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Posts posted by MikeEast

  1. Hey Proud, I know that big paycheck makes putting up with all the BS So worth it, lol. Yeah, I hate to say it but this was no surprise. Friendswood is Just your typical solid contender which the Dogs have not been since before the day Sampere went down a few years back. The Dogs have just lost the spark, really itsbeen gone for several years, specifically since about 2002. We need another Troy Sumrall to relight the fire because as a long time follower I can clearly see that the fire has been dwindling in the players, coaches and fans for years. Now it's all but extinguished. If you guys have been in the the thick of Bulldog football for a decade or more, then you might be able to see what I see. If not, there is no way you can understand where we were,,, and where we have come to as a football community.

  2. There are two drains on the north revetment. They both hold fish when the tide is moving and at the right time of year you can absolutely kill the trout on live shrimp (which are a little hard to come by) and topwater. The seawall, both the stone and wooden parts are good for flounder especially at the drains and the old docks. Just drag a mud minnow along the wall as you walk slowly, they are there. The seawall and revetments can be good for trout anywhere at the right time of year.. You just have to fish it a lot to know when and where. Also, there are places along the ship channel between the Pleasure island bridge and the causeway bridgewhere you can wade for flounder. Just wade out about waist deep and fish with a mud minnow or finger mullet. I use a 1/2 ounce slip sinker above an 18" light steel leader. This has worked for me for at least 30 years. I think a monofilament leader might work better but I have jist never been inclined to change my habit. Another place that can be awesome is Walters Pier at the causeway. It is trashed right now but if they rebuild it its a great place to fish at night.

    One note on safety. if you are wading the ship channel get out of the water when you see a ship coming. They suck out all the water in a big hurry and you can get your feet yanked out from under you and swept away so fast you would not believe it. Its not that big of a deal to work around and as you get used to it, you dont even think about getting in and out as the ships pass. Please be careful and dont drown yourself.

  3. Yeah we caught some nice slot Reds and trout yesterday in the lake. The grass is the ticket on the Reds,, where there was grass were caught a bunch on chrome/blue chrome/pink rattle traps. There were also a few under the birds with some big fat trout. The birds are a little scarce but they fire up about 2pm and work through the afternoon. If you can get through all the other yahoos like us then there are plenty of great big trout under them.

    The trick on the Reds is to work the shorline 50-150 yards out where there is plenty of grass in the water. If your rattle trap is not bumping the grass, you are in the wrong spot. The more the better. Also another important trick is to stay off the trolling motor, altogether if you can. We setup carefully for a drift and let the wind take us to the fish, our typical drift was about 1/4 mile because we knew the fish were there and we caught in the same 200 yards stretch everytime. Resist the urge to correct with your TM. If you are out of position, crank up and QUEITLY ease back to the starting point and reset. If you are on the trolling motor with any frequency at all I think you can forget it.

    Also, I am not sure what the deal is but these are some of the most dramatically colored Reds I have ever seen they are extremely bright orange which makes the spots look even blacker.. They are really something to see right now. We caught a bunch of them in the slot yesterday.

    I keep trying to post a pic, but its telling me the uploader is full whatever that means.

  4. I would move out of the area, this area is ugly. I actually like the Waco are a lot. They have great schools with some dang good football in Waco and Robinson and generally just really nice people up there. The cost of living is pretty cheap and the best part is there are about 100000000 different industies to work for. Waco is a manufacturing hub for companies like Coca Cola, M&M Mars, whoever makes Huggies diapers and several others. There are huge manufacturing facilities everywhere you look around but the neighborhoods are quiet and feel secluded. Plus there is Baylor University. There is a nice Lake and the area is really nicely developed with nice malls and tons of new restaraunts. The weather is good in Waco too, its warm and dry in the summer and theres not too much rain or bad weather and no hurricanes.

  5. Man what a fickle bunch......

    2008 Pre-season - People were saying...

    - PNG was crowned district champs

    - L-train was a one-hit wonder in 2007 - Underdog status

    Start of district games - People were saying...

    - Nederland was crowned district champs and most predicted them unbeaten in district play with their high powered offense ???

