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Posts posted by MEM

  1. Practice has officially started in CS and it should be interesting to say the least....New AD/Head coach Bird has his dad Jim E Bird working for him as well as Bernie Busken (best known for his time in the state of Arizona as a head coach)....Don't really know what to make of this group. Somewhat surprised Busken was hireable given todays current climate regarding player treatment....Busken seems to have some baggage and detractors but I guess we'll see how it all plays out...

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  2. On 6/9/2018 at 0:25 AM, texaggies07 said:

    I think the people in Coldspring will be happy with the next hire. The guy will be a really good fit for Coldspring. 

    If he is indeed the new AD/Head coach why should CS be happy about this hire and what exactly makes him such a great fit?  Don't know much about him other than being the son of a coach who won a state title at China Spring.  Just curious because his record as a HC is more than concerning.

  3. 2 hours ago, bjimbo said:

    Those who were concerned about this could of read that on their own.  No further need to broadcast anything about this man.

    Disagree.  By and large we are all simply a product of our choices whether they be good or bad.  I don't think simply sharing a link that sheds light on what transpired takes away from the young man..We all make mistakes. Many of us are fortunate to not pay the ultimate price while many others are not. If anything it should serve as a cautionary tale as well as a great opportunity for others to educate themselves and loved ones on the dangers of opioids.  


  4. On the softball side if a girl is playing for a name organization with lots of good players (as in most of the team is D1 caliber) the head coach of the organization will many times be the main recruiting contact for college coaches and programs.

    Many select coaches are on first name basis with many of the top D1 coaches in the country.  The games are highly competitive and the big tournaments held in states like California, Colorado, Illinois, Florida, Alabama, Texas ect are heavily attended by many D1 head coaches.

    Of course outside of a college education and possibly playing some after college there isn't much money to be made in softball so that's why there isn't the potential money issue like there is with sports like football and basketball. However a good program with a good head coach will usually be heavily involved with recruiting for each player on their team. That's usually why the kids are there in the first place. 

  5. I agree he's a stand up guy. Have had nothing but positive experiences any time that I've crossed paths or had interactions with him...I think he'd be a good fit and do a good job but I sure don't fault him whatsoever if he looks at the situation and says no thanks, not interested.  The folks at Shepherd seem to really like and appreciate him and CS is akin to a dumpster fire right now..

  6. Not yet. Still interviewing candidate(s) which would make you think that it'll end up being someone other than Robinson...But then again who knows...Still can't believe CS is getting ready to have their 3rd head coach in the last 5 years.  

  7. 15 hours ago, idk said:

    I think a lot of them were thinking that Miles was just gonna come running back. And by the looks of how long this is taking that was not the case. I do honestly wish Coldspring the best, but when you run off really good coaches it can come back to bite you in the butt.


  8. I'm less interested in when as I am in who....Although it makes you wonder when searches/hires seem to drag on.  My thoughts are that the folks tasked with the search and hire are finding it a little bit tougher of a task than they imagined...But then again that would be giving them the benefit of the doubt that they know what they're doing and I'm not sure that's the case with at least half of the current board.

  9. I'm sure some of the delusional Coldspring folks (including probably a couple of the old holdover board members) think they can just easily go find another great coach....

    What many of them don't realize is when they allow what happened to Barbay to transpire it becomes much harder to get a quality coach to be willing to take a chance on coming to Coldspring. The coaching fraternity is for the most part a tight knit group and when they see a coach have the success Barbay did basically being discarded it rightfully raises lots of red flags.

    If you were a successful coach at another school would you risk the move?  Probably not. Right now their best hope is probably getting someone with hometown ties like Robinson to take the job. From everything I've seen from him over the last few years it seems like he'd probably be a good get.  Maybe he could come in a win while kissing enough admin/parent arse to keep his job. 

  10. That friend just got voted off of the school board, however, one of the new board members that was just voted on to the board is also a good friend of his...Not all coaches not from Coldspring will leave for a bigger school or more money after having success but it does need to be someone that likes coaching at a small town school...Barbay would've retired at Coldspring if he had of just been left alone to do his job...

  11. This is what happens when the locals allow a new superintendent to come and in and get rid of the only coach in the last two decades who could get his team to line up and play good football...You'd think the good folks of Coldspring would've known what they had after watching all of the bad years from the late 90's to mid to late 2000's....It reminds me of the old saying that those who ignore history are destined to repeat it...

    Don't know how many times I've heard people talk about all of the great talent that Coldspring has had in the past but had no one to take advantage of it...When they finally get a guy who knows how to take advantage of it they get full of themselves and think that the current success is due to talent and not the result of great coaching and that they can just get anyone to come along and continue the success...

    The last superintendent (Gibson who is now at Marshall) and every member who was on the school board when the decision was made to let him demote and ultimately run off Barbay are directly responsible for the current state of the football program.

    It was surreal to hear tonights broadcast team bring up Barbays name in the 3rd qtr of tonights game while openly questioning the future fate of the current head coach...It was also priceless hearing said play by play guy refer to himself as a friend of Barbay when he was one of the people on the school board at the time who thought Coldspring wouldn't have any problem finding another coach as good or better than Barbay...Good stuff...Unfortunately as is so often the case adults find a way to screw things up for the kids...


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