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PN-G bamatex

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Everything posted by PN-G bamatex

  1. My expectations are never lower than when responding to trolls, but here goes. With respect to Aledo, the answer to your rhetorical question couldn't be more different than the one you provided. The City of Aledo more than doubled in size from 2010 to 2020. It grew by nearly 60% over the ten years prior to that, and by nearly 50% over the ten years prior to that. Aledo ISD's enrollment growth has been even faster than the city's population growth. Like the Austin suburbs, a lot of Aledo's biggest subdivision developments have cropped up outside city limits, where developers have elected to use a combination of MUDs and HOAs to establish basic services and governing structures instead of traditional, municipal options. Not to mention that the bulk of the population growth in and around Aledo has been comprised of young families; the median age in Aledo has dropped like a sinking stone. It also helps that Aledo's median household income is multiples of the state average. The community's growing like a weed because the Fort Worth suburbs keep lurching west, and the influx of talent couldn't be more clear on the field. Aledo's own local leadership will tell you their success on the gridiron is owed in large part to their explosive population growth.
  2. I never said I think that. What I think is that even the best coaches go through cycles with their programs. Sometimes, they have a mediocre season or two. It happens. That's the nature of high school football. The key is being able to maximize the talent you have, and overcome the disadvantage through execution, fundamentals and discipline wherever possible. Your question to me was whether I thought Peevey's departure from West Brook had to do with a lack of upcoming talent. I gave a specific answer to that narrow question which accounted for a much broader range of potential motivators for that move, which I think were much more likely factors than lacking talent. BISD consistently produces a worthwhile crop of talent, and West Brook, in my opinion, is set to gain a larger share of that talent now that Ozen and Central have merged. There's little doubt that if Peevey had stayed at West Brook, he would have continued to have winning seasons at least most of the time, even if not in the immediate future. He would certainly be working with more talent than he has at LC-M. Whether Peevey would have done better than Langston in 2021 is a separate question. We'll never know the answer, but based on their respective records, I wouldn't bet against Peevey. I don't think there are many coaches out there who could turn LC-M around in his first season the way Peevey has. For that matter, I don't think there are many coaches out there who could have gotten West Brook to the state championship in 2018 the way Peevey did. Peevey has repeatedly shown he has the ability to make a successful high school program, amassing a 44-18 (.710) record in five seasons as a high school head coach that includes a playoff run every season, a district championship, and a quarterfinal appearance in addition to the state championship appearance. Even adding Langston's 48-37 (.565) record as a college head coach to his 14-25 (.359) record as a high school head coach, Langston's overall head coaching record is a break-even 62-62 (.500). It includes two FCS playoff appearances and one FBS bowl appearance in eight seasons at the college level, and no playoff appearances in four seasons at the high school level. Clearly, he has yet to produce any evidence of comparable ability to Peevey. PS: Your point about Langston 'technically' improving on Peevey's 2020 record at West Brook is, at best, debatable. Langston finished the 2021 season 5-5 at West Brook with no playoff berth. Peevey took West Brook to the playoffs in 2020 and lost, for a 5-6 record. Viewed in the light most favorable to Langston, his best season as a high school head coach tied Peevey's worst.
  3. To answer your question, no, I don’t think Peevey’s departure from West Brook had anything to do with lacking talent coming up through the ranks. There’s plenty of talent and athleticism in the Beaumont schools. I think it had a lot more to do with the fact that Peevey was one of the lowest paid head coaches in 6A, and LC-M offered both more money and the AD title he didn’t have in BISD. Plus, LC-M was the right opening at the right time; as has been mentioned several times over, his wife is an LC-M grad, and Peevey’s an Orange County boy.
  4. Quoting myself to make a correction. I had not realized Langston was head coach at Trinity High for three seasons. His overall high school head coaching record is 14-25, or .359. No record is better than that record.
  5. Faircloth had been an assistant at Austin Westlake and Highland Park, and an OC at Odessa Permian. He’d been a part of multiple state championships at the first two, and his offenses had shattered multiple records on deep playoff runs at Permian. That experience paid off - it’s got a lot to do with why he went 11-1 in his very first season as a head coach. Langston doesn’t have any of that background, and has a 5-5 record in his first season as a high school head coach. And if we’re going to look at the big picture, Langston may very well be a nice guy, but he’s got a history of NCAA violations that cost him his college career.
