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Posts posted by NDOMAKONG

  1. 4 hours ago, Mr. Buddy Garrity said:

    Well they could if we talking about beating Nederland, we wont have a shutout like those guys but im 99% confident/sure we'll hit the 40pt mark with the defense yall appear to have and win comfortably. :)

    Our defense actually didn't play bad, just on the field all night.  One of the first half scores.was a pick six.  They forced a turnover on downs and two pu ts i  the first half.  They were just gassed, lots of three and outs by the WOS D

  2. 52 minutes ago, class-99 Indians said:

    poke mon,huh,yeah you must have the mind of a kid,because only kids and wierd people play that stupid game,i bet you play it too,its ok you can tell us you play it,but be carefully i heard people getting hurt over that stuff,oh we dont get stuck indians have advanced this day and age,we have that fake grass! lol

    Is this post for real... like as in not a tongue in cheek or a joke...???  Are you 10?


    2 hours ago, WOSgrad said:

    Hey don't blame Gabe.  I warned the Bulldog faithful a couple of weeks ago that they were getting a little too mouthy on Twitter.  I reminded them of their past blunder, the "Sanderson's Victory Party."  All I got was someone talking about WO-S' early exit their first year in 4A (3A). 

    "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana,The Life of Reason



    You bring up a restaurant commercial... really?? 

    Thanks for warning.all of us mouthy Nederland fans.  How much mouthing did you hear on this board.   How many predictions and trash talking did you read on this board???  Nothing  but respect shown, but now this, sweet.


  4. 25 minutes ago, Cougar14.2 said:

    The most surprising to me is Ozen, I thought based on athleticism alone they would be able to get the corner two or three times and score 14-21 on Episcopal. Most disappointing was definitely Nederland though. I say it's the most disappointing because it's the hardest to explain considering the teams involved.

    WOS defense is "that" good, you had to see where Ned was in that scrimmage.   The defense played fairly well, just on the field all night.  Forced 4 or 5 punts/stops, something to build on

  5. 25 minutes ago, Cougar14.2 said:

    Most surprising shutout to me was Episcopal over Ozen. Walker and Wilson looked like men, especially Wilson but I was surprised Ozen didn't have a single playmaker on the field. Heck of s lot different than those Jeff Nelson teams used to look. Ozen looked uninterested in playing football. 

    I was high on Vidor but they looked better against WOS than they did against BH. I've officially move previously 0-27 Baytown Lee into playoff contention in 22-5A. Guys in the neighboring district took some serious arse whippings this weekend. 

    I know the game was cancelled but Lumberton, Ned, Vidor and Ozen combined for a total of 6 points opening weekend. Throw in Livingston losing by 28 to New Caney and you can assume there's going to be some bad football played in 22-5A this year. Luckily PAM is there to save the district. 

    This is definitely thee week to make this assumption

  6. Oline goes from right tackle to left, Corbin Smith, 3yr starter and Rice.commit at 6-5 315, to a junior named Torres at right guard, barely busti  215 I would guess but plays quick, to Senior and returning all district center Burke Badon, to soph left guard and relative unknown ? Miranda who goes im guessing 6'1 265ish, left tackle I think may be up in the air betweeb two seniors both good size kids Galantine and Sanders.  Should ve a solid oline, eventually, but wilk have their hands full Friday night.

  7. 1 hour ago, class-99 Indians said:

    do what you want,i want you to so at the end of season i can say i told ya so,200 rushing in a game against png wont happen,keep betting off the prac-tices you have seen or heard about,prac-tice is over brother.

    You need to throw a little Woooooo!!!! In there at the end Rick, brother!!! Mr. JET flying, limousine drivin....

  8. 7 hours ago, Cougar14.2 said:

    Let me get this straight, people expect Ned to get blown out by a team two classes below them but still expect them to compete for a district championship in 22-5A? No wonder there's threads started about what it takes to get respect. 

    This is about how good WOS is this year.  Most district contenders would be lumped into this category?

  9. 4 minutes ago, SFA85 said:

    Do the parents have a say in the district's policies like they would in PA or Bmt.  That's not intergration if they don't.  Besides, a lot of those parents sending their kids to schools in the 'Bubble' have some self-hate issues going on.  Same question for those parents:  does sending your kids to the Bubble guarantee them a spot in an Ivy League school or to study abroad?  If not, I call BS on that too.


    I think they are only being tolerated in 'murica's best ISD's only for athletic reasons.  The residents of said ISD's could give 2 bleeps less


  10. Nederland is very integrated.  I shop with all races at market basket, my kids go to school with all races and have friends spend the night and hang out from all races.  I can only do what we do in our family and community???  And all our many faces have created a diverse and very talented school district with some of the top scores in  the area, and one of the top athletic.programs. 

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