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Posts posted by Slam14

  1. [quote name="skipper" post="1048612" timestamp="1315072626"]
    :-[ >:( >:( >:( >:( i just cant to the life of me understand(WHY) someone on the coaching staff there at wo-s is calling for FGs on 3rd down and very short  hafe a link of the chain whats going on is this a new thing in high school football are is it that someone has NO FAITH in ther team to me that stinks and i feel for the kids there that work ther tails off :-X

    Get a clue skip......it looks like you are the president of the "No Faith" club. 
  2. Chuck McClain was one of the nicest people anyone could have had the privilage to know.  I'm glad I had that opportunity.
      My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to the McClain family.  I've spent most of the day thinking about Chuck.  As I've thought about Chuck, I find myself coming back to three descriptive words:  Character,  individuality,  and personality.  Together these three things give you the sum of the characteristics possessed by a person.
    [b]CHARACTER [/b] refers to moral qualities, ethical standards, and principles.  Chuck was a man of sterling character.  Chuck's character and "like-ability" drew others to him and nobody ever had to question where Chuck stood.
    [b]INDIVIDUALITY[/b] refers to the distinctive qualities that make one recognizable as a person differentiated from others. Chuck was truly an individual.  He always got along with everyone, but was not afraid to speak up if he had an opinion that wasn't mainstream.  A great quality that he handled with tact if he didn't agree.  Chuck always supported his thoughts with fact and reasoning rather than argument.
    [b] PERSONALITY [/b] refers particularly to the combination of outer and inner characteristics that determine the impression that a person makes upon others.  Chuck's personality was one that everybody always enjoyed being around.  Chuck personality was open, honest, and truthful.  Chuck's personality was one that always treated everyone else with respect.
    Most of my opportunities to get to know Chuck were through the Orange CRUSH organization.  He will be missed by the CRUSH family as well a big part of the community.
    I'm glad I had the chance to know Chuck McClain. 

  3. LCM had chances to put both of todays games away, but couldn't close.  Very hard fought series.  Cody Smith pitched a great game 2 for LCM.

    Montgomery is a VERY young and talented team.  The best defensive team I've seen all season.  Montgomery had their backs to the wall several times today, but responded every time.  Sometimes you have to give credit where its due.
  4. [quote name="skipper" post="1002809" timestamp="1303916893"]
    TD,Dont You Think Its Just A Little Late For HIM To Make A Move .

    I'm sure TD can answer for himself, but there are still a LOT of coaching changes being made around the state.  There is movement all around in our area and even more around the state.  New Head Coaches will bring on their own staffs and shuffle coaches on the existing staff.  Some will even have those choices made for them.
    Even though Coach Thompson won't "overturn the applecart", it's still his program to run now and some changes may be in the future at WOS.
  5. [quote name="leonard sly" post="1000328" timestamp="1303320081"]
    If/when it'll be state ruled, county wide, each school will keep it's identity IMO.

    Might be triggered by financial problems....just like Stark and WO, again just my opinion.

    Each school keep it's own identity, but be "tied together" in a consolidated district?  Interesting concept.

    Scenerio 1:  LCM finally passes an "umpteen-million dollar" bond to build a new High School & Junior High and then the next year consolidate to have the other good people of Orange County help pay for it?
  6. [quote name="slick74" post="1001547" timestamp="1303526386"]
    [quote author=Slam14 link=topic=82293.msg997478#msg997478 date=1302818898]
    [quote author=slick74 link=topic=82293.msg988400#msg988400 date=1301098823]
    Don't know how many teachers/aids/coaches were involved with all the cuts that was announced today at school, but was told that the girls basketball coach was one of them. Anybody have any more info on this?

    This thread is going down the same old path it always does about 3 times a year.  This has nothing to do with "administrative job cuts".  It's the same old song and dance about downing the coach.

    Slam, I don't understand why you would say that this is "downing the coach". As my headline says lumberton cuts positions! I still don't know how many teachers/aids/coaches were involved with all the cuts with the exception of about 6 people. My only ? was who would replace coach wolf.