  6. I get where you're coming from here. I'm only commenting as the son of an LC-M grad from a large, long-time Orange family to say that Orange is only a ~30 minute drive from Port Neches. My dad's made the drive back to Orange from Port Neches and Groves for work for going on 41 years. My grandfather went the other way and made the drive to Port Neches from Orange for work for 35 years, famously only being late to work twice (once because the Rainbow Bridge was closed due to a wreck, and once because he agreed to give a work buddy a ride to work and that guy overslept, or at least so he claimed). If Peevey's wife wants to be close to home, Mid-County is close to home. If she wants to live down the street from her parents, that's a different issue. And that's all assuming, of course, that Peevey is even interested in the job to begin with, which we don't know.
  7. This is a little off topic, but I wasn't aware Lumberton ISD had appointed a search committee with community representatives on it to conduct their last head coaching search. I don't think PN-G's ever done that, and I think that's a good idea for the AD job and the superintendent's job.
  8. No idea how much Peevey is or isn’t interested, but of the rumored candidates, he’s by far the best option on paper.
  9. Really both, but one will come with more backlash than the other. Leadership has got to understand, the voters are going to Google the new head coach’s last name. They’re going to find the win-loss records and the history, which will also find its way into every news media article about the hire. They’re going to see the rumors that have been circulating here and elsewhere for months, and people who have been slow to pass judgment are going to see that as confirmation that the rumors were true. And even if it’s a likable guy who’s cleaned up and rebuilt his career (I personally happen to like one of those two quite a bit as a man), it doesn’t make him the right guy to take over the PN-G program. In particular, college recruiting is a concern to a lot of people. PN-G wasn’t shelling out many Roschon Johnsons, Jaylen Garths, Blake Bosts or Adam Morses before Faircloth. We’ve had more success at that the last six years or so than we’d had in decades. Y’all know relationships are everything when it comes to college recruiting, and Faircloth’s relationships at the next level went a long way for some PN-G alumni who might not have gotten a second look without him. Moving forward, a lot of your major programs are going to have concerns about appearances when the relationship is with a guy who has a history of NCAA violations. I was in these threads telling people there would be tremendous political blowback over Faircloth’s ouster. Nobody in leadership listened. Now the school board’s in full bore damage control mode, calling around trying to get people to stop talking about it on Facebook because the outrage is multiples of what they thought they’d get and they need the conversation to die down. I hope they listen to my prognostications this time.
  10. Very interesting note there about the THSCA website. Regarding the Indian Faithful, if the rumored name is the one the school board picks, I suspect they'll find the reaction to be as bad or worse than the reaction to Faircloth's departure. I have nothing against that coach, to be clear. Just saying public sentiment about this is nowhere near where your post suggests it is.
  11. For the record, I like ProtonMail, too. Great email service. Very useful in Austin politics since it doesn’t track IP addresses and can’t be tied to individuals who wish to remain anonymous, or at least impossible to conclusively identify. The casual observer may not understand why that’s relevant to this thread, but it’s relevant to this thread.
  12. They haven’t been, but there’s a push to change. One of quite a few changes happening in Bastrop right now.
  13. Speaking of assistants leaving and red flags, several are following Faircloth to Sulphur Springs. [Hidden Content]
  14. Highlighting an important piece of this very well stated post for those out there claiming ‘thirteen seasons is a long time to hang on to a head coach’ and ‘head coaches typically come and go much more quickly than that’ to downplay the significance of Faircloth’s departure. Setting Faircloth aside, the three most consistently successful coaches in Southeast Texas since 1980 are Dan Hooks, Larry Neumann and Curtis Barbay. All were with their programs for at least 25 years. Neumann’s record at Nederland during the first half of his tenure there is especially comparable to Faircloth’s. I just wish tvc had stated this in the Port Neches neighborhood watch group on Facebook. There aren’t many, but the few comments there supporting Faircloth’s departure are absolutely dumbfounding.
  15. According to smitty, Wade Phillips shouldn’t be considered for the job. Never won a superbowl as a head coach.
  16. FYI, Toby Foreman commented on Ashly Elam's initial Facebook post about Faircloth's departure. I know some of y'all will have a field day with that.
