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Readers response to NEGATIVE coaching remarks.

Guest WeedBegone

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I am seeing lots of interesting responses.  To restate my question on this topic.

Does the postings regarding the abilities of a coach --or lack of abilities--promote the team in a positive image in the eyes of the readers?  Do these postings get the desired results in the public arena?  Whether they are right or wrong IMO is irrelevant to the question.

To answer your question, right or wrong, there is no positive that comes from any of these posts. Even though there is no positve promotion, it does paint an accurate picture of the programs that are mentioned. That is what is a shame.

It paints an accurate picture of the program as seen in the eyes of the poster!! Now, is the posters eyes the sentiments of everyone involved? I doubt that very much. So do you believe everything other people write as being fact? That wouldn't be too smart. Do we not agree that many statements written as fact are sometimes filtered by someones personal agenda? I think we have all seen this before. So do I think negative comments about coaches/umpires bring a negative light over a team? Not in my opinion. It usually brings a negative light on the poster. Hey, think about it, he came on here to do it!!!

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My remarks have nothing to do with the coaching of the game.  As far as that goes our coach pretty much knows what he's doing.  Its the personal insults that I have a problem with.  Its not about wether or not my child gets to play.  She always gets to play.  Its not just the insults that my child gets, its about 8 other girls also.  If it was something physical or worse should we keep quite about it for the sake of the team?  Or because poor coach has to coach for a living since he chose to coach for a living.  Is it not young minds that the coach is shaping?  Could he possibly be teaching these young girls that its ok to be verbally abused by someone who is supposed to care about them?  Verbal abuse is abuse.  And come on, the person that wants to come to my job and yell at me like a ingnorant parent that thinks her little angel is not getting enough playing time....how about reversing that.  Lets say your boss came to you screaming that your an *f*ing idiot, I cant believe how stupid you are, you fat cow, if you cant do your job right im going to fire you!  What?  You would sit there and smile and figure that after the 10th time he's still just having a bad day?

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I forgot to mention that i do have an agenda.  It is that he will see these postings and he will stop and think about how he talks to these girls.  Isnt that just the worst thing in the world or not?

What school are we talking about?

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Hey Weed, I think it's time to retitle your thread to Readers response to NEGATIVE coaching remarks.  Particularly if etbu's question is answered.  I'll narrow it down for you a little etbu.......not a team in 21-5A (particularly Tyner, Chambliss & Sorensen)

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Dang it Mc did not mean to get under your skin but just asking. F-bombs going off here and there just trying to figure out what we got going on here.

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Guest 11/13Dad

Hey etbu, I think it's you who needs to ease up a bit (from your deleted post).  Mc just trying to throw a little humor into an explosive situation.

Why did you delete your Huffman vs PNG thread?  That one could have gotten interesting also.

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Hey etbu, I think it's you who needs to ease up a bit (from your deleted post).  Mc just trying to throw a little humor into an explosive situation.

Why did you delete your Huffman vs PNG thread?  That one could have gotten interesting also.

Well hello there 13 good to see you again to and hope  you are doing well. Last time we spoke just was not good so why don't we just stick to the post. Play nice 13 and be happy your team is headed to the playoffs. I am impressed that you follow each of my post with such interest bc at least you have good taste. Don't get all bent out of shape and lets try to stay the course here.

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This is the second topic that has been opened because of what I heard an opposing coach saying to her team. This is not something someone told me she said or something I made up to start negative comments toward that team. I have never, nor will I ever complain about batting order, playing time or position that my daughter plays. This situation has nothing to do with her at all. She has played every inning of every game for her team this year. I made an accurate and true statement about words that myself and about 100 other fans from both sides heard. And believe me, it was loud enough for everyone to hear. Coaches make up lineups and decide playing time, that is their right as coach. I just made a simple statement about things I heard that was out of line and that I know for a fact many parents on that team think were out of line too. It was just a statement about something I thought was disturbing and I don't undersand why I am receiving verbal shots as a "negative poster" for something that was true.

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I forgot to mention that i do have an agenda.  It is that he will see these postings and he will stop and think about how he talks to these girls.  Isnt that just the worst thing in the world or not?

What school are we talking about?

After pondering etbu's question a little longer, I came up with a great idea.  Why don't we start a "POLL" thread with a list of several area High Schools and have everyone vote on the school they think is being talked about?  Would probably be as much fun as the next moderator poll!
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My question....is a football coach that uses colorful language, that may berate, grab him by the facemask and degrade a player because he didn't make a play or missed a block a bully?  Football players are pulled all the time by the lack of results.  What would be the difference in a football coach versus a softball coach saying or doing these things?  I have never heard a football coach say, "it's ok sweetheart we'll get him next time just go out and have some fun".  Is it because of the violence in football is more acceptable or because saying and doing these things to our young men compared to our darling daughters is more unthinkable?  Now with those questions and thoughts in mind, I am not saying that it makes it right in either instance, but we have all been caught up in the "heat of the moment" while during "battle".  I would like to think in both cases we would give the coach the benefit of the doubt.  I would also believe in both cases you would be more apt to hear the softball coach say the incident would be regrettable but nothing would ever be said to or from the football coach.  Again, I am not saying that either one is right, but I have never heard a softball coach say, "break her leg if you have to, make the pitcher bleed and get her out of the game because she is killing us....much less apologize."

I honestly think we have some of the best and most respected coaches in the state in all sports with each one bringing their own unique talents and skills to their respective venues.  I also believe until you walk in that persons shoes judgement should be reserved until we meet our maker!

I guess you might say...."It's judgement call!"  ;D ;D ;D

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Guest Robert Plant

I forgot to mention that i do have an agenda.  It is that he will see these postings and he will stop and think about how he talks to these girls.  Isnt that just the worst thing in the world or not?

What school are we talking about?

After pondering etbu's question a little longer, I came up with a great idea.  Why don't we start a "POLL" thread with a list of several area High Schools and have everyone vote on the school they think is being talked about?  Would probably be as much fun as the next moderator poll!

Hey Weed, I think it's time to retitle your thread to Readers response to NEGATIVE coaching remarks.  Particularly if etbu's question is answered.  I'll narrow it down for you a little etbu.......not a team in 21-5A (particularly Tyner, Chambliss & Sorensen)

etbu, Allow me to add to Mc's list of not schools! Nederland, LCM, PNG, Kelly amd Silsbee..

Hey, I have an idea for a "Poll" Which mod will show up to to send this thread to the lock box?

a) JT

B) Birdman



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