    And yes i do have a daughter who plays basketball at the school. I'm just a wondering parent just like everybody else who has a daughter playing basketball in lumberton.

    Slick and 5,
      My bad to some extent.  I had not yet confirmed that Coach Wolf had lost his job when I first saw this thread and thought this was just another run at rumors.  I  jumped the gun with some finger pointing.  My words were just random and not directed at anyone in particular.  Sorry if anyone thought I was aiming at them.   

    Good luck to your girls and I hope you find what you want in a coach.
  7. [quote name="fiveoclocksomewhere" post="997653" timestamp="1302878498"]
    Slam, I would like to know what I posted here that "downs" anybody?  The players and parents are interested in who might be coaching next year. That is all I have seen on here.

    You haven't really thrown any daggers yet, but my point is that this will head where several others already have on nothing but rumor about Coach Wolf. (see the 43 post thread from February..."Lumberton girls coach".   Just saying...  
  8. [quote name="td" post="997326" timestamp="1302799897"]
    [quote author=WOSgrad link=topic=82860.msg997278#msg997278 date=1302794035]
    And td, it shouldn't be left to rumor.  Those taxpayers and patrons of Mustangs games, who pay Colbert's salary and will pay the salary of the new coach, have a perfect right to know who this committee is considering as the athletic director of this school district.  The rumors are flying because this committee has made NOTHING known.  Tho public has been given nothing to judge and see whether this committee has chosen the best candidate.

    I'll say this about Erick Guillory, I think he is a snake that is in on this, but at least he been willing to interact with the public on the matter. However, the committee as a whole has failed to act with the "transparency" that was promised by Mr. Colbert.  Until that changes, they themselves are fostering the belief that this is not on the up and up.  

    There is a lot in your statement that I absolutely agree with. I think it would be nice to know who the candidates are also. It's times like this that I feel compelled to hold my tongue just because I'm running for the school board. However, that's not my style. Never has been, never will be. You having a RIGHT to know is absurd. Our only rights are found under the FOI act and no one is begrudging us that. That's like telling a cop he can't give you a ticket because you pay his salary. The public votes on the board, the board hires the Super, he recommends the AD then the board has to approve that decision. What you are wanting to do is micro-manage and that's never a good idea. Don't take what I'm saying as being on a different page as most of yall on here. I just think sometimes we think we are owed more than what we really are. We hire people to do a job. Let's let them do that job. If something is not on the up and up then there is a committee to stop it and if that doesn't happen then there is yet another line of defense and that is the school board that can also stop it. I understand the lack of confidence in the school board but if this thing goes in a different direction than we are all thinking, then there will be not only the Super, but the committee and the school board to hold accountable.


    Place this post in bold letters and delete all the rest in this thread. 

  9. [quote name="slick74" post="988400" timestamp="1301098823"]
    Don't know how many teachers/aids/coaches were involved with all the cuts that was announced today at school, but was told that the girls basketball coach was one of them. Anybody have any more info on this?

    This thread is going down the same old path it always does about 3 times a year.  This has nothing to do with "administrative job cuts".  It's the same old song and dance about downing the coach.
  10. [quote name="01sNanan" post="991322" timestamp="1301643560"]
    I was at this Tournament all weekend and have to say the best game (Champoinship Game) was the first bracket game, Houston Wrath vs. Bayou Bats. This game was 0-0 through the entire game with excellent sportsmanship from all on both sides. Both teams made unbelieveable plays and the final score was 2-0 in the last inning Houston Wrath took it.

    First I want to say to #7 (Houston Wrath Pitcher) who's pitching hand was injured by a line drive in the first inning by the second batter for the Bayou Bats. This child had to leave and go to the hospital. She returned later in the day with three fingers sprained,  #7 did not play the rest of Sat. Her three fingers were black with bruising.  Sunday morning #7 was on the mound again with her swollen bruised fingers and pitched every game Sunday all the way through the Championship game! #7 you are one tough kid with a heart for your team and SOFTBALL!!!

