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Woodville vs Kirbyville/@Woodville 7PM/Predictions or comments??

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Woodville will win alot of games, already has won a good many.  I would not say they are very well coached.  I would not say that they are not coached.  I am not trying to put down any coach but what I saw from Woodville was alot of height, quick guards, big bodies, and a few shooters. What I did not see was them playing very hard or doing anything special on the offensive end, they ran the flex and if it broke down they gave it to Sells and let him go one on one, they were somewhat undercontrol but at times out of control.  If kids are not playing hard then that is the first sign to me.  Most people today think a coach is doing a overwhelming job if he just gets his kids to play hard.  To be a very well coached team I would expect at least two things, the team playing as hard as they can, scrapping all over the court, and under control on offense.  This means not turning the ball over a considerable amount of times.  If a coach can do that then he is doing all he can.  On the flip side, I do not know the coaches situation, he may not be able to do these things due to admin, football or various other reasons. I was stating what I saw on the floor. And I will always admit that I could be wrong. 
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It amazes me to get on here and read the things that you great basketball minds have to say about a coach and their players.  Everybody has an opinion.  Whether it is right or whether it is wrong, only time will tell.  However, I do have a question.  Why is there so much talk about Woodville when no one respects them.  Even when they play a good team and do better than anyone thinks that they will do, they still get no credit.  It's usually because the other team is "OVERLOOKING" them because of who they play next.
Let's just stop beating around the bush, a great person in my life once told me "Do not judge a book by its cover."  You are on the outside looking and you don't know how hard that team works and what they are made of.  Let their game speak for itself and not you trying to give your personal opinion about them or their coach.  They did not get to 10 and 3 by accident.  They must be doing something right. 
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If you would have read any of my posts you would know that I have done nothing but brag on Woodville.  Never said anyone was overlooking them and got the win, someone stated that and I said that could be it. I just stated an opinoin that everyone is entilited too.  I even said that I could be wrong.  I never have assumed I have the "hold" on basketball knowledge.  I have seen Woodville play 1 game, and seen alot of scores on here.  I based my opinion of the coaching based off of that.  Could I be wrong, of course.  The game I saw them play, they did not play that hard and were not undercontol on offense.  That is why I bothered to reply.  Wasnt trying to ruffle feathers.  No pun intended.
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That is why I mentioned I could be wrong and that I had only seen them play once.  I would think the opposite as far as playing hard against Newton, Newton may have not been very fundamentally sound but they had great athletes so I would think that you would have to play your hardest because the tempo was pushed to such a great tempo.  Regardless, when it all comes down to it, I based what I saw off of one game.  Probablly not fair.  But what I saw from that game was the players not playing as hard as they could and a sloppy game.  I know from playing myself, that some games can be hard to get yourself up for and sometimes it dosent seem like you are playing hard.  But in all my years of playing we never had over 16-18 turnovers a game and that was on the highest end.  We set our turnover goal at 10-12 or below a game as a team.  If we went over that number we ran for each one.  And we pressed from tipoff to end of game and got pressed on occasion. This made us control and protect the ball better.  I didnt see that in the game I watched.  But, with everthing being said, I only watched one game so I can only tell you what I thought from that game.  It is probably not a fair assessment unless I am correct.  And playing hard and playing undercontrol are individual assessments.  Some may think 16 turnovers is not bad while some do, and some may think that one team is playing hard while another is not. 
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[quote name="east texas bb" post="935055" timestamp="1292626370"]
Then every winning record in Texas has a good team and coach and every losing record has a bad team and coach.  Dont buy it.  It is not that simple.  Records do not speak for themselves.  Never have. 

just out of curiosity, what game did you happen to see?
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I can say...as a completely neutral person regarding Woodville...and someone who has seen them twice now....they are a well coached team and one of the better teams in this area.  They hustle, play an in-your-face press, can hit the threes, and can go inside. They have very good team chemistry...and that isn't an accident.
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I have seen them twice as well.  They play hard at times but do not play hard all of the time.  That is why I suspect when they were playing Newton they let them back in the game.  They had them down about 15 at halftime and I left about the end of 3rd and I understand that Newton made a run and got back in the game.  Newton is not very good.  Very athletic but as far as basketball goes they are not that good.  Secondly, Woodville never did anything on offense that was impressive.  They were beating Newton and Jasper because they were better basketball players.  The Newton game through 3 quarters, I probably saw 25 turnovers for Woodville, that is something a coach can control and should if they want to go very far.  In the Jasper game it was the same 25-30 turnovers for the entire game.  My personal opinion of basketball is that a team should keep their turnovers to below 12.  Doing the math, that is almost 40 points left out there just in turnovers.  I have been an advocate of Woodville on this board and everyone has their own opionion of what good basketball should look like.  Most think coaches are doing an overwhelming job if they just get their team to play hard, which in itself is an opinion. The games I saw Woodville did not play as hard as I thought they could nor were they as undercontrol as they should have been.  That is my opinion.  Also, I thought you said records spoke for themselves.  If that is your case, then you shouldnt have anything else you want to add, their record says it all.  Once again, I am not trying to bash a coach, I have not walked in his shoes. I just know what I saw and I know that records do not speak for theirselves.  That is a blanket statement that is just untrue. Coaches can control at least 2 things at the Varsity level, controlling the ball and how hard a team plays.  I didnt see that from the two game I watched even though they won.  I wish Woodville the best the rest of the year.
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