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Everything posted by dawggoneit

  1. Oh believe me I understand how it works !!  I do not miss any election.  I research my candidates and see what they stand for and vote accordingly.  And maybe one day it will be better here for football but that again does not fix the level of education these kids are getting.  Truthfully I doubt Kountze will ever be a football powerhouse.  Our problems are a lot deeper than just an AD !!  The kids who do play and bust their butts can't count on their fellow team mates to be there.  Either they can't pass, or can't stay out of trouble, or they just decided they don't want to play !!  That my friends comes from the parents !!!!  Thanks for your support though I appreciate you understanding where some of us are coming from.
  2. Sorry but it is hard to breathe when this concerns your child.  Third coach for my child since he has been in the program.  Bottom line is even when we have a good coach they manage to run them off. 
  3. I hear Splendora or Tomball is where the new AD will be coming from !  Funny same place the New Super is from ! Isn't that interesting.  And I am sure he will make more money than the current AD made just as the new super is making more than the Super who just retired and had been with the district for 25 years. What a joke, they tell the people they are doing this to save money to put more in the classrooms. Ha Ha ! As far as what Coach Colton said...... Well Said Coach ! I am glad someone finally decided to step up and speak for these kids ! Not once did anyone on that board consider what they have done to the Senior boys final year. Not once did they go sit down with their athletes and ask them one question.  Now they get to start a whole new program that was starting to take hold.  As usual, we just can't give anything time.  There is never any consistency in this school district due to parental involvement.  I am not talking about the good kind of involvement folks, I am talking about involvement in the sports programs that is detrimental to a sports program.  Hey if your kid doesn't start..... maybe he shouldn't start.  It is time to grow up and quit playing with this little league mentality.  Which is every kid plays and every kid gets a trophy.  That is not how life is and trust me Daddy isn't going to come save your jobs when you grow up.  Well,  unless you work for him.  Guys if you think you can do better go get your degree and get out and be a coach !!  I can't wait to see how the new AD reacts to these parents who think they know more about the game then the coaches do!  I hope he has thick skin because this town has a bunch of arm chair quarterbacks who are still living out their dreams through their kids.  Let these coaches coach these kids and stay out of it !! Also, on a side note....... the board continues to lie to the public about why Stewart left ! You really think he left for more money ?  Really an Assistant in Lumberton makes more than the head coach in Kountze ? The man left because he was afraid he was going to loose his job and he clearly stated in the paper that the Super could not give him an answer as to whether or not he had a job ! Now if you have a wife and kids aren't you going to leave ? I know I would, my family always comes first. Perhaps this new board who is for change should work on some educational issues.  After all, I don't care if we win district in every sport, if your kids can't score high enough on their SAT to get in a decent college than it is all useless.  Small Town politics aren't they the greatest ? ::)
  4. sfajack10......hit the nail on the head.......
  5. HTA....PROLLY YOU IF YOU WANT ONLY MEALS AND MINIMUM WAGE...... ??? NO Disrespect but this is b/s in my book.
  6. FROM what i hear dk for sure there all gone but one.
  7. yea whatever !!!  this program is going to shit !!  This new school board has their own hidden agenda !  And trust me they don't care about anything but softball !!!
  8. WOW!!!!!!!How about a little respect for coach Stewart....all the kids are heart broken ..It's like warren in baseball it took a couple years to make things happen.....but we all know coach Stewart did not get his chance !!  So sad to see these boys getting hurt because of a hidden agenda !!I wonder who is next on the school boards chopping block !!  Again, they miss the point !!!
  9. GOOD Game warren....see ya next year good luck.. ;D ;D ;D
  10. good game...hope attitude gets better :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
  11. kountze hit ball well just bad break on where it was hit....hardin played good ball,nice bomb by #12 good luck it;s not over yet guy's 24 2 a crazy....kountze will rebound.....i promise!!!!!
  12. Great game kountze,CADE Deaver 8 k's...TY Brown 2 run bomb..keep it up guy's,this 24-2a is nuts.
  13. wow.....lets keep it going,it's baseball!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  14. Well said....thought we were going to see a great ball game....bus made it on time but the kid's were a no show. :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
  15. Bumstead....thats the kinda pitcher that makes you say .......where you been SON!!!!!
  16. first place?who pitched,and who hit well...if i may ask?
  17. GOOD game warren,nice to see a well rounded team..caught us in a bad night ...very bad!!! congrats to the coach and kids nice to watch a game w/o a bunch of b/s hope to hit better next time around.
  18. Yep and Kountze saw their ace also !!  Three hits off him in a row to win the game.  As a matter of fact it took all of Hardin's Pitchers.  I think we all agree this is going to be a tough game and a good game.  I must say no two teams deserve a good year more than Warren and Kountze especially after the year they had last year.  Good Luck to the boys tonight !
  19. I think it is going to be a good game and it is going to come down to who commits the least errors ! The Lions are coming back from a huge win and are ready to take another Win home.  Don't look for the same ole Kountze team out there ! These boys want it and are coming to get it !!
  20. I love it !  See you don't need to recruit to win ! It just takes a good team who works together ! It takes a team to win a game not just a chosen few.  I bet Bumstead had a big ole smile on that face when he struck out the Biggio's !!  Congrats to all the boys ! 
  21. [quote name="sfa_wolverines" post="991305" timestamp="1301629084"] When we played Hardin in football they don't take a knee then either !! Also, those are some foul mouthed boys and disrespectful as well !! [b][size=14pt][u]This is the team that has the player that got in one of our coaches face and was screaming at him !![/u] [/size][/b] Horrible sportsmanship. [/quote] I'm just curious when this took place and where??? [/quote] This year during football.  The player had to be told to go back to his sideline.  Not good if you ask me. 
  22. As a matter of fact I graduated from Kelly and I am a contributor to Kelly for the last 25 years !!  Anymore questions ????  Like I said only my opinion !  Not a true believer of dog and pony shows !!
  23. sorry.. my opinion dont mean to hit a nerve...if i did like i said not sorry. ;D
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