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Everything posted by Bulldog92

  1. There were more than a few years under GW that the defense was the strength of the team and we won despite not putting up huge numbers of points. I'd love to see that kind of defense played in Jasper again...
  2. He came directly to Jasper from A&I. After Jasper he went to Rockport-Fulton for a couple years, then to Coldspring, then to Newton where he now has been for several years. I don't remember that he was at Coldspring BEFORE he went to Jasper. Oh okay. I'll trust your memory over mine. You were more connected back then anyway...
  3. He coached a year or two in Coldspring before he came to Jasper, I think...
  4. that has always been important to me We need a coach that's going to be in jasper for more than two years. Need a GOOD coach that's going to be in jasper for more than two years. Twenty at least. I'm sure no one knew that GW would be there as long as he was, including him. It just kinda worked out that way. He had a young family for most of that time, too, and it would have been difficult to move them around. Maybe Micheaux is in a similar situation and needs a nice place to plant roots.
  5. that has always been important to me We need a coach that's going to be in jasper for more than two years. I noticed that also. On the plus side, he's young and probably a very talented coach that could be there for many years to come if he has success and likes Jasper. Maybe he has other influences that would keep him there. Coach Walkoviak had a few jobs before he settled down in Jasper, too, and they were roughly the same age when the Jasper job came up. I know it's hard to compare the two because these are different times, but we'd have to give him the benefit of the doubt if Brooks decides to bring him on board.
  6. As long as someone's running strength and conditioning, we should be fine. I'm not sure what they're allowed to do football-wise right now anyway.
  7. Man, you are going W-A-Y back to Durley, then Moffet! ;D You're not kidding. That's before I was even born...
  8. Good post. Sounds like you know your Bulldog football. I've posted that I'd prefer Johnston based on his strong connections to Barbay and Walkoviak, but I can see where you're coming from. It'll be interesting to see whose name emerges from the hat and what anyone there knows about him. Welcome aboard. It's always good to have knowledgeable Bulldog fans on the website. ;D
  9. It wouldn't make sense for Brooks to bring in someone like that. From what I know of him (Brooks), it would be WAY out of character to take a risk like that.
  10. Seems like a natural fit to me. I'm sure he's talked long and hard with Coach Walkoviak over in Newton about what it takes to build the Bulldogs. Nobody knows more about winning in Jasper than he does. Working under Coach Barbay for so long isn't anything to sneeze at, either. He'd win in Jasper and he'd stay there too. Get it done...
  11. Insulting other posters is not a good way to get your point across. :
  12. Sounds like somebody's got a "chip" on thier shoulder..... ??? He's just heavily biased towards basketball and he has that right. This argument is really like Custer going into Little Bighorn. It has no chance with anyone that's willing to look at it objectively, let alone everyoen else with a strong allegiance to football.
  13. You guys aren't going to be able to convince me of this without some concrete evidence. I'm trying to buy it because I love basketball just like you guys do and I'm happy that more kids are into it, but I don't. If I'm wrong, that's fine. I just don't see it.
  14. You're making some pretty bold suggestions in this post. I'm sure you can post links to the studies that were done to prove what you're saying. Tradition is a big thing to a lot of us and the burden of proof is on your shoulders if you're going to suggest that things are changing so drastically. Coming on here and putting out your opinion is fine and I respect it, but you need more than this to back it up.
  15. You didn't support anything. I have yet to see these numbers you speak of. Show me the numbers, man. If basketball was as popular as you say it is, the number of posts on this board would outnumber the football posts. In fact, the total number of football posts outnumbers basketball and baseball combined by roughly 70,000. That is a large enough sample to get a rough figure of what society in general would say. Is basketball gaining ground over where it was 20 years ago? Yes. Is it more popular than football? No. Never will be.
  16. Simple math my friend...Plus my guy nostradamus (another poster who happens to be a hoops coach)did some research. Show me. I'm more than willing to support your argument once I see the numbers that support it. I'm a bit old-school (35), so it's gonna take some work on your part to convince me.
  17. Where are you getting the numbers that back up your argument? I think this board is a large enough sample to back up mine. You're not asking about everyone in Texas anyway, remember?
  18. When I grew up down there, more kids just played football more than any other sport and a lot of kids played football regardless of season. Football games are more heavily attended, especially in places that traditionally win. All you really have to do is go to the board index. What topic gets the most attention on this board? Football. WRONG again....Taught PE classes....What do kids want to do INCLUDING football players? PLAY BASKETBALL! EVERY DAY! Football coaches try to run them out of the gym but THEY CANT!! WRONG! NEXT! Why does that make me wrong? I'd be willing to bet that if you took a poll of people on this board that they prefer football over any other sport. Again, look at the number of posts per sport. Football is more popular by a longshot.
  19. When I grew up down there, more kids just played football more than any other sport and a lot of kids played football regardless of season. Football games are more heavily attended, especially in places that traditionally win. All you really have to do is go to the board index. What topic gets the most attention on this board? Football.
  20. Say COOP any word on Jasper new coach man if they dont do some thing soon i think we wiil be so far behind with them have to learn a new system. The athletic department is supposed to be presenting a coach to the school board for approval on March 31. We should know something by late next week. No one knows for sure who the finalists are. We just have to be patient and pray for a return to the old-school, smashmouth Jasper football. ;D
  21. I'll throw in $5. j_dog is Daddy Warbucks and will foot the rest of the tab. Cowher would be a fool to turn us down. ;D
  22. I live in Seattle, so I'm not really close enough to the situation to know a lot about the candidates. I'm just tired of finding out that we're looking for a new coach every few years. We need someone that knows how to win and will want to stay in Jasper.
  23. I'm curious just like every other Jasper fan to know who it is, but as long as they get us the right guy I don't care how long it takes.
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