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Mike George

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Posts posted by Mike George

  1. I wanted to share some thoughts but since it relates to more than one thread out there I decided to start a fresh one.

    On Dayton's first scrimmage, the Spring Lions:
    I thought the main issue was that when Spring came out onto the field they were pumped, invigorated, and ready to win a scrimmage from the 4-A school. On their first offensive possession they made two statements - they were excellent on misdirection and hiding the football and they could all fly. Face it, defensively we were reeling as during the first 30 minutes they were able to score twice while the Broncos could score only once.
    Then, during the second half, you realized that the hitting being delivered by the Broncos was beginning to take its toll. Don't get me wrong, Spring delivered some hits, too, but Dayton seemed to relish the hits while Spring appeared to be surprised and not at all appreciative. What became evident in the second half as we adjusted to their offense and began just hitting anything in the backfield that even might have the football, we got better during the contest and they did not. It was that simple.

    On Carranco: The kid has filled out. He now looks like a Carranco and not the skimpy shadow of his older brothers. I don't look for anymore "sky" kickoffs this season. Opponents need to be prepared to begin possessions after kickoffs at the 20 more times than not.

    Nederland scrimmage: Whether it be scrimmage or game, football between Dayton and Nederland are always knock down dragouts. I look for no difference this year. I will say this. I've seen a lot of Dayton football and this team looks awfully solid. I know last season a main concern was if the starting QB went down, but this year that is not a concern. We have a stable of receivers and some running backs who are led by a very good looking OL. They can open some holes and the backs we have can scoot. There may be some typos in this last paragraph because the frame jumps when you get this far into a post on this site. Thoughth someone would have fixed that by now.

  2. There was a post on another thread about Jowell Hancock feeling threatened following Stewart with Stewart staying on as AD and being in the shadows, so to speak. I just felt it was necessary to set things straight, even though I knew straight up that this poster knew little or nothing about these coaches to even consider that. Now that the record has been set straight, we can move on to football season . . .
  3. I wasn't sure, but I sincerely hope he was, but it made it clear for anyone else reading that might mean something else. When I was a kid, I'd go to school and start telling a group of kids about something I may have done over the weekend or summer, and it seems like there was always this kid who said, "Who cares?" So, when I see that in print or hear it, I take it the same way, but certainly don't mean to offend anyone, unless I need to.
  4. [quote name="Jackthehammer" post="1034953" timestamp="1313264672"]
    I dont think it matters if he is roaming the sidelines. Who cares.

    I don't know what you mean by that, but I will say all of us in Dayton care and that's all that matters, and more than that, Stewart has more than earned the privilege. I've said enough about all this however and will leave it at that.
  5. I've read with interest a couple of comments and thought this needed to be stated.

    Jerry Stewart has retired as head football coach of Dayton but remains athletic director. Take keen notice that this did not require a hire from outside for a new head coach and a complete turnover. All the coaches currently on staff have worked under Stewart for years. Not only IS Jerry Stewart a great coach, but he's an even BETTER teacher. These coaches, from head coach down to trainer know how Jerry did it. They agree with how he did it and they'll continue to do it that way, not because they owe it to Coach Stewart, but because it works.

    So, if you were hoping for some fall-off or confusion after Jerry Stewart, forget it. His influence will be with this team for a long time to come. The fact that he may be standing in the endzone or on the track is insignificant. He's there because he wants to be. He cares about his coaches, he cares about his team and he cares about the Dayton Broncos. Afterall, he spent as much time as Dayton's head coach as he did all his previous places combined, so why wouldn't he? 

    As far as being undermined or felt under his thumb, poppycock and a random accusation from someone who would probably feel that way were they in Hancock's position. I'm not going to speak for Hancock, but I know enough about him to know he doesn't the least bit feel threatened. In fact, I would say that he knows where Stewart is and knows he can go to him anytime and that anytime Coach Stewart might have something to say to him he'll be glad to listen because that's the way it's always been. Dayton is going to be fine. Some of you will see for yourselves Thursday night.

  6. 6 means that the freshmen and jv will scrimmage at 6, each utilizing half the field. That will go til about 7 or 7:15 depending on how much is accomplished. Then the varsities will warm up and play which will be more like 7:30 or 7:45. The fact that school doesn't start until next Monday means they're not worried about how late the finish is.

