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Everything posted by bigred75

  1. Yeah oughtta be some excitment every time the ball hits the floor. Man this is a crazy district to be in right now. Gotta be the toughest in the state for 3A wouldn't ya say?? Problem is who ya gonna watch every week, we need to get to cloning ourselves so we can catch more games..............It all starts with football though........GET READY....BC all the way...............
  2. Sounds like this is becoming the norm all over the place.............Sad but true.......Times are a changing and it ain't for the better I am afraid.
  3. Just out of curiosity.......what was expected?? A blow out from BH??
  4. YEah Yeah Yeah Like I said BC WOS Silsbee/Jasper........who cares one is just the same as the other. Heck I almost like Bobcats picks.........Orange County Sweep..... BC WOS OF...................................
  5. Hey WHY dont you reread the question there scooter.........Its said football, baseball, and so on.....................
  6. Man ya ever think who thought up all these names for lures.........Its nuts just trying to keep up.
  7. FIrst time for everything,,,,,,,,,hang around I am sure I lead you in the right direction hahahaha.
  8. I agree respect at that level should be given to whoever is in charge. AS for the IDIOT bobette........I would suspect your one of those parent problems waiting to happen if you have not already been one. Your lack of respect is ridiculous. YOU need to keep your Outta town self, OUTTA TOWN......................No matter what YOU think the reason is, if the coach decided to put his family first over a JOB, then my hats off to him. Some things in life are more important than work, or coaching. If you cant see that, then off to the glue factory with ya. You work to live, not live to work........................
  9. Angelle from BC.....MVP for his team........
  10. WOW, thats a huge thing for Kelly...........Those kids sure can learn a lot if they pay attention.
  11. How many EAST teams does it take to knock off two WEST teams.????????? ONE BABY ..............BC= AUSTIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy 4a next year, the smack will surely be eaten out your way.
  12. If ya want ya'll can just concede the victory and save gas money, I know BC's admin would appreciate the kind jesture, they are always short on cash.
  13. I am going with NED.........looks like they might be poised to make a run at it.........Ned in two.
  14. This is true..............But I guess both teams were just loaded with talent and they could have made it with a little league coach huh??? GO BC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. BC taken it to em....... its gonna be 2 and thru..........
  16. It is weird that sports in high school here have such meaning compared to there or other areas of the US. I went to a high school game in Lincoln Nebraska once back in the Tom Osborne era. I thought " alright I am gonna see some good football here, this is Cornhusker country." Well I was disappointed........The football was ok, but the WHOLE football experience was not the same. No hype, no halftime shows, no big time fanfare........just kind of like going to a jr high game or something. TOTALLY different. Anyway we have somthing special here in the way football is played and viewed, it just doesnt happen everywhere like here.
  17. How big was this school?????????? I know in a some areas they let people coach who are not teachers at the school and I found that to be odd. They have regular joes in the community to do it, and then you might have some assistants. As for the stuff your describing, that is not common at a normal high school. I have seen football from that area, and it is well coached, just think U of M, they do have talent. Maybe this happens at a small school or a private school. I will agree that is a totally different game there though. The importance of the game is not the same. Its lived and breathed here, there its just another sport. Football here is what basketball is in Indiana. Funny story though.
  18. Here we go again talking smack.....................Why ya gotta bring BC into it........Just state you think Griff is a good coach and be done with it.............what does that have to do with BC..........No one here has said BC's coach is better than LCM's so what is your yank buddy.........................?? Go back to kindergarten................
  19. Right on ya remember that.............They would be out on the floor after a good dunk.
  20. Lincoln used to have some rowdy fans at the beehive...........just reminiscing..........
  21. Yeah I was thinking about High School football myself..........That to me is where Texas is vastly different than other states. IMHO college ball takes a backseat to high school ball in this state.........
  22. Too funny....................................Football reigns supreme in the south...........In the north it is a leisure activity....................
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