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Everything posted by bigred75

  1. Memorial under Thompson I say comes in second or third.............WB wins it.........the other spott could be a toss up.
  2. Nah I dont count it as one, hahahha. Too much running..............
  3. Finally some support..............................Man its been lonely in here Jody.
  4. Well bobcat ya got a point there...................I guess ya could have said who are the best all around players from each school.......or who are some of the best all around atheletes in the area........instead of who is the best............
  5. Well bobcat ya got a point there...................I guess ya could have said who are the best all around players from each school.......or who are some of the best all around atheletes in the area........instead of who is the best............
  6. Yeah I probably need more of that than you know, hahah. I will try harder.
  7. Hey it was funny, and you know it. I am trying to behave but that is a full time job.
  8. Well if he could have been talking about the Vidor pirates.........there seniors usually repeat again the next year anyway right........so they could have been returning starters........hahahaha. Sorry could not let this one go.
  9. Aw come on coop I was just messing with ya........Don't be so sensitive. ok I will take out the board censor part, how is that............hahaha............
  10. NothinButTheTruth Hey NothinButIamFullofIt......................What is your deal??? Are you just mad that BC has been sucessful this year??? Why ya keep hating on BC pitching staff?? Oh wait you must be at home this time of year instead of in the playoffs and are just jealous.......Get over it pal, and with comments like this you will never be thought of as overrated that is for sure.
  11. Yeah he is the security guard, the board censor, the thread starter and thread deleter, and the wos lover.........get on the boat come on over to BC.....................
  12. From the looks of it this should be your last one as well................
  13. I agree coaches and teachers should be paid more. If it were not for them (teachers) none of us would have a job. They need to get on the boat of some other states and start paying teachers what they are worth. Not that it will ever happen,but..........
  14. I will agree that Umps and Refs can make a living at it if they want to. I have seen it. Now your busy as heck, but it can be done. That last post about getting gate fees, and meal money, and all that..........is that normal????????????
  15. Oh yeah I hear ya......I am not getting on this guy in particular.....It just seems that sometimes on here and also on the Softball board Umps and others think if you post something questioning a call, you should be shackled and flogged. Crazy.......I was just stating that if he was meaning it that way to calm down it aint the end of the world. Thats all. And maybe he was recruiting............
  16. Why is it whenever someone gets on here and debates a call or questions a call SOME ump feels the need to get on here and tell everyone that they NEED to be an ump or they need to shutup. Last time I checked it was freedom of speech and thought in the good ole USA. No one is attacking anyone, so why feel the need to get so defensive about every cotton pickin thing on here. CHILL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't a group of people debate an issue without some froot loop getting on here and trying to scold us for "questioning a call." Last time I checked this board was for entertainment and information. Enough with the sensitive UMPS.........................................
  17. Yep I say coaches pick..........just roll the dice..........
  18. Hey thanks for the laugh Bleed I needed that this morning..............You knowing basketball?????????? hhmmm Jury is still out on that one hahaha. Kidding of course, I would not want someone to get on here and accuse me of getting off topic, or posting jiberish...........haha or starting crap..........
  19. well if you want to take a look at GREAT quarterbacks you think of the ones that can pass........look at the NFL..........Vick----does nothing..........running only gets you so far..........now beasley is still a good QB but his weakness whether you want to admit it is his passing.......
  20. exactly....rhino........... Oldschool what is saaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddddd????
  21. Thats is why its called a TEAM............................and its played by more than one person.........................................MORON........................................
  22. tell em birdman...............
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