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Posts posted by hjhawks

  1. Dicky V -

    I was at Kelly during that time.... contrary to what people say, we never went to a kid and asked him to come to Kelly.  Period.  You will not win this argument with me.  J'Covan came to Kelly because his older brother was there and his parents loved it!

    I am not saying that Ozen does this, because I don't think they have to....  Their athletic program does all the talking for itself.... just as Kelly's academic program does all the talking.  99% of kids at Kelly go to college.... I would want my kid at a school like that.... athletics would come second.

    You seem too bitter all the time..... sit back and enjoy life...  haha

  2. they lack ONE huge thing last night....A kid named DECARLOS FRANK!

    yea its a shame that LC is not able to have kids from anywhere go to school their.

    I still remember d franks playing his summer ball at central his 8th grade year.

    Would central still be in playoffs if D Franks was in school there??????:

    Here they come, just as I expected...the haters and excuses and what ifs...I have said it before IF your grandma had b%^^s, the she would be your GRANDPA! Kids have choices EVERYWHERE..And by the way Rosenburg (Lamar Cons.) has more than one school AND the Fort Bend ISD is right next door...They HAVE choices too..DeCarlos is at Ozen because he and his folks want him at Ozen..No other reason...build it, and they will come. Thats the name of the game. period, end of discussion. oh yeah......chuuuuch!

    DickyV- wouldn't this quote apply to Kelly?  You always dog them for recruiting.... but they have never gone looking for players... the players came to them.  Don't be a hypocrite...

    On a side note, if I was a kid in this area I would LOVE to play for Boutee!!  What a guy!

  3. Well thanks Pluto, not even sure who you are but I appreciate the compliment.  In fact, I added it up the other day and I have coached in excess of 1,000 kids in the last 15 years.  I enjoy it tremendously.  And before anyone freaks out, I can tell you that Bleed is not at all racially biased.  A couple of years ago, when I was coaching the AAU team that consisted of both Brittany's from WOS, Janae and Memri Carmen from H-F, (her mom was my assistant coach and is one of the finest people I know) we played an inner city black team from Dallas.  The ref's were from the same area.  They shot 35 free throws to our 2.  We still won the game, but my point is that what Bleed is saying is few and far between, but it happens.  I am sure that it has happened with white refs too, but no matter what IT IS WRONG.  I think that is all Bleed is saying. It is easy to paint everyone from a predominantly white area or all black area as racially biased, but the truth is that just isn't the case.  In fact, my daughter used to tell everyone that B Scott was my second daughter.  Does that sound like she is biased? And I don't have one thing against Ang Green, in fact, I bet she doesn't even know it but a couple of years ago I paid of her and another Silsbee player to travel with a good friend of mine from Lubbock on their AAU team, without even knowing either kid.  So lets just call it like it is, IT IS MY HUMBLE OPINION THAT KK IS HANDS DOWN THE MVP OF THE DISTRICT, AND I COULD CARE LESS WHAT THE COACHES SAID AS THEIR DEGREE IN MATH OR HISTORY OR WHATEVER DOESN'T MAKE THEM BASKETBALL COACHES!

    Let's not paint everyone with the same brush.....  I feel the same, but the coaches voted and thats it..... let it die...

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