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Posts posted by warfan

  1. What I am saying is the officials let thug ball or street ball go on.  I don't blame the coaches or players for the style of basketball they can get away with.  I blame the Chapter and ultimantely the UIL for the problem.  My basketball interrest began in Kountze 34 years ago, I am not a kountze "hater" just hate what the game has evolved into.  The officiating in Warren is just as bad as anywhere else, I just believe the inexperience, untrained, underpaid and intimidated refs are doing a dis-service to the game and I am just sick of it.

    And to threaten to run up the score on a group of young men because of the remarks of an old man proves my point. mccktown.  After seeing what kountze did to Buna, I am sure if the score would be run up anyway if possible.  Where's the class in that? And to quote Forest Gump, "that's all I'm going to say about that".

  2. The fact is the outcome of this game was determined by the officiating.  Warren only went to the line ONCE the entire game for a shooting foul.  There were less than  12 fouls called for either team the WHOLE game and only 4 violations .  NO bonus at all.  Must have been the cleanest game EC ever played.  Yea right! With less than two minutes left and a 2pt game the ref. who had a silent whistle found it to call touch fouls on Warren.  Sorry,  I have watched this mess in EC and Kountze for 25 years and it makes me sick.  I have more respect for Pro wrestling than high school basketball in its current state.

    And we will see the same in Kountze next week, for sure.  I predict Kountze will bring the hard press and trap and will have half the fouls than warren.  Warren's top 3 players will foul out and brey will be threaten and slappin all the while.  Thug ball at it best.

    I have no ill feelings for the EC players and coaches the are just taking advantage of whats given to them.

  3. Really sad,  once again a game decided by the refs.   Hand checking, holding, pushing, bumping, slapping, 3 sec. violations and carrying  the ball not called. The change in calling in the last minute and half of the game determined the outcome.  Great game Warriors you deserved the win.  Like I've said before Warren just can't play the street ball allowed by poor officiating.

  4. Well that is if you don't have Huntsville Chapter Officials. We have a guard who reverse pivots ALWAYS and one of our officials called travel on him 9 times in one game. When asked how that was travel his reply was "It just didn't look right". But I can remember the days when the jumpstop between two defenders was just beginning to get popular and they called that travel all the time. Congratulations to EC and good luck on the remainder of the season.

    The jumpstop is just another example of inexperienced or untrained refs effect on the game.  They have pretty much killed this shot.  Back court defense has been ruined, for sure. Breaking the current press is like running through the Giants defensive line.

  5. The foul count in the Girls Varsity game was about right, way out of balance but Kountze pressed and trapped.  Kountze easily won that game with 3 times as many fouls as Warren.  I thought is was called O'kay.  Kountze deserved that win no question.  The same refs called the boys game with completely different results.  Same kind of press and trap but would not call the fouls.  I really believe the game is too fast for these guys to see the hitting, slapping and punching going on.  Contact is Contact and trying to judge the degree of contact or intent get us to were we are at today.  No finesse and little skill.  What do you expect a young man to do when he is attacked and threatened and the refs (who are there to protect our young folks) miss or ignore unsportsmanship like actions.  The coach can't say anything or he/she gets tossed, the fans can't do anything but yell and get ejected.  It's a sad state of affairs.  Someone is going to get seriously hurt and only after the lawsuits will something be done. 

  6. warfan...where were those 2 games you saw that the officiating was good?  I haven't seen too many well officiated games either...it seems to be getting worse every year or is that my imagination? 

    Was the game at EC or DVille?  I posted in another older thread that I am not ever surprised to hear about lousy officiating at EC.  You would think with the athletes/teams they consistently put out wouldn't need the extra help.  Gosh, they went really deep in last year's playoffs and I bet the officials were really good in the state tournament.  I guess the main idea of this statement is they are good already and if the officials are EC homers then they are just rubbing it in the opposing team's faces when they call biasedly for EC.

    One was in Warren when the Chapter president was calling and the other was in the Hardin/EC game (some may disagree with this one and it wasn't called great just one of the better ones).  The really, really bad jobs were at Zavalla and Spurger.  There were so many tournaments going on that rookies and jerks were getting games they should have been paying to watch.  The UIL has given the Officials more authority than responsibility.  Someone is going to get seriously injured or their civil rights violated and a lawsuit against an official or the chapter will ensue, mark my word.

  7. I will continue to say this for all the fans that keep complaining.  IF YOU DON"T LIKE THE WAY THE GAME IS OFFICIATED, GET OFF YOUR BUTT, GRAB A WHISTLE, AND TAKE THE FAN ABUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   IT IS THAT EASY!

    Its funny how I never heard a current or fomer official complain about the officiating, because they know how tough it is.  And also, only the losing team complains, never the winning!!!!!

    I am a former official and I  am disgusted at the state of officiating.  I know there is a shortage, but putting untrained, inexperienced, and rookied officials on the court is not the answer.  In my opinion the game is being ruined.  As I have previously stated, the players, the coaches and the fans are frustrated and it is going to get much worse unless the local chapters and or the UIL get involved.

    I think we need to require coaching students to officate.  We need to split the experienced teams up, placing an experienced ref with a rookie, especially with 3 man crews.  And we probably need to cut the number of games per night until a larger number of refs are available.  There is no real good answer but as it stands now, It's just plain not working.  I've only seen two games this year that had a good pair of refs(and we did lose one of these games). I quit calling when my sons started playing High School ball and will most likely return soon since by baby is a senior.

  8. Not crazy coaching,  LOTS OF CRAZY TALK!!.  The coaching level has gotten better across the district, and the talent pool is leveling out.  Hank has done a great job and will continue to do a good job. What is everyone going to say next year when all the "stars" are gone.  With the exception of Kountze, graduation will take a real toll. This season has just started and there are lots of games left.  Congrads Hardin, good win,  you have it locked, I'd start celebrating and make reservations for Austin now!

  9. Great post, kbmpkn!!  Right on.   I was ejected when I told the refs that I was here to help and If they had any questions on a call just look in the stands and I would help, this was before a game and the jerk took offense.  It was all in good spirits and jest having been a ref in another life.  These refs need to do COPE and anger management.  COPE stands for "Coaches and Officials Positive Expectations"

  10. Well, I am somewhat an expert about being ejected.  Normally a coach will recieve a tech, and after a second tech ejection is warranted.  Appartently, these refs really don't know the rules, they ejected both coaches without the first tech.  From what I understand, the UIL requires a visit to Austin after a second tech and ejection.  Not following protocol the refs would be wise to drop the subject.  These new refs have really thin skin and attitude.  We have a serious problem with the game and its officials. The shortage is forcing far to many refs to call games they are not ready for.  More training and experience is a must.  Frustration is building among the fans, coaches and players and it will get a whole lot worse if there is not something done.  In the 8 years I called I never ejected a fan, only one coach(the coach wanted it) and two players (fighting), a good ref can get a handle on a game without the conflict. In this particular case there is more to the situation than I care to get into here.

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