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Everything posted by ImJusSayn

  1. Thats putting it mildly Who said they are all from Baytown????Theres a house for sale right down the street, if you hurry you too can be a move-in.....You know that you want to be one too ;D
  2. When we started getting the move-ins from the west side of 146 ;D ;D
  3. Without a doubt BH has been plagued by the injury bug and I hope Payton is OK. But, I know that BH will work the kinks out this week and be ready to go..... These kids will step up and give everything they got...just like every week. I have to agree with FOOTBALLFEVER, NEITHER of these two teams are going to GIVE anybody ANYTHING..... They will leave everything they got on the field.......THERE IS STILL A LOT OF FOOTBALL LEFT TO BE PLAYED AND STATEMENTS TO BE MADE.... GO BH
  4. NF35 - Cougs17 Crosby has been playing above their heads lately and without the rain to assist its back to reality
  5. I get so tired of the 4 yr degree crap..... I dont care how long you go to school it still dont make you a coach or a leader. It makes you an english, math or whatever teacher and nothing more.....
  6. What can we say, your are correct. 2 years of running all over he field. They had 2 years to prepare. Enough said. GOOD GAME GCM
  7. What the heck are you talking about? Never happened. The first call was a "running into the kicker" and GCM declined the penalty. The second was a clear "roughing the kicker". GCM never ran any sort of fake punt. Didn't need to. Posted on: Today at 09:45:02 AMPosted by: bh34 Maybe it was sliding into the Kicker but it was not running into the kicker and it was only a 5 yd penalty, the punt had us pinned on about the 5 ydline, another good coaching call on GCM's part, to decline it. Just another example of being out coached.....
  8. Just not sure I agree w/ all that. It's was obvious that they where not going to beat us with the long pass in that weather last night , but Allen running all over the field was and did, get our ends to stay home , blitz a linebacker every now and then. Force him back into the middle. The roughing kicker call the first time was bull, but did you see the personnel they had on the field for the second,they were going for the block, that was coaching. We had just scored easily and desperately needed a stop and we got one, don't go after the kick. The field is wet the kids cant stop even if they try. Call them off before they even go in for the punt, but that would take some foresite and ADJUSTMENT which they will not do, for whatever reason......
  9. It's sounds as though Crosby came into this like GCM came into ours, ready to bust some heads and that is exactly what they did..... GOOD GAME for Both of them. This chicken fried crow w/ some gravy taste just like chicken......not really it taste like a big OL' pile of DOGS@*T..... :o
  10. OH, It's the little things like the Squib kicks they where doing the entire game thats was giving us fits. You think our genius coaching staff would have notice that hey that is really NEAT, its kinda hard to catch a groundball in the mud and slop, and MAYBE WE SHOULD TRY IT.....But that would require an adjustment. It's the little things or simple things. ???
  11. OH , and I like my crow CHICKEN FRIED WITH GRAVY, LOTS OF GRAVY. GOOD GAME GCM, YA'll came to play...Both teams had to deal with the weather and you guy's made the needed adjustments......
  12. It's not just a lack of motivation, it's also the scheme and their(coaching) inability to make adjustments. The defense is in desperate need and they take one of their better defenders from their secondary, which has been getting toasted, move him to WR and not use him AT ALL. Go in at halftime after getting burned all first half around the ends and come out in the second half and do the same scheme, no adjustment. OH one more thing somebody finally pulled their head out and put the afore mention defender back on defense with about 8:00 minute left in the game and your down 39-7, good move just about 3 qtrs to late and 39 points, COME ON MAN. And He gets HURT when the game is out of control. COME ON MAN.........
  13. Man.....We still have have a couple of hours before the game. Where did everyone go....Come out and play, the weather is nice
  14. Viverette has been without his top receiver Caleb Stork for last few games or i do believe his number could be off the charts.
  15. I don't believe you can participate in any school extracurricular activity if you are in ISS or SAC. Football, volleyball or a chicken fry
  16. I feel sorry for the Patriots, I can only imagine what must be going thru their minds....They came into our house last year and put a BEAT DOWN on us and now we have to go into the EAGLES HOUSE, IT's GOING TO BE BBAAADDD
  17. I told myself I was going to stay away this week and let the BH Boys do the talking on the field but I just can't help myself.....It's killing me.
  18. I'm going to continue to kick, beat or stomp the dead horse. Whats the definition of insanity ? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Like I said BH28 - Goose Creek14, Because the kids are just that good......
  19. I have not seen the goose play since the Pearland Dawson.They had the same issue we have right now with the deep ball. If we can get Hopper back to roaming the secondary and then we spread/balance our offense we should kick some butt. Just my $0.02
  20. u know every year they have that big "high school coachin combine", u could probably try out n take ole donnys spot ;D ;D ;D That's exactly what I was thinking.....NOT
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