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Posts posted by warfan

  1. Spurger played a good game.  I like the players and coach, they should do real well in district.  The Warren and Spurger boys know each other and are mostly friends.  It was a real shame the officials got in the way of a great game between friends and neighbors.  It was good to talk with beeninnikes, I'm sure we cross paths again.  The adversity that Warren seems to have to play with has been with us forever,  these young men will be great citizens with mucho character after basketball is over.  Special thanks to Coach Carter and Coach Hand.

  2. There would not have been as many turnovers if the refs would have call all the backcourt fouls.  Again, very aggressive press and trap but refs will not call the fouls.  How can an agressive team that is pressing and trapping have 12 fouls while the team being pressed have 4 times as many?  Just plain sorry calling.  The game is being ruined with poor, poor officiating.  If the UIL doesn't get a handle on this basketball as a skill sport is over.

  3. When we were calling, we were monitored and evaluated.  You had to have so many games, hours of instruction and positive feed back from evaluations to advance to the next level.  I know there is a serious shortage of refs and that has a lot to do with this state of affairs.  One way to help is to require college students entering the coaching field to call games.  Another, and this bother me to bring it up because I understand their frustration, is to be much less tolerent with the coaches on the side line.  However, a ref should tune out the crowd and the coach giving more attention to what is happening on the court.  And nothing beats education and evaluation,  nearly all the refs would respond positively if mentored by an experienced professional.

  4. You guys have all made valid points.  But at the same time I believe the lack of professionalism by (probably) untrained or inexperienced refs have changed the flow of the game.  Take the intense press that quite a few of the successful teams are using, it seems to me ,as stated, they should be drawing the most fouls, well, It's just not happening that way.  Those fouls in the backcourt are just not being called.  Handchecking, traveling and charges are also examples of violations that are not being properly administered.  9 time out of 10 times not making free thows and turnovers cost you the game. But the skill level is being deminished.  Back, a very long time ago and in another dimension when I called I would explain my calls to the players.  I believe the ref can also be a teacher on the court.  But, I am afraid I see very very few teachers calling now.  I have had trouble watching many of the games this year. I gave up refing when my son started playing and it pains me to see the direction it has gone.  It is his last year and, frankly, as much as I love the sport I'm glad.

  5. This district is too close to call.  Pre-season, I said Kountze, EC, and Warren.  What I didn't count on was Hardin, Anahuac, and Deweville playing this good.  My predictions are over with, just gonna watch it play out.  Good luck to all these teams.  Hope officiating doesn't factor into any of these teams losing out or wining for that matter.

    I agree,  this should be some race.  But, you know as well as I that there will be officiating issues! I just hope no local officials will be calling local games.  That's been a real stickler with me, having a coaches brother call a game, what's up with that.

  6. I haven't seen liberty play at all this year. Can someone who was at this game give me a heads up on what they have. I know they had a really good freshman group that is moving through the ranks. But overall as a team what are they looking like?

    They have a great group of refs!

    No, serously,  The had some big folks camped in the paint that will hurt you if allowed (and they were),  they have some very, very quick guards that play a pressure defense and drive to score.  Shooting didn't impresse me, poor skills, not real disciplined. Some of the guards may have been freshman, they were small.

  7. congrats liberty! sounds like it was a good game

    It was a close game, you just felt like Warren was going to pull it out but Liberty hit their free shots at the end.  It was a very brutal game. 

    I guess the game has changed from my day,  these teams that have the intense press just don't get called for all the contact in the back court.  Very little what I would consider good defense, they are playing defense by maintaining contact rather than foot speed.  Hand checking, slapping at the ball and reaching in seem to be the norm.  To me this cheapens the game. 

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