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Everything posted by LuvMyTrojans

  1. [quote name="Titletown2" post="1135562" timestamp="1322677414"] A couple of things: first, somebody posted that there were not many details about the fight. I believe in Mr. Saveat's statement he says those details were on an attachment that went with his statement. Second, according to BISD handbook the students involved should at least go to ISS for a first offense, anything after a first offense involves pathways. Anytime you're in ISS or Pathways you are banned from any extra carricular activities. . [/quote] I believe that is only for the day of the acticity.  So a kid could easily get 3 days of ISS and be back in time not only for the big game but in time to practice with the team.  Sad but true.
  2. [quote name="#1stangfan" post="1132240" timestamp="1322360894"] I know CS has a great defense and I think that will really be a challenge for the Mustangs.  However, doesn't the lack of offense concern CS fans a little?  [/quote] YES! :) It's a concern. But like all the other Trojan fans, we are assuming Monroe and Gilbert will pull us through.
  3. [quote name="cdoggett" post="1132118" timestamp="1322358362"] . I hope WOS travels a little better than they did today. Just an observation , I think the weather kept a lot of the good folks from Orange off the road. [/quote] Actually I thought there seemed to be a lot more WOS in the stands today than on Bullards side. Come to think of it... I think 5-10% of those were from Coldspring. ;) 
  4. [quote name="venom33" post="1131734" timestamp="1322347762"] stangs 21 gilbert 14 [/quote] That's just wrong!!! Funny...but wrong! :)
  5. I've been told several time about Lorena's team... how not only do you see their sportsmanship but they are really good about telling the opponent "great hit!" and "nice one!"  It makes losing to team as humble as them a little easier.  I'm proud of both teams for the good sportmanship displayed last night. 
  6. Thanks for posting.  Last night was another heart stopping game.  The sportmanship exhibited by both teams were amazing.  I'm very proud of both teams for a job well done. 
  7. After shuffling through the mud of this really long thread we FINALLY get to the good parts.  While no one is as eager to see a match up between WOS and CS as I am, I can assure you CS is preparing for the Lorena game on Friday, without thought to WOS.  I keep thinking WOW, CS pulled out 2 playoff wins despite injuries and illness.  How awesome are they going to be at full strength again?  Yes, I'm well aware of the saying "Results Not Excuses",  but I'd rather know that we lost giving it our all at 110% than to have to think about "if only..." Thanks for the stats and post jnunn.  Who says "Big corn fed boys" can't have brains?  God doesn't give ya one or the other... it can be both! I for one, just as I have every Friday this season, will continue my prayers as I sit in the stands during the games.  I pray that the boys stay safe and healthy, and that they continue to learn from the games and each other.  Oh and if He wants to bless us with a win... that would be ok too.  ;)
  8. [quote name="chs11" post="1123018" timestamp="1321675501"] We have got to figure out how to get more points up on the board, someway, somehow. [/quote] We have to get and keep ALL our boys healthy and uninjured.
  9. We were discussing the game last night on the way home and were talking about how many of our players are playing with injuries and illnesses.  I still swear that prayers are a major factor for our football team. (Especially after last nights game.) It saddened me to see in another thread last week that someone scoffed when God was mentioned as a key factor in Coldspring's games.  One of our team mottos is "We Believe".  Big news... It's not just our boys that we believe in.
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