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Everything posted by tiptopfan08

  1. IMO I think that both pitchers did a wonderful job on the hill. Jones and Leggitt did their job when they came in also. I don't think Harrington was left in too long but I do think the errors cost him dearly including the 1st inning balk. The error at short in the 6th was huge. Png also has to start hitting with more consistency too. The 2nd half of any season is always interesting. PNG will be alright.
  2. I have a son that plays strictly baseball and he does not pay for anything (except his parking pass for the semester). They gave him books, fees, and tuition. He does attend a D1 school.
  3. I agree with the fact that it should be Central. This Central group is not the Central of the past. This team is not one that you can let 'hang around' very long or they will get ya. They have speed, pitching and some really dedicated players. I look for them to be even stronger next season and we are not even threw with this one yet.
  4. no, the bigtimer players are going to play in the league as drafted players to the teams during the week. They will be playing with the bigtimers as a team on the weekends. All players can use the extra at bats and fielding. All players should do this unless you have other ways to get in the workouts.
  5. The last time they met it was a great game and that was early on in the season. I think this one should be better than that one. PNG has got to hit the ball more consistently thru the game and minimize the errors.
  6. The Bigtimers groups has lots of talent on them. They have several age groups too.
  7. I like the Bunner kid too and also Harrington from PNG has been pretty strong too. The Westbrook boys are a couple that lead the pack tho.
  8. The 'full ride' issue can be taken several ways. I know as a parent of a player that was given a 'full ride' liked the fact my child lived at home. When he first started college, I liked the fact that I was able to help with the new stress of playing baseball at that level, learning the ropes of college and helping him make the adjustment to a D1 level of school. He was given the option of living on campus but he declined the offer. He was not a #1 pitcher in the rotation and he worked hard to prove and earn his scholarship. Juco's also do not just throw around scholarships. They have to be searned and kept too.
  9. My experience is that kids with good mechanics, solid performances, and consistency are good candidates for the Area Scouts. The Area Scouts are the first in scouts to see what potential the player has. If the player is reported and seen to live up to the reports then the next level of scouts come in to evaluate. What I am not sure you are talking about tho is are you asking about college recruitment or pro ball?
  10. Great 1st half PNG.....hope you keep it up for the 2nd half!!!
  11. Great job, Vidor!!!! Welcome back to the game VJ. We missed you!!!!
  12. Are you kidding me? PNG is not in there? I guess the losses in preseason is what is keeping them out of the ranks but it sure looks silly that PNG has beaten teams that are ranked and PNG is not even noticed? Go figure!!! ???
  13. I heard the same thing...that Smesney was gonna be on the bump for Dayton. Dewey pitched the whole game Friday against Nederland. Harrington will be back for PNG too.
  14. Congrats Joel!!!!! Great job Tigers for backing your pitcher!!! Keep it up!!!
  15. You have to be kidding?!?! I really hoped that opinions of men about what women are capabable of suceeding had really come around since the dawn of time. I have seen some really horrible umpiring by men (actually quite a few of them). They seem to think that when they put that uniform that they become the Almighty. Well, I can tell you that she can't do any worse than them. I will admit that there are good umps too. They don't get paid enough to take the heckleing that they get from fans. I have done it and you can never win being an ump. It takes a special person to get out there and do it.
  16. We were at another game but we listened to the game....Perry was on!! Cabra came thru with big hits. Go Dogs....way to pick it up!!!!!
  17. Clay plays for the RedSox organization, I believe. He is definitely movin on up in the world. :-*
  18. The kids don't have to be seniors to be some of the top players in the area. I think Bunner, Harrington, Sampere, and some others should be thought about too.They have not had the chance to sign with colleges but they will certainly get it done when they are eligible.
  19. Clay is sooooo awesome!! He has really worked hard to get where he is today. If Skip is reading any of this then he knows how much we all think of Clay. Skip, congrats on raising such a good young man and a wonderful athlete. This will not be the last we hear of Clay and the Bigs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. This is the scoop on Harrington. He was hit in the upper thigh by another players head. It is bruised badly and has knotted up. He will be fine in a day or so. He just needs to stay off for a day. This info was gotten from his family.
  21. We can't wait to see what happens next week when the Broncs play the Indians. This should be a really good game.
  22. This game was the ugliest game I have ever witnessed by PNG. There were 8 errors and they bad thing was is that they were routine plays. Coach Stone may need to rethink some things as far as the defense goes. The Indians were able to capitalize when they needed to but they got lucky that the Pirates did not do the same thing. I hope the winning streak continues but they are definitely gonna have to clean up their game and they need to start hitting more consistantly.
  23. Defintely Spikes for PNG. He has proven himself on the field, mound and at the plate.
  24. From what I am told..Vidor has Robicheaux on the bump and Harrington for PNG. This should be interesting.
  25. On any given day there is a possibility of anything happening. Both of these teams are high class teams with lots of talent. Harrington and Robicheau are both great pitchers and have alot to be proud of. They both have had to rely on their defense and bats to come out on the winning side. Nether team has the ability to win without great coaching behind them. I agree that Stone has the experience but Greene has proven to have the ability to bring something to the Vidor program that I have not seen in a long time. These kids will play and play hard. I know that the loss of VJ hurts Vidor but it will also give them the want to win for him and to prove that they can win without him too. PNG has the sluggers and speed on their side. It is gonna be a great game and they both have to keep errors to a minimum and if one is made they will have to capitalize on it. There is alot riding on this game for both sides. I will give the edge (small one) to PNG but it is gonna be nail-biter.
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