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Goose Creek Memorial @ Barbers Hill predictions !!!


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[quote name="igivu22" post="888433" timestamp="1288142682"]
14 miles? thats pretty close!!
As close as youll ever get. Someone needs to change this thread to BH fans trying to justify the spankin on the mythical 54 pt beat down.(which its really legend). Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Focus on GCM. BH has a good chance to go into the playoffs on a good win streak maybe win a game or two there. The kids are starting to get with the program and maybe you will get your money worht out of an overrated coach ;D
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[quote name="liltex" post="888449" timestamp="1288143676"]
Actually in old river it's only feet away.Just sayin ;D
[/quote] across the street to be exact...
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[quote name="BHFAN" post="888363" timestamp="1288136797"]
Someone pass OctFeb a Tissue and a BH jersey to hang in her living room ;D

Ok back to this Dayton thread........errrr..... I mean BH thread

BH is playing great ball right now and if GCM wouldn't have beat Crosby last week they might have had a chance for a sneak attack ;D The BH coaches will be prepared for this game! As I have said before it is difficult to predict anything from BH this year with the new system and all, but one thing i like about this coaching staff is that it seems they do their home work and really come in to the game knowing thier opponent! in the years past it seems like we came in half cocked then tried to make adjustments as we went. With that said I think BH comes in with another solid performance and takes the goose out!

BH - 26 (Don't know what it is about that number)
[/quote]Nice to see you back posting BHFAN.  Glad the Eagles are doing AWEsome!  They have certainly turned the ship and are heading in the right direction.
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This was a BH vs. GCM thread and as I start to read through it realized it is laced once again with Dayton fans. You guys got to jump into every subject that has to deal with 19-4A? I guess you guys feel like you dominate the district so why not dominate all threads. My vote still goes to you guys and not PNG. Ya'll are defintely the obnoxious champs. Kinda reminds me of Cowboy fans. Now I've made enemies to two groups! LOL I'll say one thing, I didn't know this many people in Dayton had computers.
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[quote name="HillGuy" post="888321" timestamp="1288129329"]
[quote author=octfeb link=topic=75036.msg888270#msg888270 date=1288124976]
[quote author=WhatHappened? link=topic=75036.msg887983#msg887983 date=1288104785]
If you are on a football page and you do not know the difference between a field goal and an extra point; you have 0 right to be able to call someone else dazed and confused. ;D ;D ;D
[/quote] Ok so I asked an obviously stupid question according to you AND [b]bronco1 pfft[/b]... [b]If you are on a football page and you do not know the difference between a field goal and an extra point; you have 0 right to be able to call someone else dazed and confused. [/b]<--- don't recall calling you dazed and confused.. unless you are talking about someone else.. of course... And as for me talking smack yep I do.. But i dont go round calling people a smart A$$ because they may have asked a question that the answer would be obvious to most on here.... So get back on your tricycle, stick horse, skate board, or what ever you rode in on, and move on :-* THAT GOES FOR YOU TO HILLGUY...

waaaaaaa...you got to get a thicker skin to hang around this site.   You sure are showing up on a lot of BH threads...I'm starting to think you are a Eagle fan.   ;D  That's ok there is always room on the BIG BLUE WAGON.

There's always room on it because there's no one currently there...

Isn't it just a little bit smaller than the radio flyer I tote my kids around in?
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[quote name="COUCH TATER" post="888557" timestamp="1288149288"]
This was a BH vs. GCM thread and as I start to read through it realized it is laced once again with Dayton fans. You guys got to jump into every subject that has to deal with 19-4A? I guess you guys feel like you dominate the district so why not dominate all threads. My vote still goes to you guys and not PNG. Ya'll are defintely the obnoxious champs. Kinda reminds me of Cowboy fans. Now I've made enemies to two groups! LOL I'll say one thing, I didn't know this many people in Dayton had computers.

Naw, it's just easier to reply to numerous threads when you can actually read...

