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    idk got a reaction from Socrates in West Orange-Stark 73 Tarkington 0/FINAL   
    And I didn't even have to say anything else for my point to be made. Dude everyone has the peaches behind a keyboard. We all know that WOS is good and should win STATE. The problem is there is a way to go about it or not. Win with class and loose with class. Don't get on here a show your ***!!! Like I have said some WOS fans are very respectful and don't try and shove how good they are down everyone's through. Then there are posters like you that makes folks hate on WOS! All I am trying to get you to see is to win with class.
  2. Like
    idk got a reaction from USC 35 in West Orange-Stark 73 Tarkington 0/FINAL   
    And I didn't even have to say anything else for my point to be made. Dude everyone has the peaches behind a keyboard. We all know that WOS is good and should win STATE. The problem is there is a way to go about it or not. Win with class and loose with class. Don't get on here a show your ***!!! Like I have said some WOS fans are very respectful and don't try and shove how good they are down everyone's through. Then there are posters like you that makes folks hate on WOS! All I am trying to get you to see is to win with class.
  3. Like
    idk got a reaction from Lion70 in West Orange-Stark 73 Tarkington 0/FINAL   
    All I have to say is y'all better win it all, or I will make it my goal to remind you everyday until next year. Dude it is one thing to be confident but to have total disrespect is another. Don't get me wrong there are some really good WOS fans but some others are the most Arrogant posters on this site. 
  4. Like
    idk got a reaction from wo-s#1 in West Orange-Stark 73 Tarkington 0/FINAL   
    All I have to say is y'all better win it all, or I will make it my goal to remind you everyday until next year. Dude it is one thing to be confident but to have total disrespect is another. Don't get me wrong there are some really good WOS fans but some others are the most Arrogant posters on this site. 
  5. Like
    idk got a reaction from LOKI in HJ v. Shepherd   
    OH we are here. We have a lot of respect for HJ and their fans, seem to be a good group of parents and players. Both teams are going to be matched pretty well.
    To answer the question about Shepherd being banged up, yes we are banged up, but tell me what team that is still playing isn't? Every team will have some kids that are hurting, does that mean they are not going to play, well no!! I look for this to be a good game. I am interested to see how Shepherd responds from last Friday Night. If they respond like they did after Liberty then they will be ok.
  6. Like
    idk got a reaction from TrojanMoJo in Bellville 41 Shepherd 19/FINAL   
    BellVille with a well deserved win. They are good no excuses from Shepherd. We just got beat by a good team
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    idk got a reaction from TrojanMoJo in Bellville 41 Shepherd 19/FINAL   
    These shepherd parents are terrible. When it's going good they love the coach when we are getting beat by a dang good team all of a sudden the coaches are the reason. Need glad how about we are getting beat by a dang good team
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    idk got a reaction from CMurder75 in Bellville 41 Shepherd 19/FINAL   
    BellVille with a well deserved win. They are good no excuses from Shepherd. We just got beat by a good team
  9. Like
    idk got a reaction from CMurder75 in Bellville 41 Shepherd 19/FINAL   
    These shepherd parents are terrible. When it's going good they love the coach when we are getting beat by a dang good team all of a sudden the coaches are the reason. Need glad how about we are getting beat by a dang good team
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    idk got a reaction from aTmfan06 in Bellville 41 Shepherd 19/FINAL   
    These shepherd parents are terrible. When it's going good they love the coach when we are getting beat by a dang good team all of a sudden the coaches are the reason. Need glad how about we are getting beat by a dang good team
  11. Like
    idk got a reaction from CMurder75 in Bellville 41 Shepherd 19/FINAL   
    20-19 halftime. Great game. BellVille is big and physical.  Gonna be an exciting finish. Both these teams getting after it
  12. Like
    idk got a reaction from CMurder75 in Bellville 41 Shepherd 19/FINAL   
    Back to running the football
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    idk got a reaction from setxnative96 in Bellville 41 Shepherd 19/FINAL   
    BellVille scores on a 97 TD run. 
  14. Like
    idk got a reaction from CMurder75 in Bellville 41 Shepherd 19/FINAL   
    Shepherd been inside BellVille 10 two more times and came away with nothing hope that doesn't bite us
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    idk got a reaction from TrojanMoJo in Is Porter The Best HS Football Team In The State Of Texas?   
    Well my point exactly. If Porter can't beat a (4A) WOS team, then how in the hell could they even be in a conversation about being the best team in Texas. Yea I know about the depth of these bigger schools and what kind of athletes they have. I do not need a lesson. If you needed to get in a dig at WOS they do it on your own. I am not from there but I still say Porter could not beat them. As far as Porter's QB being better than Jack Dallas, I doubt it. Not only could Dallas beat him on the football field, he then could strike him out on the baseball diamond then hit a homerun off of the Porter QB if he tried to pitch to him.
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    idk got a reaction from TrojanMoJo in Buna 40 Coldspring-Oakhurst 35/FINAL   
    My point with Barbay is that if you win games some of the small things can and will be overlooked. Every team in the state of Texas has some cracks in it. Sometimes it is the coaches and sometimes it is the players. From the outside looking in, The Coldspring team last year was not a well coached team, they still had a lot of the kids from Barbay's time on it and that helped them last year. Now you are in the full year of this coach and this team is not coached well at all. When you do not make adjustments, the kids do not play with the same passion and fire (that everyone is accustom too) and you loose that "it" factor then things are different. Most from Coldspring will say it is a lack of good quality players. I will have to call BS on that, Colspring has the quality of players they need, this runs much deeper than that. Like I said this is just my $.02 so take it for what it is worth. I do agree with you about Coach Peveto, as bad as we wanted to be him and his teams he was one of the great ones.
