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Throwing Weighted Balls During The Season

Roy hobbs

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All throwing weighted balls does is get kids hurt. Best way to improve arm strength is long toss.

         I have heard multiple stories of kids being injured that did the program...

If you thow them right and from a safe distance that is the best way to improve arm strength

if they injured their arms that is because they didn't thow them right

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If you thow them right and from a safe distance that is the best way to improve arm strength

if they injured their arms that is because they didn't thow them right

If it were the best way to improve arm strength then all of the people who have millions of dollars a year on the line would throw them to get an edge.  And I have never heard of actual big league players doing this.  Perhaps you have, but I know of several organizations who do not allow their pitchers to pick up anything that weighs more than a baseball.  And that is from the show to single A.  And the organization has 100's of millions of dollars on the line.  They don't want to risk it with their young prospects. So why would a high school kid who isn't even finished developing physically have better luck.

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If you thow them right and from a safe distance that is the best way to improve arm strength

if they injured their arms that is because they didn't thow them right

If you don't throw them at all, the chances of being injured from throwing a weighted ball goes down to zero.  I like those odds.

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I feel the common misconception is tht arm strength creates velocity,  velocity is created by arm speed.  The faster the arm moves threw the throw the faster the pitch.  The arm strength created through long toss allows you to work on moving the arm faster threw the throw more often without fatigue.  Just an idea!

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i been in the weighted ball program for 3 years  it has not hurt my arm yet  its made it better and stronger  you have to know the program before you start dogging on it and saying its not good

I know the program well enough to know through research and personal experience that it is a bad idea for kids under 17.  Why take the risk when there are other methods of improving your skills that have not been reported to cause injury in this age group?  I wish you well, Play-Ball, and hope the weighted ball does not put an end to your pitching career before you are ready to walk away from the game as it has so many others.

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Guest baseball25

I've been a pitcher all my life and played at the college level and I will tell you this all my coaches do not like the weighed ball program because it puts stress on the elbow.....I have tried it once and never had liked it.....If you want to build arm  strength the best way to do it is long toss long toss and long toss.....

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Guest baseball25

I mean my coaches Ruben Felix which is with the clevland Indians and Charlie Corbell which was the pitching coach for the expos single A team never ever favored the program........

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Maybe it can improve arm strength, but can 1 or 2 high school coaches keep an eye on every kid to make sure they are doing it correctly?

Yes they can keep there eyes on the kids its there JOB to COACH and to get his team to Excell. Mainly its kids trying to throw it to hard or to far.

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Guest baseball25

weighted balls came out like 8 years ago now these days you hardly ever hear people using weighted balls becasue it puts to much pressure on you elbow....Like i said me being a pitcher and the college coaches that taught me, the best thing to do is long toss your butt off........starts from 10 ft and make your way to 145ft and then work you way back down......thats the best way to get arm strenght and to alot of core excersices do alot of ab work when medicine balls.......becasue your core is a big part about pitching....

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Not to beat a dead horse, as Joe Friday stated...Last 2 cents my kid doesn't use 'em...Weighted balls should be a class 2 felony ! But to each their own..I prefer long toss and lots of running for condition...There I hope I've help to save the horse.

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And now you have it....Bleachercreature nails it ! The near death horse is now in rehab...Maybe from throwing to many weighted balls....sorry I couldn't help it. Put another way, I've asked 1,000 "baseball experts " about this topic. You guessed it...got 1,000 different answers !

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