    4th place game Houston Wrath vs. Bayou Bats final 4-0. Bayou Bats lost both of their bracket  games to Houston Wrath. In these two games combined Boyou Bats only gave up six runs. Love waching the Bayou Bats play. These girls have fun, play hard, smile, and Coaches are having a blast! It brings a smile to your face and heart to sit back and see the love on this field. All their parents sit together, they chant for their girls together. The Coaches can say one word to the fans and the entire bleachers scream a kids nickname. Not one girl on his team is called by their name, all nicknames! Coaches smiling and jumping around in joy for their girls it doesnt matter if they hit a homerun or strikeout! AND EVERYONE KNOWS WHEN BAYOU BATS ENTER THE PARK WITH THEIR MOTORIZED CART/ BAT BAG HOLDER/ STEREO ALL IN ONE. LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!

    [b] 3rd place game Houston Wrath vs. Orange Crush 18-1. First off I would like to speak on behalf of the Golden Triangle. All of our girls are a joy to watch and can't wait to see these kids at the High School level, they are talented and have heart. With that said it was a total embarassment to see the Orange Crush Coach charge the Wrath Coach yelling and making a complete fool of himself in front of everyone. Reason?? He thought they should have let up on the score. REALLY??? We are all role models for these girls. Well if this is a role model I hope to NEVER see him again and hope my team nor anyone else's team are ever exposed this pitiful excuss for a role model again.  Nothing taken from the kids on Orange Crush at all. They are great kids and play hard. Huge THANK YOU to Houston Wrath Coach who walked away. Just being from this area it was a terrible embarassment to all of us and especially his girls and any other child that had to witness this. Umpires should have banned this guy from EVER stepping foot in Ford Park again.[/b] Championship game, Houston Wrath vs. OOC final score can't remember exact score but was Houston Wrath by at least 15 runs. KUDOS to OOC out of Lumberton for never giving up and all fans and Coaches showing great sportsmanship throughout whole tournament. PROUD OF YOU GIRLS!!


    Bayou Bats-Jeff Boudreaux/Jennifer Bramblett, Orange Crush-Codi Trahan, Unleeshed-Steven,  Out Of Control-Lumberton Coaches, Mid-Co Mojo- Nederland Coaches:  STAND UP COACHES GREAT SPORTSMANSHIP Y'ALL CONTINUE TO MAKE A DIFFERANCE IN ALL OF THESE YOUNG LADIES LIVES!!!!

    Wow!  This tourney didn't even break even if EVERYBODY played in the championship!???

    01sNanan - First of all I don't have a daughter in this age group or playing now so I have no personal heart ache here, but I do have a little experience and insight.  I think your bashing of this Orange Crush coach is a little misguided.  An 18-1 10U game with the leading team still stealing home?  Really?  And the point to this was?  The REAL embarrassement are folks who want to preach morals, sportsmanship, and role models only to show none of these things themselves. 
      As a parent you can't always be there every minute 24-7 so ANYBODY that I entrust my 10 year old daughter to I would want them to always have her back and stand up for her.  I would demand it.  Sounds to me like the OC coach did just that...stood up for his girls when others forgot what it was all about.  You're efforts are to turn people "the good people of the golden triangle" against this coach.  Hell, if I had a 10U daughter this is the type of guy who I'd want mine playing for! 

    You probably didn't really mean any harm, but my gut feeling is you're a mom (or grandmom) who this 10u player is your first softball experience.
  11. [quote name="badass3" post="967914" timestamp="1297981641"]
    I was at the game...coach jacks got a technical for talking to his assistant on the bench and the official was on the other side of the court and walked over to him...the second one was with 26 seconds left in the game and the coach was in his team huddle talking to his daughter and the same official gave him another. If you knew the background of this said offical maybe it would make more sense. The official also lied to the uil about the situation...in my opinion something should happen to him about it...or maybe the uil shouldn't just take the officials side of the story. This official also coaches in Vidor's district.
    Coaches in the Vidor district?  WOW!

