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Ozen-Vidor Round Two

Guest flyonwall12

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[quote name="chocky" post="1367789" timestamp="1359472966"]
[quote author=panther76 link=topic=108532.msg1367703#msg1367703 date=1359432671]
First time posting but what I saw Friday night at Ozen was not what I paid to see.  I heard about this match from a friend of mine who knows I enjoy high school sports.  This game turned out to be why I stopped going to high school basketball games.  The refs took the game out of the hands of the players.  Ozen did not win the game.  The refs seemed to be able to get into Vidor's players head.  I can say this because I came to the game not to pull for one team but l came just hoping for a good game.  Come on, what ref, whose responsibility it is to watch the clock, allows the game to run at least five seconds without starting the clock at an important part of the game.  To me, I thought the game was called one sided.  I have read statements saying how much one team is better than the other.  From what I saw, the think either team could win if there were on a level playing field.  I will never write bad about the players, but the refs are a different story.  UIL needs to get control of the referring if true out comes are to be decided on the court.  Again, the refs have again justified my staying away from high school basketball.  I'm not a fan of "Air Ball" chants and I'm really not a fan when fans start cheering for a player fouling out.  It really makes one wonder how fans would have acted if a player had gotten hurt.  I always worry that during a poorly called game a player will get hurt.  Again, I hope someone gets with UIL and plays to them the tape of this game and UIL uses this tape as to how not to ref a game.  My last comment. To Ozen, I would not be proud of the win, you had help (two on one).  To Vidor, be proud, you played hard.
If that's what you got out of attending the game, maybe you should stay home more. 8)
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Guest flyonwall12
Ozen have fun with your tainted victory. We will just see who goes farther in the playoffs. The real season. After Friday night it will be a very clear picture.

And to end from being in person for this game and having watched the tape of the last game along with seeing Vidor for about 7 games and Ozen up in Duncanville, Vidor is the school that has more D1 basketball talent. Vidor's got two legitimate players while Ozen has one. And it aint twenty-one.
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[quote name="flyonwall12" post="1367837" timestamp="1359481592"]
Ozen have fun with your tainted victory. We will just see who goes farther in the playoffs. The real season. After Friday night it will be a very clear picture.

The runner up in 20-4A has a much tougher route in the playoffs.  If standings stay like they are, Vidor would have Dayton in the first round and then have the #1 team in the state as their second round opponent.  Both teams can make good runs, but playoff success also depend on matchups.
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[quote name="usedtobe" post="1367823" timestamp="1359479328"]
[quote author=BLUEDOVE3 link=topic=108532.msg1367796#msg1367796 date=1359474068]
[quote author=daddy23 link=topic=108532.msg1367793#msg1367793 date=1359473282]
I smell a rat there.  1st post.  C'mon. 

I wasn't at the game.  But I hate crying about the refs. 

I was at the 1st meeting in vidor.  It was a very close game.  But Vidor's good shooting could not make up for Ozen's size.  And the 2nd game is what can happen without the hot shooting.

I think Ozen is a very good team.  The Ozen players and fans know it.  They do not need some random Vidor fan confirming it.

Vidor has a good team.  This may be the best Vidor girls BB team in history.  But the refs did not cost Vidor the game.  They got beat by a team that played better than them on Friday. 

