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  1. Your not the only one. The PNG fan behind me had at least 3 or 4 bottles of Burbon before he arrived. You talk about funny! He would yell "Pass the Ball....Pass the Ball" then Brenham would intercept and he would yell "What are you an Idiot" (for Passing the Ball)....... I had my very own PNG play-by-play guy who told me everything that happen on every play...........all in slirrrrrrrrrr
  2. But Jody, you said this was BC's year to win the district! Oh... wait... I forget that you admittedly talk out of your @#s!
  3. Don't sell athletics short. (This is a GREAT article. ) Don't sell athletics short By JEFF KING Special to the Star-Telegram Growing up in a small rural community in the North, I was not given many of the educational benefits that students receive in Tarrant County. I had a hard time sitting still, so I was often put where I would bother the least number of people. I was told that I did not need to enroll in biology as a high school freshman because that was for students going to college. In my sophomore year, I was again told not to worry about taking any more science classes -- it wasn't going to be necessary. In my senior year, I was scheduled into shop, agricultural mechanics, art, chorus and physical education. My dad was a truck driver, and my friends' dads were truck drivers or farmers. The school system was setting me up to do what the generations before me had done. What the "school" did not know was that I had an older brother who was able to continue his education because football opened a door to college. I knew I was going to college because I had to: It was the only way to the National Football League. The coaches did not mind that my motor never shut off. They took an interest in me and seemed to care about me. Coaches were always checking to make sure I was passing my classes (not that a monkey could have failed the classes in which I was enrolled). But the coaches did so much more. They made me believe that through hard work, dedication and determination, I (we, the team) could overcome any obstacles that stood in the way. I became a leader (team captain) and gained self-confidence. My parents started coming to football games by my senior year (though to this day, neither Mom nor Dad knows the difference between a field goal and an extra-point attempt). When I started college, I had to draw on those lessons from high school athletics to have success in the classroom. My family did not prepare me for college, nor did my high school education. Art and chorus were educational but did nothing to prepare me for college anatomy and physiology. Shop and mechanics serve me well to this day, but college algebra was a bear because I completed only general math in high school. Thank goodness those coaches taught me to believe in myself, work hard and be dedicated to my goals. I found out quickly that the NFL was not on my horizon. I was not quite big enough or fast enough, and the injuries started piling up. I met with the head coach of the university I attended and told him that I planned to become a coach. My playing days appeared to be behind me, but I wanted to do something that would help me become a good coach. I asked if I could follow him or the other coaches to learn what it took to be a good coach. He agreed on the condition he could count on me every day. I started by getting his coffee, making copies and opening the mail. Later, I was taught to break down film, coach linebackers, greet and recruit potential players and (most important) how to be a professional. I graduated from college and moved to Texas to start my teaching/coaching career. I wanted to be a coach because coaches always helped me become a better person. I coached for two years before realizing that teacher/coach pay was not providing the lifestyle that I expected as a college graduate. I went back to school and received a double master's degree two years later in business. But to this day, I've never used it. I found that when you remember that the kids are the reason you get up early and stay late, the paycheck becomes a bit less important. A Star-Telegram columnist recently suggested that athletics shouldn't get more funding when the student dropout rate and academics need attention first. I disagree. I easily could have become a dropout if not for the athletics support group that existed throughout my educational experience. I've also seen a number of different student-athletes achieve success because of the extracurricular activities in which they were involved. Even though the majority of the success stories I can talk about are athletic, nothing sends a chill down my spine like hearing that marching band for the first time each fall. Many band members are learning the same discipline, work ethic and confidence that are taught in athletics. Please do not forget ROTC, cheerleading, drill team, drama, debate and similar activities. Each program has a caring educator trying to reach the students in his or her own way. I wish that when one program or another receives special funding or recognition, support would be the first response rather than jealousy. I wish that when one side of town is able to put something special together, others would celebrate the success, and envy would subside, so that both sides could work together for the benefit of all students regardless of geographic location. A former student-athlete recently visited with me. This young man had traveled a difficult road from a tough neighborhood with limited role models. He was working out in anticipation of the NFL draft. I congratulated him on a great collegiate career and wished him the very best with professional football. "Coach, I'm going to graduate this spring whether I'm drafted or not," he said with the proudest look possible on his face. I don't know what it's like to receive a $100,000 raise. For that matter, I don't know what it's like to make $100,000 a year. But at that moment, I felt like a million dollars. When I met this young man, he was just a boy. Many people in his life had given up on him. Some of them were teachers. When he started excelling athletically, he had to pass academically to perform in the games. Then he had to take classes on the college preparatory plan. Then he had to go to a junior college because he had not quite made the required academic standard for a four-year school. Now he was about to graduate from a major private college in Texas. I have coached athletes who had to ride the city bus -- not a school bus -- to get to practice, just so they could be part of an athletic team. Two of those boys had been in trouble in school before, for both academics and behavior. One of them was on or near the honor roll all last year, while the other passed his classes, many of them with A's and B's. Both worked hard at becoming the good role models we often discussed. Today, they thrive as student-athletes. With proper encouragement, most educators will go above and beyond to help students reach for the stars. It does not matter what department that educator's title falls under. We all need resources. We all need to strive to become better because we all can have an impact on improving student performance.
