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82 5A State Champs

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Everything posted by 82 5A State Champs

  1. Coaches thought Yoeman ran the offense better than Elai. I personally dont think so, at least not from what I'm seeing.
  2. Geez, Yoeman is 0 for 6. He is as inaccurate as Brock Osweiler.
  3. Nice. Apparently the QB swap is working well? He's not overthrowing receivers, or anything?
  4. Well, if they're not responsible enough to take care of their business, then we dont need them. Next man up!
  5. Soulja was telling me that we swapped QBs. What's up with that?
  6. Could have been alot worse, if the kids had played 4 quarters.
  7. Sloppy play, and that secondary is still suspect. Dang, Bruins!
  8. Brook is playing sloppy, now that they've got a 3 possession lead. No team is invincible.
  9. I havent decided if West Brook is that good, or if United is that bad. Anyhow, the Bruins are having their way with the Timberwolves.
  10. Keep the updates coming. Working tomorrow, so couldn't travel to the game.
  11. I hope the district finishes out like this. Pulling for Channelview, and Deer Park.
  12. With the defense we put on the field each week, we will be one and done, regardless of which division we're in.
  13. If I'm not mistaken, I believe that's West Brooks first win over Lamar. Nice job, Bruins!
  14. Oh, my bad. They've always been the Redskins, until some liberal told them to be offended. Old habits are hard to break. Lol
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