  17. You know, it's funny you say that. A couple other Austin insiders and I talk high school football a lot. There's an expectation inside the Capitol that 7A is coming, if not this realignment then the next. And a lot of those guys who pay attention and knew what PN-G had returning, felt like PN-G would be a powerhouse next season if the chips fall the right way in realignment. There was real potential on the horizon. I'm not saying there's no chance it happens now. Faircloth brought PN-G its first undefeated regular season since 1977 during his first season at PN-G. We've got a great group of kids returning next year with a proven track record of beating the odds. But y'all know as well as I do that typically, the first season under a new coach is a bad one, even when he inherits a program in great shape like ours is. All I can say is, if next season goes south, it's not on the boys. They fought hard for the PN-G program both on and off the field last year. If 2022 goes down as a bad season for PN-G, it's on the adults who bungled this thing.
  18. I don't know which coaches you're specifically referring to, but I know two of the younger coaches. One graduated from PN-G a few years ahead of me, and I don't think he played under Faircloth. The other graduated with me and played for Faircloth in 2009 and 2010. Both of them are good guys. I don't know what rumors have floated around that you might have heard. I don't see Coach Faircloth hiring former PN-G players an attempt to control anybody. I see it as him giving younger guys who played for PN-G a start in coaching. Plenty of coaches, including prior PN-G coaches, have done that kind of thing in the past. If memory serves, that's how Coach Burnett got his first assistant job, too.
  19. Oh no, don't y'all associate him with us. Smitty (or whatever he's calling himself now) is a Nederland fan (except when it's time to replace a 50+ year old school).
  20. With the exception of Danny Malone, whose two seasons don't present a sufficient sample size, Brandon Faircloth had the best winning percentage of any PN-G coach since Doug Ethridge. He had the most wins to his name of any PN-G coach in PN-G history; he took only thirteen seasons to break a record his predecessor took fifteen seasons to set. He sent more players on to play at the college level, particularly at more major college programs, than any coach in PN-G history by a country mile, and produced arguably the best athlete in school history. His teams shattered multiple school records dating back decades. He brought PN-G its first undefeated regular season in 32 years - only the third such season in school history - and strung together the most consistent streak of deep playoff runs PN-G's had in four decades. Most recently, he took a team that wasn't even predicted to make the playoffs three rounds deep, pulling off two major upsets over state-ranked powers along the way, the latter of the two sporting an 11-0 record at the time. And you think the fact that he didn't get us all the way to state during his thirteen seasons, in an era when no Southeast Texas team in PN-G's classification has managed to beat the suburbs to get to state since 2002, is sufficient justification to dismiss him, on the off chance his successor might hire the next Art Briles as an assistant? Now you're just trolling. This conversation's not worth carrying on.
  21. Don’t give me that. I was here twelve years ago. When Faircloth hired on, I specifically remember you going on non-stop about two things: how Faircloth wouldn’t measure up to his predecessor, and how PN-G spent too much money on the stadium. You’re making the same points now that you were then. PN-G’s not going to get a Briles, a Buchanan or a Surratt. They can make more money working in better facilities with more talent and larger staffs in the suburbs. And now, they know not even a three round playoff run is enough to generate job security at PN-G. God help us.
  22. Roschon? What would we have done with Roschon if we had an “actual state championship-type coach” when he was playing? That’s seriously what you’re asking? Roschon’s family moved out of Port Arthur ISD and into PN-GISD when RJ was still playing Pop Warner because Faircloth is one of the best QB coaches in Texas and RJ’s dad knew Faircloth could develop RJ’s talent. I remember that - I went to school with RJ’s older brother after they made the move. If Faircloth hadn’t been at PN-G, Roschon never would have played a down at PN-G. So what would we have done with Roschon if we had a true, blue, smitty-certified, state championship-caliber head coach? The answer is, not damn thing. The fact that RJ played for PN-G at all is yet another reason we were so lucky to have Faircloth. You’ve hated Faircloth since the day the man hired on. You didn’t know the first thing about PN-G then, and you still don’t now. Go back to worrying about Nederland ISD’s bonds.
  23. Once again, only posting to preserve the quote.
  24. There were no school board members' kids involved in that incident, only sons of coaches.
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