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Everything posted by jake94

  1. He was a great man! Gonna miss our lunches at Butchers Korner. Me, you, and Mr. BG. Miss ya already! Make sure to look over all of us! RIP good buddy.
  2. Dogs have been pretty impressive to start the season. Darrell Jones is much improved. I saw the Ned/Kelly game and was very impressed.
  3. Is Willowridge down 7-0 yet or have they not stepped off the bus yet? LOLOL
  4. He was coming to Ned but we don't know how to do transfers legally. LOLOL
  5. I know I may be in the wrong forum, but great road win against a PAC 12 team for the Cards. Colton Weisbrod 16 points and 12 rebounds and played all 40 minutes...
  6. Poorly disguised... LOL on a positive note he should be able to go watch Legacy this week since the Jags are done and it's not time "to beat us by 50" in basketball yet.
  7. Get well soon, buddy. I still owe u Butchers Corner!
  8. I had a feeling Vidor's style would give PAM fits. MBG said it early in the year, too...
  9. LOL. Our kids needed groceries... plus TF's car was full and he didn't have room for us. I kid. I kid. LOL
  10. Neumann should have the Bulldogs play 7 on 7 next year. Can we get some transportation set up?
  11. Lost in all this is a serious question... Any clue why Ozen staff would kick the extra point to go up 2 points with 2 mins left and not go for 2 and a possible 3 point lead? I guess he wanted to lose by 1 instead of winning or losing by 2. All I want for Christmas is a calculator.
  12. Beaumont Central. State Champs 2016. Happy now? Foreman coach of the year. Until y'all lose and are ready to crucify him. Same song 50th verse.
  13. Ned gets an extra week of basketball prep. Don't worry Soulja, the Jags will be airing up the bballs next week...
  14. I was mistaken. Westerberg at BH. Got my matchups confused. New Caney looks pretty solid on paper.
  15. Y'all constantly criticize Toby gets "out coached" in 22-5a, wait till he faces Westerberg!
  16. Gotta protect from that late safety. LMAO. Livingston will win by 1. Mark my words. Been that type of year for Ned...
  17. Yalls QB is legit. Not looking forward to next 2 years...
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