Plus BH fans don't get their panties in a wad about every little thing...
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Guest igivu22
Enough Bronx Rox! Ya'll did win by 54.Good for you , but remember one thing? I would have rather lost as an EAGLE.!! Than won as a Bronco? We"ll see what happens to dayton in the playoffs and in the years to come? Now back to the thread. GCM  win over Crosby! WOW. The HILL is playing good ball right now. BH wins by 14+
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[quote name="octfeb" post="888372" timestamp="1288137758"]
[quote author=BHFAN link=topic=75036.msg888363#msg888363 date=1288136797]
Someone pass OctFeb a Tissue and a BH jersey to hang in her living room ;D

Ok back to this Dayton thread........errrr..... I mean BH thread

BH is playing great ball right now and if GCM wouldn't have beat Crosby last week they might have had a chance for a sneak attack ;D The BH coaches will be prepared for this game! As I have said before it is difficult to predict anything from BH this year with the new system and all, but one thing i like about this coaching staff is that it seems they do their home work and really come in to the game knowing thier opponent! in the years past it seems like we came in half cocked then tried to make adjustments as we went. With that said I think BH comes in with another solid performance and takes the goose out!

BH - 26 (Don't know what it is about that number)
[/quote][b]but one thing i like about this coaching staff is that it seems they do their home work and really come in to the game knowing thier opponent![/b] So I guess thats why Dayton beat the bump 54-0 cause they forgot to do their homework? :-*
It was the first district game of the season and BH had 9 turnovers. Get out of the BH thread. We dont care about a loss. it doesnt matter if you lose by 1 point or 54. a loss is a loss and thats all there is to it.
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[quote name="WhatHappened?" post="888695" timestamp="1288186914"]
[quote author=octfeb link=topic=75036.msg888372#msg888372 date=1288137758]
[quote author=BHFAN link=topic=75036.msg888363#msg888363 date=1288136797]
Someone pass OctFeb a Tissue and a BH jersey to hang in her living room ;D

Ok back to this Dayton thread........errrr..... I mean BH thread

BH is playing great ball right now and if GCM wouldn't have beat Crosby last week they might have had a chance for a sneak attack ;D The BH coaches will be prepared for this game! As I have said before it is difficult to predict anything from BH this year with the new system and all, but one thing i like about this coaching staff is that it seems they do their home work and really come in to the game knowing thier opponent! in the years past it seems like we came in half cocked then tried to make adjustments as we went. With that said I think BH comes in with another solid performance and takes the goose out!

BH - 26 (Don't know what it is about that number)
[/quote][b]but one thing i like about this coaching staff is that it seems they do their home work and really come in to the game knowing thier opponent![/b] So I guess thats why Dayton beat the bump 54-0 cause they forgot to do their homework? :-*
It was the first district game of the season and BH had 9 turnovers. Get out of the BH thread. We dont care about a loss. it doesnt matter if you lose by 1 point or 54. a loss is a loss and thats all there is to it.

Be nice now, there are only 5 computers in Dayton (compliments of some previous football players). They all live in the same duplex, so they need someone else to talk too.  ;D ;D ;D 
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[quote name="bh89-2" post="888694" timestamp="1288186901"]
It's gonna be a good game Friday.  I have to watch Crosby thru half-time, then i am headed donwn form Dayton to BH and watch the finish.  That is unless Crosby is putting up an effort and hanging close, which I doubt.   
[/quote] You can sit over on the east visitor side close to the septic truck if the wind is right should be some good whiff's ! ;)
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[quote name="jayhawk" post="888823" timestamp="1288197428"]
[quote author=bh89-2 link=topic=75036.msg888694#msg888694 date=1288186901]
It's gonna be a good game Friday.  I have to watch Crosby thru half-time, then i am headed donwn form Dayton to BH and watch the finish.  That is unless Crosby is putting up an effort and hanging close, which I doubt.   
[/quote] You can sit over on the east visitor side close to the septic truck if the wind is right should be some good whiff's ! ;)

