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Posts posted by warfan

  1. Brookeland 82

    Warren 78

    Exciting game with Warren playing with 4 players for half of the 4th Quarter.

    Most unprofessionally called game I've seen this year.  Refs had no control or sense of fair play.  Ejected two parents, told the fans they could not cheer for their team.  Warren down to 4 players with the foul count 21-7 and 7 minutes left.  Brookland had an intense press which drew almost no fouls.  This game was decided by the refs before the game started.  They paid much more attention to the stands than to the game going on in front of them.  Making eye contact and interaction with the stands is a no-no, and any quality refs knows that.  And don't give me "the you should try it", I called for 8 years and never once ejcted a fan (a coach or two yes).  No disrespect to Brookland they have a fine team, wish we could have played under different circumstances.  Good luck to you guys the rest of the season.

  2. what has happened to Warren this weekend???

    Shooters went cold as ice.  Still won 2 out of 3 thanks to the defense,  We had two starters gone today.  It was a rough weekend, third place was not what we were looking for.

    I have to say the officials were horrible the whole weekend, not just against Warren, they were bad across the board.  Must be running thin with all the tourney's taking place,  we had several 1st year refs calling varsity games.  Do you think it would be a fair statement to say that poor refs negatively impact the good teams more than the others?

  3. Threads like this are nice for chest-thumping, and, heck, yes, there is no 2A school in the state that is better than this year's HJ squad.  On any given night, though, Kountze or EC or several other 2A teams could beat us--especially if we miss uncontested layups and clang wide-open threes and don't make free throws, like what I saw us do last night.  Our defense alone might be enough to carry us... maybe.

    We should be supporting Kountze and EC, when we're not playing them.  It would be nice to see all our local teams, 1A through 5A, in Austin.

    WOW, I have been a supporter of HJ forever, didn't realize you guys were onlys supporting EC and Kountze in the 2A ranks.
  4. good game ...but the first time in my many years of bball to see a ref give a team an extra free throw because the students were yelling too loud while shooting the FT..... worst group of officials  i have ever witnessed

    I will not take any credit from Spurger they out-shot Warren and deserved the win.  But the refs were terrible.  They had no idea how to play basketball much less call a game.  It was almost comical how the Coach manipulated them.  Made the admin.  take the tamborine from the band,  then had the coach take up a megaphone then gave Spurger an extra free shot for noise from the student section.  The gave coach a technical for nothing.  It was a real shame that their inadequate knowledge forshadowed a great game being played out in front of them.  And if it wasn't lack of experience or knowledge then it's something more base. 

  5. This was a great game.  Like last year Spurger looks really really good early.  If they can maintain this level of intensity they will make the playoffs.  Spurgers #13 was the difference,  he made the shots when Spurger needed them.  Warren has absolutly nothing to hang their heads for.  The game plan was to control the post play and that they did.  Very few turnovers and they handled the press with little effort.  Foul count was very lopsided,  refs made the student section quite down (what up with that).  The Band made the night special for everyone.  Warren had the bench in quite a bit due to the fouls,  they are a couple of weeks away from where they need to be.  Sims had a good night, Andrews and Swinney was in foul trouble early.  Congrads to Spurger hope you have a great season after your touney. ;D

  6. Warren scrimmaged Spurger on the 10th,  the day after their last football game.  It was ugly on Warren's side, Spurger was clicking on all cylinders. This is going to be a good close game.  The same scenario went down last year except the game was later in the season. In fact it was Spurger's homecoming,  Warren won that battle.  It is going to be interresting to see if Warren has improved enought to handle a very good Spurger team.  Playing non-football teams early in the season is a good for the football schools, don't know if it is that good for the non-football team.  That's a good question for discussion.

  7. Warren might have stepped up the defense but you have to count bc's tough home loss the night before for some of that too. bc has some kids that can shoot the lights out but when you lose a tough game in OT with a last second lay-up after you were leading in the 4th it knocks out all the momentum and confidence you had... no confidence= bad shooting. bad shooting= good defense from the opposing team. but anyway good win warren good luck when district comes around.. cant wait to see how this district will turn out.

    If you were at the game there was no doubt that BC has shooters.  I was impressed with the intensity of their defense,  and I like their new coach as well.  BC has the best team they have had in years from what I saw. Keep up the work and listen to your coach.  Don't take this defeat to bad, you guy just ran into something that most folks are not aware of yet. 
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