    Last night's proposed 7 pm scrimmage against Spring didn't get started until 8 pm.
  7. I have to toss my hat in there with liltex - Barbers Hill. After all, preseason picks had it Dayton, Crosby (and a couple even switched the two) then Galena Park with CE King and BH deciding the final spot. I also think the Newton-Anahuac talk was more about a media frenzy looking forward at the time to a father-and-son coaching matchup. Those kinds of things sometimes over rule logic.

    Anyway, BH opens the season with lopsided losses to Santa Fe and Lumberton. Now later in the year Santa Fe gets to be pretty good and Lumberton, well not so much, but then the Eagles get a touchdown over Nederland. However, the 54-0 blowout by Dayton after a week off and one might have thought they were done. On my way across the field that night, I heard Coach Gage say, "Man, the wheels just came off - I really don't know what happened."  The rest is history:

    Oct. 1 Baytown Lee, Won, 26-7
    Oct. 8 at Houston North Forest, Won, 26-0
    Oct. 15 Houston C.E. King, Won, 26-14
    Oct. 22 at Galena Park, Won, 34-7
    Oct. 29 Goose Creek Memorial, 7:00 p.m.* W, 19-0
    Nov. 5 at Crosby, 7:00 p.m.* W, 35-21

    Not only did they defeat the two schools the pronosticators picked ahead of them, but they did it in convincingly away from home. Now maybe that should be the award for biggest turnaround mid-season, but that wasn't an option, so overachievers it is.
  8. which won?

    Yeah, but it's more about a typo when the brain is thinking "Which of those teams is going to win and it came out won instead of one. So what? It's also what subsequently happens when one's fingers are moving faster than the mind, but since you're looking for perfection, evidently, I'll beg your pardon . . .

    PS. You're not far off about the verbage usage on this forum, however I'm certainly not going to call anyone out. However, I can tell you the most misused words are from two basic words, there and your: there, their, and especially they're - your and especially you're.
  9. I doubt there would be one. I must say this will be my last comment on the matter and the only reason I entered into the discussion was because someone or "one's" accused me of wrongdoing as the pressbox announcer by starting the anthem on time and not waiting, although to be honest, I did wait three minutes longer than I should have. After the national anthem, both teams still have to go out on the field for the coin toss reinactment before lining up to hopefully kickoff precisely at 7. This ain't Fox Sports where the kickoff is ten minutes after the hour.

    It does beg a question, however, and I let some of you EXPERTS answer it. First to set the background.

    There are lots of reasons for trying to get an edge for your team. I remember when Grant Teaff of Baylor took his team to Michigan to play the Wolverines. Their homefield policy was to let the visiting team enter the field and then once they were on the sidelines, the Wolverines would come out and 105,000 people would welcome them onto the field. It was quite intimidating. So Teaff and his team waited. An official came over and asked why they weren't coming out and Grant responded that the rules didn't require him to enter the field first, but in fact if it came to a waiting game required the home team to enter the field first. As soon as Michigan began to enter the field, Teaff told his team, "these cheers are for you so get on out there!" Baylor tied Michigan 10-10 that day and except for a missed 48-yard field goal would have won. This was well before overtime. That's an example.

    But here is my question. Why would a team going up against a team with the reputation of destroying opponents want to do anything to otherwise make them angry. IF that was a tactic in these two games, it did not work. I have seen where a coach came out on the field to shake the opposing coach's hand and he would have nothing to do with it. I have heard of coaches shooting the bird acrosss the field or otherwise cussing out the opponent coach prior to the game.  First it doesn't relate sportsmanship very well to the team and teams are reflections of their coaches. Is this part of the game. Some of you retired or active coaches can address this question probnably better than fans. Comments from officials, retired or active would be appreciated.
  10. After the coin toss, they are supposed to walk the football in from the sidelines, reach for and throw the yellow flag and step off a delay of game penalty. I have seen this done in the past, but saw nothing on the two occasions it happened in Dayton.

    bh89-2, on this issue, you're bs. Your comments about inviting guests to dinner and then blessing the food and starting without them is apples and oranges. I suppose to make it relevant, you might ask, "well, what if you invite these people to dinner time and time again and they keep showing up late, making the rest of the dinner guests wait on their privileged butts and wait on them. You cure that by sticking to ettiquette and starting dinner on time. I mean, they're still going to get to eat, but not at the same time.