You aint lying  ;D They use that thing to suck up all of the BS that Dayton spills 8) and OctFeb suck starts it before it goes into the Dayton Bleachers :o
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[quote name="BHFAN" post="888865" timestamp="1288200138"]
[quote author=jayhawk link=topic=75036.msg888823#msg888823 date=1288197428]
[quote author=bh89-2 link=topic=75036.msg888694#msg888694 date=1288186901]
It's gonna be a good game Friday.  I have to watch Crosby thru half-time, then i am headed donwn form Dayton to BH and watch the finish.  That is unless Crosby is putting up an effort and hanging close, which I doubt.   
[/quote] You can sit over on the east visitor side close to the septic truck if the wind is right should be some good whiff's ! ;)

You aint lying  ;D They use that thing to suck up all of the BS that Dayton spills 8) and OctFeb suck starts it before it goes into the Dayton Bleachers :o
Look on the side of it..... it says " The Hill Is For Real Band Wagon " We already knew that because it stinks and is full of _______! ;D
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[quote name="COUCH TATER" post="888557" timestamp="1288149288"]
This was a BH vs. GCM thread and as I start to read through it realized it is laced once again with Dayton fans. You guys got to jump into every subject that has to deal with 19-4A? I guess you guys feel like you dominate the district so why not dominate all threads. My vote still goes to you guys and not PNG. Ya'll are defintely the obnoxious champs. Kinda reminds me of Cowboy fans. Now I've made enemies to two groups! LOL I'll say one thing, I didn't know this many people in Dayton had computers.
Nothing to do on a normal work day for most Americans but Dayton fans have all day everyday to spend time here. I blame Bush! Lol.... Everyone else seems to... heck they can even browse from their phone in the unemployment line. Next please!!!!!!
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[quote name="jayhawk" post="888823" timestamp="1288197428"]
[quote author=bh89-2 link=topic=75036.msg888694#msg888694 date=1288186901]
It's gonna be a good game Friday.  I have to watch Crosby thru half-time, then i am headed donwn form Dayton to BH and watch the finish.  That is unless Crosby is putting up an effort and hanging close, which I doubt.   
[/quote] You can sit over on the east visitor side close to the septic truck if the wind is right should be some good whiff's ! ;)

OH no sir, I have to sit on Dayton's side so I can watch my oldest dance for Crosby.  Gonna bail right at half time, so at least for 2 quarters you will be blessed with my smiling face........and wisdom.  ;D ;D ;D 
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[quote name="Jack E Moon" post="889105" timestamp="1288219739"]
Barbers Hill has improved on both sides of the ball every week.  I will take BH by 14 in this one.
BH does seem to be playing better ball now. But GCM just knocked off the reigning district champs. They have to be coming into this game with some attitude. Patriots in a close one.
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[quote name="Hawkeye" post="889131" timestamp="1288221505"]
[quote author=Jack E Moon link=topic=75036.msg889105#msg889105 date=1288219739]
Barbers Hill has improved on both sides of the ball every week.  I will take BH by 14 in this one.
BH does seem to be playing better ball now. But GCM just knocked off the reigning district champs. They have to be coming into this game with some attitude. Patriots in a close one.

I have seen GCM play 3 games this year.  Last Friday was a different team than played in the first two.  It was a Dayton bye weeek, so who knows what realtionships have been formed these days...... ;D  You know how those "move-ins" can happen at just the right time.  ;D

It's gonna be an interesting game and I have no doubt GCM will play 120%.  I also have no doubt BH has not forgotten the upset week last year that took Dayton and BH down a notch.  I have a feeling this just might be pay-back week this year.   
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[quote name="BH96" post="889095" timestamp="1288218402"]
OCTFEB is a very nice person and a very appealing person to stare at. I mean look at  :o :o :o;  you will just need to ignore her and nod and everything will be ok. Besides she knows what your doing.  


OctFeb you didn't tell us you were HOT ;D If that is true you know you should be living in BH or are you one of those that likes to stick out in the crowd ;D
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