    Surely there is game film the UIL can review and decide for themselves.
  12. [quote name="The Ingredient" post="967847" timestamp="1297971931"]
    [quote author=fiveoclocksomewhere link=topic=80253.msg967668#msg967668 date=1297956137]
    Slam14- You are mistaking me for for my good buddy with twin freshmen daughters.  ;D Thats a compliment. My daughter is a little older. Has played for Coach Gholson for two years.

    Solo and Slam-Thanks for the comments and good advice.  I agree with you both for the most part. You can't let a coach run you off. That's why I told my daughter to suck it up. She loves playing basketball. I have no doubt in that. But I also doubt she will play next season for this coach. She will play the sports that she gets the most enjoyment from. She will make up her mind this Summer. Fortunately she is able to play pretty much any sport and do reasonably well. But I love watching her play BBall.

    At what point does "tough coach" turn into "verbally abusive a-hole"? Very few of these kids have aspirations to play beyond high school. Why should they be subjected to being told every single day how bad they suck? I understand being tough. But why be mean-spirited also?

    And yes Solo, there have been some parents that get overly involved and it transfers to the daughter/player. I have done my best to keep out of it. When my daughter has had a problem she has met with the coach on her own, without parents involved.  I was pretty proud of her for that actually.
    Thanks again for the comments and advice.


    Let me thow in my 2cents here:
    First of all as coachs we are not perfect and I have yet to meet a coach who is not very competitive in what we do. So we are going to push our kids to be the best they can be. Some kids just want to be part of a team and have fun. If as coaches we allow that for some kids, then the one's who are competitive will suffer, be it loses or just not being the best team they can be. IMO if you're only in it for the fun of it GET OUT! [b]Competitive sports are not for everyone.[/b] Doesn't make the kid any less in my eyes. Some of my favorite kids I teach do not play sports and they are GREAT kids who will be successful in life!
    Whether or not you are a "tough coach" or an "a-hole" is an easy question to answer. WHEN and HOW is whatever is being considered negative being said?? If a kid doesn't get back on defense, he/she is likely going to hear about it, and he probably isn't going to like it. We as coaches aren't going to sugar coat anything. Being told you "suck"(not a good choice of words obviously) should motivate you to work harder so you don't "suck". What competitive person isn't trying to be the BEST that he/she can be??? Ever been scared to fail???

    I, and I bet you, used to think our dads were a-holes. I did!! Looking back, he was an a-hole when I was NOT doing what I should have been doing! He wasn't an a-hole, I was an idiot!

    Now if ANYONE, a coach or dad or whoever is an "a-hole" when you're doing what is right, then you've crossed the line and it becomes abuse as opposed to "tough love."

    Now, I don't know first hand how Coach Gholson treats his girls, so I will not comment on who is right or wrong here.

    I will only tell you the world is a mean, cruel place. And what I learned from my dad and coaches prepared me for that world, even though at the time they were preparing me, I didn't realize what was happening...

    Good post. 

    There is still a big gap between those who are REALLY in it to compete and those who are satisfied with a "participation ribbon"!
  13. [quote name="Slam14" post="967375" timestamp="1297899192"]
    [quote author=fiveoclocksomewhere link=topic=80253.msg967238#msg967238 date=1297885741]
    Good comments, Slam14.  

    I have not seen anything at a game either.  I guess my point is five varsity players all leaving the program over something that does not involve basketball bothers me.  None quit over lack of playing time. 2 were starters.
    Very few coaches will be liked by everyone. I understand that. But how can a program build when the best players keep leaving?

    And yes, there are incidents of embarrassing kids at practice and halftimes that have caused the ruckus. I won't post the details, only to say if the comments were made to your 15/16 year old daughter, you would be pissed.

    I just think it is dumb to run off your best players.  

     You make good points in your posts and always seem to be pretty level-headed where some people post wild rants. Thats why I'm interested in seeing what's going on here.  I really do understand your concern, and everybody just wants the best for their daughters.  (If I'm not mistaken I think you have reason to be "double" concerned  ;D)  
     I agree with other posters in the fact that I think it is much wiser to "coach girls up" than to tear them down, but sometimes individuals respond to different approaches.  (I am not implying you should embarrass or be-little anyone.)