    I know airlines don't wait for "late" passengers and there are only hundreds of people on board that would be having to wait if they did. At these two games there were thousands, so the inconvience property was much greater. Besides, since when do the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many?
  11. [quote name="rschuldt" post="893926" timestamp="1288643817"]
    My mom heard that the first doctor that Jakari went to after the wreck wouldn't release him to play, so they went to another doctor who they knew would release him and play. Can anyone back this up or is it just a "rumor"  ???

    No, it's worse than a rumor - it's mindless gossip.

    Why would they want him released for a game he wasn't going to play in anyway given the circumstances? The concern from the wreck was cranial, however the injury on the field was his left lower leg. The only way it could have been further apart was if it was an ankle, broken foot, or broken big toe.
  12. With both teams' playoff spots already figured out, this one will be for pride, but let's keep it civil and just deal with facts and limit the emotions to the other threads.

    [b]Mental aspect:[/b]Barbers Hill has to have this advantage. After all, Crosby is riding a two-game losing streak while BH has been wining since the Dayton game. Mentally, can the Cougars shake it off, play their offensive game and score enough points to win. Dayton shut both teams out of getting a single touchdown, but the BH vs Dayton game was the first district game of the season so that's not much of a comparison. I'd rather compare the two team's success or lack of against the most recent common opponent, GCM. Crosby struggled and lost, BH had no trouble putting them away. I guess it will depend on how the two teams feel about that.

    [b]The rivalry aspect:[/b] I just don't get the feel for rivalry between these two schools. I mean I think there is more rivalry between Crosby and Dayton, and for a matter of fact, Barbers Hill and Dayton than between Barbers Hill and Crosby. For Barbers Hill it means sole possession of second-place in the district, while Crosby can only tie for second with a win. Therefore I have to give the nod to BH.

    [b]Offense:[/b] There is little doubt, based solely on the number of points they have scored that Crosby probably holds the advantage here, but it's only a slight one.
    Let's go back to that BH vs Dayton game. Yeah, Dayton shut BH out, but the Eagles actually had a much larger scoring threat than Crosby did against Dayton. Crosby never got close enough to the goal line to even so much as sniff a touchdown, whereas Barbers Hill got inside the five. It was their choice to go for a td rather than take the easy three. Dayton thwarted the fourth-down fake field goal call, but the threat was there. Still, Merka is a threat and can throw the long pass and does have the wheels to run on you. A counter to that, however, is I was more impressed by the BH running backs. Advantage: Crosby

    Defense: Even though BH gave up 50+ points to Dayton and Crosby only 42, the Eagles have shown much better defense over the rest of the district schedule. The GCM game is only the latest example. Games against Baytown Lee, King and Galena Park also showed BH with a stiffer defense. Also, BH had to deal with Delasbour for the entire first half. No telling what the score would have been had Delasbour not been injured.
    Advantage: BH

    Based on this analysis, I would have to give the nod to Barbers Hill, but that’s why they play the game. Ok, how do you see it?
  13. [quote name="BHFAN" post="892767" timestamp="1288539842"]
    Here's an idea for Dayton why don't they wait for the team to get on the field before playing the National Anthem. To me this looks bad on Dayton not BH or Crosby. You control when the Anthem begins, so give the team time to get on the field! Very classy move by Dayton. 1st time looks like a mistake, but doing this to two teams? The band director needs someone to bend a flute around his head  8)

    At the Barbers Hill game we had not only the national anthem to do but also our comments and tribute to the young man from WOS who had passed away the previous weekend. When it got to 6:58 I got the call from down on the field to get started. At the time, the game officials were standing on our sidelines next to coaches who had headsets on and the word to get started came from the adjoining room which is where our other coaches were. I assume the word came from the officials.

    Therefore, the next time it happened, when it became 6:59 I had everyone stand and played the national anthem. The gametime is posted as 7 p.m. and that DOES NOT mean you wait until then to come out of the dressing room. As it was, I think we kicked off at 7:03. For BH, it was almost 7:05.

    I guess you'd expect an airliner to wait for a passenger because he didn't feel like coming out of the coffee shop until he was ready and the heck with everybody else. That, to me at least, is a pretty self-centered attititude.       

    Dayton comes out about 7:50-7:53 and warms up in the end zone. These two teams had no opportunity to warm up right before the game. Maybe . . .

    Now, pick up your excuses and go buy your coaches wristwatches. Oh, they already have them. My bad.
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