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Posts posted by hjhawks

  1. As a teacher and a coach, I can say this....  It is our job to NEVER quit on a kid!  I have put in I don't know how many hours with him and his older brother and am proud of the steps that we made.  (even if the improvement is not noticible)  He will get it together eventually.... Rome wasn't built overnight.

    My point is this..... while it may seem like a "win at all cost" attitude.... it is actually using something that is dear to him to reach him.  (At least that was how I approached it.) 

    Lay off the kid!  You are not him, you are not on his team, and you are not his coach...... let it rest.


    PS show me your teeth!

    -Coach Fogo

  2. If you remember the debate that was sparked when the Postal service issued the Elvis stamps ... it was old elvis vs. young elvis...

    Young Sutherland vs. Old Sutherland...

    Also, young davis could not play his coaching duties would trump playing... also Nolte would not be able to play... as he would have to be the administrator on duty.

    Assuming Sutherland coaches both squads... here is my take.  a tie.  128-128. 

    This would set up a money making opportunity with the rematch to be played at the Montaigne Center ... hahah

  3. It was removed, and I am glad that person chose to do so.  In coaching.....  you can NEVER make everyone happy!  I really mean NEVER!  It is your fault if you lose and it is your fault if you don't win enough.  I have even been told after a baseball game that it was my fault that we lost because our dugout was positioned so the sun was in our eyes....

    Anyway,the time to judge the success of this years team will be when we are picking up equipment.  Not now.... there are still 6 games left on "our" schedule.

  4. A special thank you to Silsbee Players and Coaches!

    One of our players forgot her shoes for the game last night.  After the Silsbee game, Coach K got several of his players together and they let one of our girls borrow a pair of shoes.

    Another Class Act!  Good Luck Lady Tigers against Navasota.

  5. 1993-1995 was a great year for that district... WB had sneed and correyell? sp... central had franklin paul, tj had a great big man who i think went to texas tech.  Baytown Lee had Clayton Shields, Deer Park had Jason Skaer who went to OK State.  I remember all those games and almost everyone was a mini rivalry.

    I would take Jackson though.  Sneed got alot of his baskets from put backs, where jackson created alot more for himself and team.

  6. I'll be easy to find, I'm the one that looks like he is about to dry up and blow away.  lol

    We must look a like Poppabearstar. I will bring some cash. You better also. Can't wait, I can taste the nacho's now with peppers of course.  ;D Yes it is all you can eat for one not the whole family unless they are under the age of 4 years old. Then I will gladly pay for them. Anything over 5 they will break you. These kids can eat. Your wife gets to eat free also because she is probably the better half. ;D

    Tell you guys what..... after the game I will set up a chair right in the middle, and the loser has to go get it and bring it out like a waiter.


    By the way, the wife is definitely the better half!


  7. it may be a shrug your shoulder attitude, but in sports, sometimes you have to tip your hat to the other team.... (The superbowl is a good example of this.)

    Mc Neese shot the ball extremely well from ALL over the floor.  I said in my post that they had poor shot selection and still think that was why they lost.  That is fixable.  Playing good defense and forcing 22-24 foot contested shots and the other team hits them consistantly is very hard to fix...

    Losing doesn't make you a loser.....  Failing to learn from a loss and losing due to the same thing makes you a loser...

  8. Word on the street is that Coach Humplik went to some camps this winter.  His "back" call has improved and should be a little more consistant with the customary "safe" signal on any close play at first.  He also has added a few new catch phrases to go with the classic "Yes Sir! and "Atta boy!"

    I hope Coach Vansa brings his A game or Silsbee could be in for some tough games with the Hawks.

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