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    idk got a reaction from TrojanMoJo in Buna 40 Coldspring-Oakhurst 35/FINAL   
    So what this Coldspring loss says to me is, Coldspring will be looking for a new HC and maybe a new Supt. for running off Barbay. I'm just taking a guess at this, but losing to Shepherd and now not winning district, will not sit well with the folks in Coldspring.
    Disclaimer: I am not starting a rumor, I am stating what I believe will happen. So take it for what it is worth.
  18. Like
    idk got a reaction from USC 35 in Hardin-Jefferson 17 Liberty 14/FINAL   
    Like I have said many times, on paper Liberty is the better team. But what the paper cannot tell you (on any particular night) is who the better team is then. Yes fumbles, miss tackles, refs and all other sorts of things come into play. The team on that particular night that can overcome these issues, their failures and still put more points on the board is the better team for that night. NO matter what every person thinks and NO matter what the paper says. Last Friday Night HJ was the better team. They put (3) more points on the board than Liberty did. Do I still think Liberty is the better overall team, Yes but not last Friday Night. That's why you play the game. If the paper or fans dictated who the better team was there would be no reason to play the games and spend that kind of money on travel.
  19. Like
    idk got a reaction from setxnative96 in Liberty Vs. HJ Predictions   
    What I am telling you is he won the game from the 30 yd. line against Shepherd and had plenty of leg left. On that night he could of kicked a 47 with no problem. I wouldn't believe it either if I didn't see it with my own eyes. But that kid can kick.
  20. Like
    idk got a reaction from TexasPanther2012 in What Teams win go deep in the playoffs   
    First place in District 11 would have to face WOS in the Third round (if they make it that far) Second place in both district 11 or 12 would have to face WOS in the fourth round (if they make it that far).
  21. Like
    idk got a reaction from TexasPanther2012 in Tarkington @ Bellville predictions ?   
    I have only seen a little film on them. They are good!! But to answer your question that would be a No!. I think that game will be a war just like the Liberty game. Do I think they will blow Shepherd out, NO. Can they beat Shepherd Yes. Will it happen only time will tell.
  22. Like
    idk got a reaction from CMurder75 in Liberty 24 Shepherd 22/FINAL   
    I will say this, It was a very good game. Both teams got better Friday Night. Liberty's #5 is a beast!! But Shepherd showed they could run the ball on a very good defense. Shepherd has some pretty big boys on the O-line and at H-Back that can move a pile.  Great effort on both sides of the ball for both teams. Good Luck to Liberty the rest of the way.
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    idk got a reaction from camsdad in Liberty vs. Shepherd Predictions   
    Camsdad, I will bring you one. It may have some tears on it, but it will wash. So Nice to see you got the joke.
    TexasPanthers2012, dude chill out a little bit. Why take High School football so serious? Man the first part of my post was a joke. I was not trying to be sarcastic, I am actually glad Liberty is having a good year, they deserve it. I am just saying don't sleep on shepherd cause the outcome may not be to your liking. Now what is wrong with that prediction? You think it will be a big win for the Panthers (and it very well could be) and I think that if your boys come in too confident they may get surprised. That's it!!! No one questions your man hood, so get your panties out of a bunch. The game will be played and you will either have a nice ride back to Liberty or a long one. I can't decide that and you can't either. Those Players and Coaches will make that decision. So come on down Friday enjoy the game (oh and please don't get too worked up). The sun will come up on Sat. morning and all will again be right in Panther land.
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    idk got a reaction from TexasPanther2012 in Liberty vs. Shepherd Predictions   
    That would be my point, Liberty has a good team this year. On paper and film they should win. But I am not one to go by that at all. If you watch Shepherd on film they are not going to wow you and do not look that impressive. The just play hard and never quit. So it will be a perfect storm. Liberty players are going to watch the film, so if they think it will be a walk in the park, I can assure you it won't be. I don't get caught up in wins and losses from history. That tells me nothing about the team this year. I wish Liberty a great year and hope you guys do well and make it far into the playoffs. I just know what determination that Shepherd has and it will be a dog fight. Then again it may not be nothing but a walk in the park. We will see on Friday night.
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    idk got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Shepherd 37 Coldspring-Oakhurst 33/FINAL   
    The kids name is Johnathan Marshall and he is playing for Arkansas, I do believe that he redshirted this year but I could be wrong. Johnathan is a great athlete but an even better person. So happy for him. Also Royce See is playing for Sam Houston and played the entire second half of Sat. nights game at Safety. Another fine athlete and young man.
    The game last Friday night was a tale of two halves. Coldspring looked very good in the first half, but did not make any adjustments in the second half. Shepherd looked like a deer in the headlights in the first half, but made the adjustments and flat out just outplayed Coldspring in the second half. Clearly Coldspring had way more athletes than Shepherd did, Shepherd's offense is not flashy, but when you can line up and get 4-6 yards a carry and run the same play over and over that will not end well for you against anyone. Shepherd's offensive line and fullback controlled the line and opened some big holes. Coldspring will be fine, they have way too many athletes not to. Maybe this will be the fire they need to push them to the next level. So good luck to them the rest of the way.
    I will say this, that is the first time in a long time that I seen a Shepherd team be way more physical than a Coldspring team, and it showed in the fourth quarter.
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