    - L-train played soft non-district schedule, won't contend - Underdog status

    Nederland two game district losing streak - People were saying...

    - Nederland won't make playoffs again

    - Lumberton not the team of last year but somehow keeps beating teams they are not suppose to - Underdog status

    Nederland escapes Vidor with a win - People are saying...

    - There baaaccckkk, Crowned greatest offensive team of all time and will roll Lumberton in week 10

    - One reg season game remaining and everyone is looking UP at Lumberton in district play, guess what, we still have our Underdog status heading to play Nederland

    I just don't get where people formulate these crazy opinions - Look at the numbers

    If you take the two common playoff team opponents for each here is what get.

    Nederland 10 Central 20 = -10

    Nederland 50 Livingston 55 = -5

    Avg 30 ppg and give up 38 = -8

    Lumberton 34 Central 20 = +14

    Lumberton 37 Livingston 16 = +21

    Avg 35 ppg and give up 18 = +17

    I can only assume the predictions / opinions are based on emotion and not actual stats.  (You can also throw the Vidor stats in there but you still get the same similar results)

    Bottom line... Lumberton' Defense will step up but a great defense is also a ball control offense!

    You are exactly right. In all fairness I can see no logical reason to pick Nederland to win this game. Can they win it? I think so, but I think Lumberton has duely earned the right and reason to be favored to win. They have played consistantly well for all of district. They have a solid team that has pretty well steam rolled everyone they have played including Livingston which is a good team. I will make a prediction and PRAY that I am wrong since I am obviosuly a Dog fan.

    I say 35-42 points for Lumberton because the Dogs have not been able to slow down a decent offense yet. Lumbertons offense should be the smartest and most creative we have seen so far.

    28 max for the Dogs because Lumberton has a salty defense that plays smart agressive football, they will be in Bellows face all night and know how to at least slow Grogan down. When Bellows starts having to deal with pressure the coaches will panic, abandon the short creative and safe throws and the run,, and start trying to get it all in one which is what always happens, that will be the end of it.

    If the Dogs playcallers can find a way to start the game with Grogan sucessfully moving the football and then stick with it, passing short and quick to keep Lumbertons defense honest then we have a chance. I we try to take 25-99 yard chunks in the air burying themselves in 3rd and long situations and only run to open up the passing game, I think we will lose handily.

    I dont really care if I am wrong, and honestly I hope I am. Its just my opinion.

  6. That's a pretty good analysis BigBlue...have you seen Nederland play?  For the most part, the defense has "contained" power running at times...the main problems have in fact been with speedier teams getting to the corner on us and fast QBs taking busted plays and turning them into big gains.

    I hope your prediction is right...I think that vidor will have to play this game much like Central did by controlling the clock...this can be done, but Central did execute a very good game plan with very few mistakes to pull this off...vidor will have to avoid turnovers and penalties and make some big plays, much like Central did, to do this.

    Yeah, I have been to more Ned games this year than I have Lumberton.  Mostly, because I live In Nederland Now(5 years)!!  Did not make the Livingston game (out of town), but Central could not run between the tackles against Nederland.  Besides one or two runs, most of their big gaines came from QB scrambles on 3rd and long.  PNG could not run the ball at all and from what I have heard, the QB from Livingston did everything.  From what I have seen, Nederlands' trouble is defending the pass.  I dont think that is Vidors' or Lumbertons' strong point.  Nor do I believe that Lumberton or Vidor has an athlete that can break Nederlands defense down like Central or Livingston.

    Nederlands biggest enemy is SPEED. Defending power is not the issue. They can slow down a straight ahead running attack, they have done it all year but they can't stop speed. It killed them in every losing effort this year because they are too slow to get to the corners and they cant. Like was said above, on two of Centrals scoring drives, the Jags were buried in 3rd and a mile situations and converted on totally busted plays where the QB scrambled one way, then the other, then back again until the Dogs were all in a ball. Then he just ran around the corner for a large gain on what should have been a sack. If Vidor is as fast (and lucky) as Livingston was then they should win a shootout.