    I thought our coach was as tough on my daughter as she was on any player in our system.  Tough, demanding, but not out of line.  I accepted that (and my daughter accepted that) because I thought my daughter had the talent and ability to be pushed.  [b]"From those who are given much...much is expected."  [/b]  

     I guess I ought to stay out of this because I really don't know and see what you see.  But what I do know is that there are a lot of variables in these type of situations, so make sure you identify all those variables before you pin all of the problems on just one of the pieces to the puzzle.

    Hope things go well for you and your daughters.

    Apologizes to fiveoclocksomewhere...I just realized that I think it's "LR2014" who has twin daughters at Lumberton.  Sorry for my mistake.
  14. [quote name="Riding Solo" post="967523" timestamp="1297913337"]
    [quote author=Slam14 link=topic=80253.msg967519#msg967519 date=1297912931]
    [quote author=Riding Solo link=topic=80253.msg967420#msg967420 date=1297906108]
    [quote author=fiveoclocksomewhere link=topic=80253.msg967144#msg967144 date=1297876795]
    Charlie Wilson has been coaching a girls BB team in Louisiana. ( Comuting from Lumberton.) If the position were to open, I think he would be open to return. Beats driving an hour one way to work!  He still has a good relationship with LISD.

    Last time I spoke to him, Gholson says he will be here next year.  Like other districts, Lumberton will be cutting salary as much as possible.  Who knows what can happen when the cutting starts. 2012 contracts are approved in March, I think.

    Loudmouth asked-"Where did this start?"   There have been complaints to the school board about the number of varsity players that have quit the program in the past 9 months.(5 players) In fact one player that quit is the daughter of a school board member. There were some heated words exchanged. The players that left the program all cited pretty much the same reason for quitting. They did not like the way the coach treated them.

    My take, as a parent has been to tell my daughter to toughen up, listen for the message being said. NOT the WAY it is being said. ( And I admit that I may be wrong. )

    Gholson knows his basketball, practices the players hard. Which is good. But there is most certainly a problem with the way the kids are being treated. You don't have to embarrass a player to get 100% out of them.  I believe that players play harder for a coach that they respect and like. That respect is a two way street. Players these days don't take well to the Bobby Knight treatment. They will say "screw this" and quit.

    Does this sort of thing even come up at Orangefield or Hardin Jeff, or Barbers Hill?  Seems like the players actually LIKE their coaches at the more successful programs. 

    However it shakes out, Lumberton needs it's best players on the team.  Can a coach change?

    Yes, it does go on in the successful programs. IMO here is the deal. If a kid loves the game enough NO coach can make them quit. If a kid quits then they were going to quit anyway. Sorry but their loss. The problem is, parents discuss their displeasures with a coach infront of their kids. Therefore the kids turns on the coach.  Most of the kids today would quit if they had to play for a coach 30 years ago. I really enjoy listening to basketball game on the radio. That way I don't hear all the negativity from the stands. Some parents not all have lost complete control. This is not directed at any of you. Your post are good and asking fair questions. Just don't think it is all the coaches fault. Apparently the ones that quit did not love the game enough. Peace!!!!

    OK, lock the thread!  Riding Solo laid all the cards on the table and didn't pull any punches!   Sometimes you have to just cut straight to the chase!

    That is the best post I have ever read. LOL!!! good job Slam.

    ;) ;D
  15. [quote name="Bobkat" post="967297" timestamp="1297889824"]
    I know it's a new school, so I'm assuming the high school gym is new as well!!! Any BH folks wanna shed some light on the subject...Orangefields game with Sealy has been moved there!!!

