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Everything posted by LamarTech

  1. Good rumor I hope coachacola...I'd rather hire a coach than a legendary "last name"...
  2. If Cross was hired by LU, would he be the youngest NCAA Div I headcoach...ever (not counting part-time fill-ins)? Not that there is necessarily anything wrong with that in my opinion, just curious...
  3. Good luck Roc. I'm sorry. I was pulling for you with my season tix dollars. I doubt we'll ever have a LU men's BB coach that loves LU more than you...
  4. Newell sucked. Grey was a great clean guy...and a good coach...but before before everybody disses him behind this post as being some kind of Disney character, remember, it was his recruits that got us into the Duke game, our last NCAA appearance. We had Rowe and Jackson down low...we've not had a tandem that good in the low post since Grey recruited those guys. We had Holden at guard as a frosh...but he liked to smoke dope...was suspended after the Duke game and then started for the Univ of Tennessee afterwards.
  5. Does LU have any chance of making the SLC tourney? ...or is it too late?
  6. "Does anyone know the exact circumstances when we left the SBC orignally.  Where we asked to leave, or did we ask to leave?  Money? etc." I was on the advisory committee to leave the SBC at the time. It had nothing to do with Grey Giovanni's (sp?) job (he was actually a good coach I think...especially by our current standard...as in so who do we have better at guard today than his Matt Sundblad?)...it was all about the growing realization that the decision to kill football was a disaster...and how to bring it back. There's a lot of bad history from those days... In those days, Al Caldwell did the color with Dave for Lamar basketball. He was also an the advisory committee with me about leaving the SBC...he was the most most vocal about NOT doing so. He was passionate at the time about NOT re-joining the SLC...I know...I was there. History has proven him right. He'll not get any credit likely for LAMAR sports...too bad, he should..but at the least, he'll get credit for being a rock and roll icon, Big "KayC" partner...and former Blue Cap...not sure anyone on this post will know what Blue Cap means...but to drift further, I have a table at Al Caldwell's 75th birthday party in Winnie with Chuck Berry this weekend...
  7. I work in downtown Houston with some Rice grads. It's been a fun couple of days for this old Cardinal!
  8. Marlin's gone. So LU wins...by more than 10 unless we miss free throws. We've improved...and we'll be home. And again...Marlin's gone. That guy always found a way to beat us.
  9. Is it that Lamar has always had problems beating Sam?...or Bob Marlin. I think the latter. And now with him gone, we'll see...
  10. its shaping up that ROC might give Dave a post-game interview tonight :)
  11. Three years without making the SLC tourney is unacceptable.
  12. I agree. Next time the very talented Mike James takes one of those forced "hurry-up-wild-ass ridiculous-shots", he should be patted on the back and told that we all make mistakes...and that as John Lennon once wrote, "All we need is love..."........I think then a mandatory two day sentence in the Lamar College of Liberal Arts is in order!
  13. So what about the trend? Wasn't his 1st and 2nd years better than his 4th and 5th? Does that mean anything?
  14. Nice to know that after 30 years since our appearance in the "sweet sixteen" and the subsequent construction of the finest facility in the SLC that we've made this year to within 7 points of Nicholls State!
  15. Glad I didn't drive over from Houston to see this game. Those "over and back" drives are really long, especially on a week night. I'm a Montagne season ticket holder since it was built...and at times a ROC defender on this site. I'll keep my season tix as long as I have a job because I love lamar...but no more defending the state of this program. It seems to be close to anarchy. Interestingly, their conference record is not really all that bad. A tight, motivated well coached team could still be in the race with this record. But there's little evidence that is the case with this team. Too bad.
  16. The points raised by bigred360 are all valid...and I agree with him. I enjoy his posts. That said, we have two SLC road wins. That's a good poker hand. Let's play "conference poker" and see if we can salvage the season. There's talent on this team. You gotta love Lamb's rebounding skills at 6'2"! As sad as the A-State game was, it doesn't count. If Roc can salvage the season (and that is a big "if")...get us to the big dance for the first time since Deane's first season, I for one would support him staying.
  17. If he keeps winning as in winning the conference or at the least performing well in the tourney, he'll stay around...and he should. I'm glad everybody likes Lamb and James now...Lamb only was the leading JC scorer in the nation last year and one service had James the 60th ranked overall JC player in America. Seems ROC should deserve some credit for getting those guys to Beaumont. Maybe the JC guys are coming together. Typically, that takes some time. BUT.......if we fold in conference, then I agree...time's up. In the meantime, I'm happy the Cards got a SLC road win today. Now let's take out McNeese!
  18. What mistake did he make at McNeese other than not winning? His last four years there he never finished higher than 5th. Is that really what we need?
  19. "I really thought that Tic Price was a good coach and would bring something to the floor coaching aspect of LU Basketball." What aspect of his career would lead one to think that? Most really good coaches leave jobs and move on of their choosing...Mr. Price moves on because he gets fired. That said, I'm wishing the whole team good luck starting conference play. There's some serious raw talent on this team. Perhaps they'll gel at the right time...conference. If so, then Roc and his staff deserve some kudos. I hope that is the outcome. But as others have said, if not, then notwithstanding Roc's love for Lamar, we need to rethink the direction of the program after this season...at least that's my opinion.
  20. Well stated BigRed360...at least from my perspective...
  21. Price isn't the answer (please no...he was forced out after an affair with a student at Memphis and then was fired at McNeese after 5 years of basically .500 winning percentage). Neither is digging up Abetamarco. Would've loved to have had Marlin as his SHSU teams consistently were better coached over the years than us as well as most other SLC teams. $300K/yr over 5 years probably rules him out. I predict he'll turn the program around at ULL. Billy Gillispie still needs a job, right? Maybe a return to college coaching in Texas after his rehab stint would be appealing to him, though probably not at Roc's salary. I do think its time for Roc to leave, but I'm certainly not mad at him. I was pulling hard for him as an alum...and I still hope that perhaps he can miraculously turn things around; but frankly, my mind was made up sitting in the stands at Rice and watched us totally collapse in the final minutes after leading almost the whole game. We haven't played a good half of basketball since then.
  22. Isn't Bob Marlin there? His coaching is worth at least 10 points?
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