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Everything posted by bigred75

  1. Such it true about that sort of play, but hey to the other comments excuses are like @#$ holes, lets Silsbee wins, lets roll onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
  2. Well that might be about the lumberton parents if they are idiots, but lets not put a big emphasis on oh he is a 2A coach and he cant coach at a 4A school. That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard...........So we want to make the classification excuse fit when we want to use it and then disregard it at other times..(ie: 4a beating a 3a team or whatever).............If your a good coach you can be at a 1A school and come into the largest 5A in the state and still be a good effective coach...........Thats just the way it is.
  3. That is funny, hopefully it goes down that way...............
  4. That is funny, hopefully it goes down that way...............
  5. I agree that it might look good to see teams in order standing for the anthem, however, lets not confuse that with good coaching. THAT as you stated does not make a team, no matter how one stands for the anthem they could still play like little league. I understand what your saying that if one does those things, then that kind of reflects how other things are run. I agree with that, but some coaches do not put a big emphasis on that, and still are darn good coaches.
  6. This topic is so stupid and the answers are so ridiculous even I am not gonna respond other than to say the female sports comments about they are not interesting is LUDICROUS.....................And the birdman is right, softball is faster paced than baseball.
  7. Congrats to Shane, he is a great guy, I wish him the best................
  8. thats what I am talking about..............now that I got you on rudy lets try :mp bc bc bc bc bc bc bc bc bc come on every body bc bc bc bc bc '''fy
  9. :mp rudy rudy rudy rudy rudy rudy rudy rudy............come on everybody rudy rudy rudy.............. '''fy
  10. Thats what I am here for .......................................... :BB a good laugh
  11. 10-4, most of posts are just picking nothing serious.
  12. Do you actually think that I am serious???? I think the one that needs chillin is you.............I might mess with a community so what its a joke fella..............If your community means that much to you then your a little too stressed. Man who is taking things literally me oorrrrrrrrr you.............. think about it. Most people on here who know my posts know not to take me to literal anyway. I do not discriminate against any community...........everyone is fair game.........ITS FOR FUN .........................
  13. The posters name was penny, so its like dont count your chickens..........nevermind.
  14. Yeah uhhhhhhhhhh pngpride......................ever heard of grammar classes............check into it.....................Look BC got beat,,,,,,,,,if we would have been in 4a PNG would not have went to the playoffs so you better be happy we weren't...........................
  15. I am boycotting Cinco de Mayo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dru
  16. Don't count your Penny before its spent there nederland..........................
  17. You cant be trying to say that there are people from BC that run their mouths??? Is that what I am hearing?? Say it aint so.
  18. Well guess what Ole faithful go blow your geyser somewhere else cause no wants to hear it. If your a BC hater then move on to another thread or another forum or hey another board for all that matter. Hit the road Jack.........................Jackleg.......that is.
  19. Coop dont encourage the goof..........................
  20. Well ya want me you got me.................No that is not me citing enrollment numbers, although it was probably your fantasy that it was, so you could try to have even more meaningless ammo against me......3amagic.....Nice try...........The bears just flat out played better than BC..............Did they smack them around................NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like swampdude said 9 free passes is gonna kill ya..............It was pretty evenly matched I thought from the stats. I think maybe LCM had a better game plan. I do not quite understand leaving Angelle in that long myself, but I am not making the decisions. Both teams should do well in the playoffs, we will see how far they go..............Congrats to all...........except for the BC haters aint got nothing for ya.
  21. Yeah oughta be a good one..............
  22. Jdawg you know it can't be good, I am still laughing about the post of him running through WOS back several months ago.........................Wonder Twins Activate hahaha
  23. I am with ya'll on this one. It aint always the stats that make a player..............Give him his props..................This is a game and these are kids by the way............ Ok to get on a team.......not ok to get on a kid.
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