  7. Since we are talking about the Central game here, I think the reason we lost the Central game other than the fact that Central played good ball was that our OC and whoever was helping him,,, choked. Grogan was moving the ball effectively almost everytime that he touched it and only a couple of times was he stopped. They panic'd as soon as the game got tight, abandoned the run and started trying to air it out too far downfield, with Bellows running for his life from pressure and made bad decisions just like I said was going to happen before the game was ever played. Run Grogan 40 times in that game and I say the outcome would have been different,,, possibly a win. They did a better job against Livingston of giving him a safety vent when the pressure came and it paid off bigtime offensively. Also, Central caught some typical .vs Nederland breaks and converted 2 3rd and super longs on busted plays. One was blown coverage, the other was just a bust where the QB took off running around on the sandlot, tied the Dogs up in a knot and ran ran past them. Silly stuff.

    I think the Vidor vs Ned game is going to look a lot like the Central/Ned game except I think that the passing game will be more effective against Vidor,, because I expect that they might not cover as well.

  8. Did you really just say, Nederland scoring 50 points has to leave them scratching their heads?  I don't care if you win or lose, if you score 50 FRIGGIN points, you're not confused about jack friggin xxit. You know exactly what the deal is.  Get a clue.

    Then exactly what is the deal?  Figure you have to score 70 to win? Come on.  You score 50 FRIGGIN points you should win every time (unless you are Texas Tech).

    Stating the ridiculously obvious, they have got to find a defense. The defense is small and has several glaring weaknesses. Some of them to me are things you cannot control like lack of size and speed which has been an issue for about 5 years now. One thing you can control is the lack of agression,, that and learning how to knock down a pass. Dont get me wrong, the players are agressive and they hit hard now but the style is very passive. Its a wait and see defense not an attacking defense which in my opinion is a killer when you are slow. I noticed the other night that all 11 players are frozen on most every snap and no one is moving towards the line even giving the appearance of stunts or blitzes to make the offense second guess. When the ball is snapped everyone is on theor heels and playing catchup to the ball. Conversely teams like Lumberton that have the same basic type of players are much more agressive in their style, half of the defense is coming before the ball is ever snapped. So are Central and Livingston as well as PNG. They are rolling the dice and sending players on most every snap. Yeah, it may cost you a big play occasionally but in Nederlands case what do you have to lose that already happens too often? I say the heck with it... Blitz, blitz blitz and see if a little disruption can throw these teams out of their rythm. As fas as I am concerned that is the change that turned Lumberton around last year.

    Watching the Dogs against Central and Livinston you knew exactly what was coming on every play before the ball was ever snapped and we were still 5 yards behind the play when they ran outside.

  9. What makes you think Vidor will contain Grogan, nobody has.

    What makes you think Nederland can stop Reynolds? Or Peevey? Or Pitman? Or Teinert? Or Dart?

    What makes you think Ronning is gonna just lay down and die and not sack Bellow several times? Same for Strother.

    You've only faced one other defense like Vidor's ... Central. And you lost. Don't come in over confident. Obviously you haven't been reading about us...

    I think Vidor will contain Grogan.  Vidor's defense definitely know how to tackle.  Just a gut feeling, but I believe Vidor will come away with the "W" in this game.

    Contain as in...?  Holding him under 150 yards and less than 3 TD's??  If Vidor's D can do that, OK  I'll agree that they "contained" him.  That kid is a force to be reckoned with.  I saw one play for example Friday where he had 3 Livingston defenders holding on to him for dear life and he still mamaged like 17 yards.  He has the size, balance and strenght that makes him a FORCE.

    It should def be a good game though, high scoring fest for Halloween.

    Good luck to both teams.

    Yeah Grogan is a really good running back. He has great vision to find the holes, great cutback ability and he has tremendous power and knows how to get lower than the defense. When he drops his head and shoulders he can really plow the road.  If he lacks anything its top end speed but he is plenty fast enough. Should be a good matchup. I really like his power better than Micah Mosely and Micah had good power. I think what puts Wareall over the top is that Earl Campbell like ability to get low and drive his legs. Its pretty awesome, one of the best I have seen. If you let him get low you will not keep him from getting yards.

