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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. ​I don't deny global climate change...but many do think we are the cause of it...now that is silly.
  2. ​How long have we been recording this history of climate change...and why was there a global cooling scare in the 70s?
  3.   Probably helps to be sober in a gunfight.
  4.   It follows the title of the thread...the speech he gave was insulting to the Coast Guard.   ...and Alan West would definitely know.
  5.   From the article:   PRESIDENT OBAMA: Climate change is one of those most severe threats. This is not just a problem for countries on the coasts or for certain regions of the world. Climate change will impact every country on the planet. No nation is immune. So I am here today to say that climate change constitutes a serious threat to global security, an immediate risk to our national security. And make no mistake, it will impact how our military defends our country. So we need to act and we need to act now.   :rolleyes: 
  6. I say keep it concealed carry.   Personally, I have no problem with open carry but I would imagine a lot of folks would...no need to bring on negative attention.   AAW also brings up a good point that could without a doubt happen.
  7. Results from Obama's foreign policy.   [Hidden Content]
  8.   Thanks...so basically this will keep equipment in a warehouse that taxpayers have already paid for.  If the local PD decides they need this same type equipment, rather than have this surplus equipment available they have to purchase it themselves.   Great idea!
  9. He would have handled these guys like the Black Widows...with no shots fired.
  10. One more...do the feds have any say in what equipment a local police department can purchase with their own budget?
  11.   TVC, does the federal gov decide which departments can and cannot receive this equipment or is it you want it you can get it?
  12. That the federal gov is involved in local police affairs at all is bad.
  13.   Speaking of Jimi and Buddy Guy...from the article:   For most of a career spanning nearly 70 years, Riley B. King was not only the undisputed king of the blues but a mentor to scores of guitarists, who included Eric Clapton, Otis Rush, Buddy Guy, Jimi Hendrix, John Mayall and Keith Richards. He recorded more than 50 albums and toured the world well into his 80s, often performing 250 or more concerts a year.
  14. [Hidden Content]   RIP...a tremendous talent and pioneer.
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