    Thanks in advance!!!
    Very nice gym [u]AND[/u] school!  After you finally make it inside its also a long walk through the halls of the school to get to the gym.
  16. [quote name="Riding Solo" post="967420" timestamp="1297906108"]
    [quote author=fiveoclocksomewhere link=topic=80253.msg967144#msg967144 date=1297876795]
    Charlie Wilson has been coaching a girls BB team in Louisiana. ( Comuting from Lumberton.) If the position were to open, I think he would be open to return. Beats driving an hour one way to work!  He still has a good relationship with LISD.

    Last time I spoke to him, Gholson says he will be here next year.  Like other districts, Lumberton will be cutting salary as much as possible.  Who knows what can happen when the cutting starts. 2012 contracts are approved in March, I think.

    Loudmouth asked-"Where did this start?"   There have been complaints to the school board about the number of varsity players that have quit the program in the past 9 months.(5 players) In fact one player that quit is the daughter of a school board member. There were some heated words exchanged. The players that left the program all cited pretty much the same reason for quitting. They did not like the way the coach treated them.

    My take, as a parent has been to tell my daughter to toughen up, listen for the message being said. NOT the WAY it is being said. ( And I admit that I may be wrong. )

    Gholson knows his basketball, practices the players hard. Which is good. But there is most certainly a problem with the way the kids are being treated. You don't have to embarrass a player to get 100% out of them.  I believe that players play harder for a coach that they respect and like. That respect is a two way street. Players these days don't take well to the Bobby Knight treatment. They will say "screw this" and quit.

    Does this sort of thing even come up at Orangefield or Hardin Jeff, or Barbers Hill?  Seems like the players actually LIKE their coaches at the more successful programs. 

    However it shakes out, Lumberton needs it's best players on the team.  Can a coach change?

    Yes, it does go on in the successful programs. IMO here is the deal. If a kid loves the game enough NO coach can make them quit. If a kid quits then they were going to quit anyway. Sorry but their loss. The problem is, parents discuss their displeasures with a coach infront of their kids. Therefore the kids turns on the coach.  Most of the kids today would quit if they had to play for a coach 30 years ago. I really enjoy listening to basketball game on the radio. That way I don't hear all the negativity from the stands. Some parents not all have lost complete control. This is not directed at any of you. Your post are good and asking fair questions. Just don't think it is all the coaches fault. Apparently the ones that quit did not love the game enough. Peace!!!!

    OK, lock the thread!  Riding Solo laid all the cards on the table and didn't pull any punches!  Sometimes you have to just cut straight to the chase!
  17. [quote name="fiveoclocksomewhere" post="967238" timestamp="1297885741"]
    Good comments, Slam14.  

    I have not seen anything at a game either.  I guess my point is five varsity players all leaving the program over something that does not involve basketball bothers me.  None quit over lack of playing time. 2 were starters.
    Very few coaches will be liked by everyone. I understand that. But how can a program build when the best players keep leaving?

    And yes, there are incidents of embarrassing kids at practice and halftimes that have caused the ruckus. I won't post the details, only to say if the comments were made to your 15/16 year old daughter, you would be pissed.

    I just think it is dumb to run off your best players.  

     You make good points in your posts and always seem to be pretty level-headed where some people post wild rants. Thats why I'm interested in seeing what's going on here.  I really do understand your concern, and everybody just wants the best for their daughters.  (If I'm not mistaken I think you have reason to be "double" concerned  ;D)  
     I agree with other posters in the fact that I think it is much wiser to "coach girls up" than to tear them down, but sometimes individuals respond to different approaches.  (I am not implying you should embarrass or be-little anyone.)

    I thought our coach was as tough on my daughter as she was on any player in our system.  Tough, demanding, but not out of line.  I accepted that (and my daughter accepted that) because I thought my daughter had the talent and ability to be pushed.  [b]"From those who are given much...much is expected."  [/b]  

     I guess I ought to stay out of this because I really don't know and see what you see.  But what I do know is that there are a lot of variables in these type of situations, so make sure you identify all those variables before you pin all of the problems on just one of the pieces to the puzzle.