  10. NO . I'm saying if Central loses to Livingston and Livingston loses to Vidor and Nederland wins out you could have 4 teams at 5-2. I think Central wins out and has at least a share of the title, or with help from Nederland wins the out right title. Lots of if's.

    I will go out on a limb and predict Lumberton and Livingston win out.

    1. Lumberton

    2. Livingston

    3. Central

    who cares after that. I hate the 4 team playoff system.

  11. From what I've read, you certainly haven't.  Of course, I haven't seen it all so I apologize if that's the case.

    Sure, if Lumberton loses to Ned, put my vote down for Livingston as I've heard they've vastly improved since Lumberton.  I can't see that Central offense putting up enough points to beat the Lions.

    Regardless of who ends up on top, Lumberton is the most complete team in the district and has the best chance of doing anything in the playoffs.

    I dont post much anymore, but this is kind of an ignorant, arrogant post.. I am not here to debate what will happen in the Ned/Lum game, because frankly Nederland's defense is ugly, and I havent seen Lumberton this year... But to say that Lumberton has the best chance of doing anything in the playoffs is pretty ignorant in my opinion.. Livingston has proven it can put up big numbers, Central has proven to grind the ball out and play good smashmouth football and also keep a very talented Nederland offense to 10 points, Nederland has put up huge offensive numbers this year and has proven their ability to score lots of points quickly... I think all of these teams have a great chance of going far in the playoffs... Not just Lumberton, who has gone to the playoffs one year... who's fans think the "L-Train" (whatever that is) is God's gift to High School Football... and who's stadium announcer has NO class whatsoever... making fun of high school athletes on the field is completely unprofessional... act like youve been there before even though you havent.... He thinks tact is something you put in the wall...

    on a side note... as far as central goes (and livingston), I was very impressed with the level of athleticism in these teams.. If you combined that kind of talent with Nederland coaching, you'd have a state team... Not to say that Nederland doesnt have talent, but on a whole, I think Nederland lacks in really big or really fast athletes... always have... but coaching.... Undeniably Nederland has the best in the area....

    Are the bolded statements supposed to go together? If so you haven't paid much attention to the Lumberton announcer, he makes a point of trying to recognize both teams. I don't care much for the job he does, just needs more experience I guess, but I'll give him the fact that he does recognize and try to pump up both teams' fans. In fact that's one thing I've heard a few fans complain about, they feel he should be MORE biased toward Lumberton. I don't hear other school announcers telling the fans on both sides to get up and cheer for their teams at the kick off.

    I know what he is talking about. Last year at the Lumberton/Nederland game he did make some inappropriate comments that were not taken well. They were mocking comments that were a little more colorful than what you typically hear at a high school football game. Normally you just hear the facts from the PA announcer, but your guy was saying things like...... " and the Raiders have them pinned back all the way to Parkdale Mall", which was true but none the less it was just one of many gloating/belittling comments. It was not that big of a deal to me because I knew Lumberton was fired up, it was just WAY more color than you typically hear from a PA guy.

  12. We have a good team this year! Nederland will find out soon enough!!!!!!!!! I hope your not saying Nederland is that good this year?

    Vidor may well have a better team than Nederland this year, but I will bet you a coca cola that Vidor will not contend for a regional, much less state title this year.

    This is an excercise in futility, but I will try this one more time. You ask so I tell you, the reason I think I have a pretty good idea about the real quality of these teams is because like a few others I know here, I have seen so much high school football you would not believe it. Way outside of 20-4A and Region III. I really have. I have seen playoff games by the hundreds, all sorts of teams from all classes but mostly 4A because it interests me.  I have seen what really truly good teams look like when they play. Our beloved 20-4A teams are good solid high school football teams but they are not playing anywhere close to the level of execution that really good teams play. Really good teams play lights out and I mean LIGHTS OUT defense with no mistakes against teams they should beat. Offenses are crisp and virtually flawless, its like watching a machine, its awe inspiring to watch them execute. When two of these teams meet its like watching a chess game to see who is going to be the first one to make a mistake. Dayton last year was a great example of this defensively. But Lake Travis made them look like a Junior High team. Once Dayton got rolling there was absolutely no one that was going to beat them, they were truly awesome,, until they met Goliath. This year when Nederland hammered PNG and then scored 49 points in less than a half of football on LCM, I thought maybe they were beginning to show signs of being some semblance "that good", but they were not, not yet anyway and I doubt they will be. By now they would be hammering average district teams, even the good ones if they were that good.