I just really hate to hear people complain about the refs.  Especially in a blow out!
[/quote]Man, let me give you some [s]daps.[/s].err Karma. Good post!! Gotta watch the ones with their "first post."  ::)
Good response, BD3.  And going by the screen name, if there is a #23 on the Vidor roster, I think I've found her father. 8)
[/quote] Yep!  Parents!
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Very easy observation on every ones part, to realize this is nothing more than a post from a Vidor fan ,upset with the lost.Going to have to wake up a little earlier than that ,to get past proffesionals that post day in and day out.CMON Panther 76 ?????? try again. ;D ;D ;D
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Sorry, I guess freedom of speach is for some but not all.  That was my first post and this will be my last post.  I did see a game poorly called.  I have been going to games a lot longer than most of you and I have seen games called correctly and games with questionable calls.  After watching this game, I thought there were calls that should have been called.  Yes Ozen is bigger and the refs did let things slide.  Maybe I won't go to another game.  I grew up watching basketball when all the show man ship was not allowed. For those stating I'm a Vidor fan, maybe I came away from that game hoping that Vidor does do well in the playoffs.  For Ozen I hope they do well in the playoffs.  The game is for the kids.  Not the parents and not the refs.  Again, was it fair for Ozen to have the cloud over them that the refs had a big part in the win?  By the way, last time I checked, I can have my own opinion.
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Yes there is a #23 on vidor...lil Jack's....I think coach jacks has better things to do with his time than post and repsond to random peoples comments that don't know what they are talking about because they did not see the game. Again, the tape will show a lot. But the bmt chapter wouldn't want to watch it and have their flaws pointed out. The female and shorter male refs shouldn't be calling jv games much less huge varsity match ups. I'm not saying vidor lost because of the refs BC our shots weren't falling and not everyone was 100% but we do have the better team and players!
Even the clock guy and book keeper cheated!!! That's just sad. But if that's how u win then I'm glad to say I'm not an Ozen fan. You couldn't pay me to support that!
Keep your heads up lady pirates...rise above...you are all WAY better than that, don't stoop down to those levels.
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playoffs ,different refs,chapter etc.by being better i expect a deep run.Go Lady Pirates![quote name="vhsladypirates" post="1369561" timestamp="1359915948"]
Yes there is a #23 on vidor...lil Jack's....I think coach jacks has better things to do with his time than post and repsond to random peoples comments that don't know what they are talking about because they did not see the game. Again, the tape will show a lot. But the bmt chapter wouldn't want to watch it and have their flaws pointed out. The female and shorter male refs shouldn't be calling jv games much less huge varsity match ups. I'm not saying vidor lost because of the refs BC our shots weren't falling and not everyone was 100% but we do have the better team and players!
Even the clock guy and book keeper cheated!!! That's just sad. But if that's how u win then I'm glad to say I'm not an Ozen fan. You couldn't pay me to support that!
Keep your heads up lady pirates...rise above...you are all WAY better than that, don't stoop down to those levels.
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I wish I would have gone to this game. From what I remember it was a marginal loss. The point spread - was that made by Ozen at the free throw line for all the bad calls the refs made or did the scorekeeper just put that many points up? This is not the 1st time Ozen has beaten a team like this and probably won't be the last. Did the girls not make any baskets? I guess I should have gone. Good luck to Vidor on their playoff run. As well as to the Lady Panthers!
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ozen is a good team.Vidor beat Central by 5 at Vidor,turned around and lost by 24pts at central and not one thread about it.Ozen beat both teams twice this year and the years past.So why al of a sudden the refs helped Ozen win?Come on people their #4 in the state should be #1 as they were earlier in the season.Having a loss by one point to PAM a loss to #3 5a PLano West and a team from Alabama 5a These girls are the real deal.
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[quote name="flyonwall12" post="1367837" timestamp="1359481592"]
Ozen have fun with your tainted victory. We will just see who goes farther in the playoffs. The real season. After Friday night it will be a very clear picture.

And to end from being in person for this game and having watched the tape of the last game along with seeing Vidor for about 7 games and Ozen up in Duncanville, Vidor is the school that has more D1 basketball talent. Vidor's got two legitimate players while Ozen has one. And it aint twenty-one.

Fly, I hate to bust your bubble but the 06-07 teams at Orangefield could beat Vidor by 20+points and there were no D1 signee's on their teams. No way Vidor has more D1 talent than Ozen and you are right Ozen only has 1. ;D ;D The WOS, Silsbee and Lumberton teams in that era could also beat Vidor badly but on the flipside I guess we will never know. ;D ;D
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