    Hope things go well for you and your daughters.
  18. [quote name="fiveoclocksomewhere" post="967144" timestamp="1297876795"]
    Charlie Wilson has been coaching a girls BB team in Louisiana. ( Comuting from Lumberton.) If the position were to open, I think he would be open to return. Beats driving an hour one way to work!  He still has a good relationship with LISD.

    Last time I spoke to him, Gholson says he will be here next year.  Like other districts, Lumberton will be cutting salary as much as possible.  Who knows what can happen when the cutting starts. 2012 contracts are approved in March, I think.

    Loudmouth asked-"Where did this start?"   There have been complaints to the school board about the number of varsity players that have quit the program in the past 9 months.(5 players) In fact one player that quit is the daughter of a school board member. There were some heated words exchanged. The players that left the program all cited pretty much the same reason for quitting. They did not like the way the coach treated them.

    My take, as a parent has been to tell my daughter to toughen up, listen for the message being said. NOT the WAY it is being said. ( And I admit that I may be wrong. )

    Gholson knows his basketball, practices the players hard. Which is good. But there is most certainly a problem with the way the kids are being treated. You don't have to embarrass a player to get 100% out of them.  I believe that players play harder for a coach that they respect and like. That respect is a two way street. Players these days don't take well to the Bobby Knight treatment. They will say "screw this" and quit.

    Does this sort of thing even come up at Orangefield or Hardin Jeff, or Barbers Hill?  Seems like the players actually LIKE their coaches at the more successful programs. 

    However it shakes out, Lumberton needs it's best players on the team.  Can a coach change?

    I'm an outsider looking in so I don't know the "specifics" that you may know, but I just don't see those things in the coach.  I have never seen him embarrass a player while coaching against us.  I do know of one big instance this season when he came to the defense of his team when he thought SOMEONE ELSE was trying to embarrass his girls.

    I agree that players play harder for coaches they respect, but I just don't see outward signs that the coach doesn't respect his girls.  I started this whole post by stating that I don't REALLY know the inside details, but I don't see the world changing with a different coach that "everybody likes".

    The dog should still wag the tail...not the tail wag the dog.

  19. Congrats to Vidor on a hard fought game and a good season.  They are very young and will most likely be strong the next few of years. 
    Vidor shot a very low 3-point percentage or this game could have been much closer. 

    I haven't had the chance to see BH play much this year, but I left with the feeling that they are much more talented than they played last night.  I saw BH as a complete team with good guards AND post players, (from the bench as well) who played right into Vidor's hands.  This game became a perimeter jump shooting contest for the most part.  I know a win is a win, but I think this could have been a blowout if BH would have played to Vidor's weaknesses. 

    Congrats and Good Luck to BH!     
  20. [quote name="whattheheck" post="965931" timestamp="1297711556"]
    I agree with the stall..They have no answer for Shaw and when they start to DBL team....Sing it Dandy Don...Turn Out the Lights...
    I hope to make it over tonight...It depends on how that 3-5pm time slot goes over here today. Into the 2nd round and wont have to even wash the jerseys :D

      Said it before...Vidor has nobody that will be able to hold Shaw if BH chooses to go inside. 

      Vidor lives (and dies) by the 3 point shot.  Do not get caught measuring your distance from the 3-point line.  Vidor will put the ball up from 4-5 feet outside of the arc.  I'm very interested in watching the guard matchup of Shannon Evans verse the self-proclaimed "Badass3".  ;D ;D ::)
  21. [quote name="ECBucFan" post="965819" timestamp="1297698542"]
    [quote author=Lt. Dangle link=topic=80059.msg965778#msg965778 date=1297690820]
    Every time that I have been there, they have jumbo in the concession stand. ;D ;D ;D

    Well, I don't know about the "jumbo", but the [i]gumbo[/i] is really good!

    He got it right.  You know...small, medium, large and "jumbo".  ;D

    Good luck tonight Hillguy, and looking forward to see Shannon play tonight.  Bringing the crew to the game tonight...hope to have a chance to say "Hey".  Tell Shannon to look for that forearm push off!  (It won't take long for you to know what I mean.  ;))
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