    Central has played too close to mediocre teams this season to classify them as "that good". Dont get me wrong I realize Vidor is totally bad to the bone but playing a 1 point game with Vidor is not a good thing. With all due respect, if a team loses to Vidor odds are its a sign of that teams weakness not Vidor's strength. I know I am a jerk for saying that but its true.

    Lumberton met up with a pretty good team last year in Waller, but they (neither Lumberton nor Waller) were good enough.. Central and LaMarque a couple of years ago, Central saw that elite level.. I am telling you guys that have not seen it in person, its a whole different level of football it really is. When you see it you will know,, there is no doubt about it.

    All that being said, my opinion is just that. Just like other things,, we all have em'.  :)

  13. So Beating Vidor by 1 point and losing to Lumberton makes us mediocre.  If you remember correctly, one of our best seasons was in 2003 where we got whipped by Ozen (Compare it to the Lumberton loss this year) and we squeeked by Lumberton that year by a score (compare that to the Vidor win).  That year, we went 3 rounds deep. 

    Remember, that was called a mediocre team by most of those picking Central to lose every week.

    Good point, well taken. That was a great season!

    But, I base my opinion on this season and some personal experience watching literally hundreds of 4A football playoff games ( way more non-Nederland games than homer games) for the last decade and seeing what truly formidable teams, many future state champs, look like. Not saying I am an expert, I am just a fan, but that is where I draw my opinion from. My opinion based on that is that the team I saw play last night is a good team, just not a team that I personally think will make a deep run in the playoffs. I loved the bold straight forward in your face offensive plan, but I dont know if its going to work against a high level of defense like many teams in Texas produce year after year. On the flipside, same goes with the defense. Good, but average. Just not a lights out defense. I think you will agree that using Nederland as a gauge would be a foolish thing at this point. Beating us was a good thing, but not a monumental achievement for Central by any scope of the imagination. I say Central won't get a real test in 20-4A this season. I dont think we have a top 10-15 team in the district or in our bi district, unless Lumberton, Vidor, Nederland or Central are able to pull a raddical improvement off. They are just playing one another too close for me to feel like any of them are that good.

    Maybe so, and I honestly hope that if you get into the playoffs you are right!

  14. What the Central-Nederland game did was verify what westend1 stated in another thread, that Nederland is one of several mediocre teams in 20-4A that had yet to run into any competition. Central is very mediocre too. They are soft to the run defensively (Sounds weird after a win and a decent game, but Nederland could and probably should have run on them all night, Central could not stop Grogan) and totally and completely 1 dimensional on offense... Pure sandlot football.  What it also confirms is that PNG is downright weak, especially after their loss to Vidor.  I hope Lumberton and Livingston are better than I think they are because they are the only hopes I see at this point of 20-4A being represented beyond the 1st round of the playoffs.

    No disrespect to Central but what I saw was a VERY basic 1 dimensional offense. Line up in the wishbone and run right at you. Nederland essentially had 11 men in the box all night. They actually did an ok job of containing the run until Central would lob a grenade downfield and get a cheap 35 yard completion or have blown coverage and give the QB a 25 yard gain from 3rd and 100. Actually Nederlands run defense was not too too bad except on 3rd and long, but the secondary needs some serious coaching help. On the very few pass completions that Central got, all the defender needed to do was look up and swat. Chronic problem continues for Nederlands secondary.

    mediocre, mediocre, mediocre.

    Top 4





    in that order.

    i'm sorry, but this post makes absolutely no sense at all

    you are completely ignorant of 20-4a football

    and actually, i'm not sorry, this is one of the stupidest posts i have ever seen on here

    lol Pirate, coming from you that really stings buddy.  

