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Everything posted by DP#1FAN

  1. You might want to be looking forward instead of backwards. Your district is to tuff to worry about the past. You will have to have Dishon just to get out of district.
  2. That 3A district got a bad deal with that many teams in a district.
  3. East Chambers and Woodville should be a good matchup.
  4. Hopefully our area coaches will keep a close eye on there players.
  5. We should have a 6A like some other states do. As it stands right now it is all about the $. The uil makes more money than the Texas lottery.
  6. Pendland is one of the better backs in the state.
  7. Jack always has the Cats ready to play.
  8. Hey kicker, raider09 is having a REAL hard time admitting a few things that happen in the past. Maybe it is not Lumberton but DREAMWORLD! He has pm me all day. I hope his football playing is better than his spelling.
  9. That says a great deal about there coach. He goes out and beats the bushes for his kids. There is not many coaches like that anymore. LCM has a good one. Hope you can hang on to him.
  10. sounds good but they maybe short of doing it since there budget is short of money due to nontax paying people.
  11. raider09 you sure that's not raider15 read the post :wink:
  12. Is this the group from Lumberton that played Pop Warner? I thought so we beat them 36 to 6. Before the game the coach from Lumberton said in front of our players to our coach "I'll take it easy on you coach" I think that group will look good in glass slippers with matching skirts!
  13. I think they should also name the room where the board meetings are held after Coach Hooks also.
  14. They will likely win there district. Besides H.D. a very weak district. Waiting up in east Texas are some 1-A schools that could beat some 2A and 3A schools. I hope W.H. has a great year but to say they will win a state championship is far fetched. West Hardin should be one of the biggest schools in 1A. I think basketball will be on there minds come mid Nov. There team should also be very good. JMO
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