule weaker teams. I pull for both of these teams when they get in the play-offs, and I am proud of both schools. Good luck this coming year.
  19. Well it wouldn't be a top quarterback list without him... ;D I look for Elliot from HD, Copeland from WH, and Nolan from Hardin to all make some noise next year, oh and Green from Dayton.
  20. Where's the video? Am I missing something?
  21. I'm sure an argument can be made for a few other players. But none of the other players lead their team to a state title. He's deserving enough for this not to be surprising. What other players do you have in mind?
  22. Not true, Hardin has one of the larger enrollments in the district. It may be true about the number of athletes though, but I actually know of alot of athletes there, that just flat out don't participate in certain sports. This program will have to be built from Jr. High up. Alot of the kids just don't have the right attitude to succeed in athletics. First thing I'd do, is get participation up as much as possible. Just My Thoughts...
  23. I believe EC will win. Hardin seems depleted. They're losing some more players aren't they? Hardin has yet to show that they can hit. Their defense is suspect, especially in the early innings, and they don't seem to want it this year. Just my observation. I don't know for sure. All that said, I'm pulling for Hardin....
  24. Done. This is a really good idea. But I noticed that I checked "excellent" on all the incentive ideas... Maybe a little selfish of me...
  25. Lets put Lidge in as a starter. Hold on now.... He could surely get more innings (hopefully) and maybe even learn to work himself out of some jams. He might could get over his mental problem by understanding that giving up some runs and hits is not the end of the world. As a closer, you give up a run or two, and it's devastating. As a starter, its not as big of deal. Just something I was thinking about.... But they'll probably bring up Nieve.
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