    Soulja, its honestly not sour grapes at all, I really truly don't hate Central. I would almost rather talk face to face about it than online because its so easy to be misunderstood online. If we talked eye to eye, I know that my comments would come off to you as honest and genuine not sour grapes. I have an opinion about what I saw last night from Nederland and Central, not intended to put Central down or belittle their win. Just an assessment of what I witnessed. I had a feeling that Nederland had not faced a decent opponent and Central was just that to me,,, decent and that was all it took to take them down. This game verified that Nederland is just ok, not great like we Nederland fans were hoping. Reality check, thats all.  :)  

    So what you mean to tell me is before this game, Nederland was a great team and their offense is unstoppable, and all other teams in this district sucks.  Now that Nederland have lost, all teams are Mediocre now.  I guess it hurts you that other teams may be better than Nederland.

    Ok, I'll play.  :)

    No, I have definitely never said that Nederland was a great team, at least not this season. I am reasonably certain that I personally never said that their offense was unstoppable this year. Go find somewhere that I said anything of the sort, I am pretty sure I never did.  Again, written word is easily misunderstood because,, I have no problems with other teams being better than Nederland. I have no problem with Nederland losing to great teams, I do hate to see them lose to average teams because it confirms that they are not as great as I hoped. I am sure that you being a pretty astute fan feel the same way about Central when you really think about it. I am pretty sure that the fact that you only beat Vidor by one point brings a shiver down your spine because you know that Central really should be able to beat them more decisively that that if they are a legit playoff contender.

    Based on historical experience, results and what I saw last night I think Central is average in the big picture.  I said yesterday before the game was played that I did not think there were any legit contenders in our district INCLUDING Nederland and it was going to probably take a few rounds into the playoffs to get to a legit contender to prove otherwise.  As a matter of fact I was careful to say in all my posts that the jury was still out when questions about Nederlands actual strength were asked. I was hopeful that they were a great team, who isn't hopeful that their team is great on a Statewide contender level? You have to see what I am talking about, you have been around too long.

    Just looking at last night and not the big picture I honestly say, kudos and big congrats to Central on a well played game.

  15. What the Central-Nederland game did was verify what westend1 stated in another thread, that Nederland is one of several mediocre teams in 20-4A that had yet to run into any competition. Central is very mediocre too. They are soft to the run defensively (Sounds weird after a win and a decent game, but Nederland could and probably should have run on them all night, Central could not stop Grogan) and totally and completely 1 dimensional on offense... Pure sandlot football.  What it also confirms is that PNG is downright weak, especially after their loss to Vidor.  I hope Lumberton and Livingston are better than I think they are because they are the only hopes I see at this point of 20-4A being represented beyond the 1st round of the playoffs.

    No disrespect to Central but what I saw was a VERY basic 1 dimensional offense. Line up in the wishbone and run right at you. Nederland essentially had 11 men in the box all night. They actually did an ok job of containing the run until Central would lob a grenade downfield and get a cheap 35 yard completion or have blown coverage and give the QB a 25 yard gain from 3rd and 100. Actually Nederlands run defense was not too too bad except on 3rd and long, but the secondary needs some serious coaching help. On the very few pass completions that Central got, all the defender needed to do was look up and swat. Chronic problem continues for Nederlands secondary.

    mediocre, mediocre, mediocre.

    Top 4





    in that order.

    i'm sorry, but this post makes absolutely no sense at all

    you are completely ignorant of 20-4a football

    and actually, i'm not sorry, this is one of the stupidest posts i have ever seen on here

    lol Pirate, coming from you that really stings buddy.  

    Soulja, its honestly not sour grapes at all, I really truly don't hate Central. I would almost rather talk face to face about it than online because its so easy to be misunderstood online. If we talked eye to eye, I know that my comments would come off to you as honest and genuine not sour grapes. I have an opinion about what I saw last night from Nederland and Central, not intended to put Central down or belittle their win. Just an assessment of what I witnessed. I had a feeling that Nederland had not faced a decent opponent and Central was just that to me,,, decent and that was all it took to take them down. This game verified that Nederland is just ok, not great like we Nederland fans were hoping. Reality check, thats all.  :)  

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