  4. "OK...OK...that football team you are talking about is a bunch of 15, 16 & 17 year old boys, so let's watch how we talk about them." Really?????? WOW,thanks for the info, I had no idea that were dealing with teenagers playing football here. Lets be honest,it has nothing to do with their ages or anything like that, it has to do with football....They will get hammered, this friday and probably every friday night to follow! I will never forget the year LCM beat WOS(7-10 years ago??) they hung a banner from the I10 bridge proclaiming what they did and they put it on one of their spirit shirts showing their accomplishment, and its odd, because that shirt is worn by some in LCM till this day. I had friends at LCM when I was in school (88-92) and we would smash them by at least 35 points,talk about it after the game,and there big comeback was "at least we scored first"..... This is only scratching the surface to this feud, Im sure some of you other WOS fans/alum could add to this list, remeber us having to forfeit games?????
  5. OK...OK...that "ragedy" football team you are talking about is a bunch of 15, 16 & 17 year old boys, so let's watch how we talk about them. WOS will win this game fairly easily. I went to the LCM/Caney Creek game last week, and while the Bears moved the ball pretty good offensively, their defense is very slow to react as the CC QB and RB ran all over them. WOS has much more talent than CC on offense. I say 44-6 WOS.
  6. I would love to see WOS and Gilmer, talk about a classic.
  7. This is absolutely astonishing. We have a scrimmage where the game is controlled, only a mere 3 10 minute quarters, no real special teams play, and a full quarter of nothing but backup players to observe the team depth. I guess if you want to base your season on a scrimmage so be it. It is great to feel positive about your team. It would be about time for Lumberton to improve somewhat in this sport, but be realistic about what the past few weeks were really about. Silsbee nor Lumberton had the entire gameplans at these scrimmages. Each of these teams will see "real" losses this season. I would think if you wanted to talk smack it would be after a few games that at least counted. I remember a Paris team taking a few early season setbacks all to come back and beat a certain team in this area for the state title once. :wink:
  8. Hey gusher I am not miscontructing anything or taking anything out of context..You said it and you need to stick by what you said.. Dont get on here and say something and then try to blame anyone else but your self.. Why you on here bashing WOS people?.Talking about what they do..They cant say anything? The time has come to back up what yall have been saying... Dont bring other people into what you and others have been saying. The time has coem to back up all the talk!!!! I believe it went "get the glass slippers out, Lumberton is coming to raid the castle".. YOU said that, not ME!!
  9. Smack talk is supposed to be in the School Pride forum toward the bottom. No one who runs this site favors one team over another. We support all the kids, coaches and all the teams in the area.
  10. As long as you don't root for a team in Sout East Texas that I swore not to talk about (as much), I am ok with anything you say or support..... So which Dixie Chick do you have the hots for? Don't say the fat one with a big mouth..... GO DAYTON!
  11. Ive never seen a team go 0-10 and trash talk as much as this.
  12. Lumberton finally seems to be heading in the right direction. They have a coach that is a proven winner and cares about his boys. The community is showing more support than ever before. Moral and confidence is in the air in the city of Lumberton!!!!!! To all the individuals and teams in southeast texas 4A district, trash talk and overlooking the Lumberton Raiders may result in you having to eat a rare dish not normally seen on a menu........... CROW!!!! GO LUMBERTON RAIDERS!!!!!!!
  13. Yes scrimages don't mean much but then again they do. The confidence that this Lumberton team has gained by beating HF,BH, and also Silsbee will carry into the season. Didn't Silsbee beat Nederland and we beat Silsbee? Not trying to talk smack because Nederland has ALWAYS been good and we are just starting to turn around. Best of luck to everyone in 22-4A this year!
  14. close but u got ur teams mixed up Champion "Slow start and a slow finish for L-town! I dont see how you can say Silsbee will have a slow start.... The Tigers have beaten both teams they scrumed up with and we are not talking about BH or HF!!!!!!!!!!" what teams do we need to talk about before theres some respect shown?
  15. There is a lot of crying on this board. If you don't like what's being said, don't read it. You have to remember that about 95% of talk on this board is just a persons opinion. (There are a few that speak the truth and have actual facts.) Don't let things get to you.
  16. OR any A for that fact. How can anyone from Lumberton even talk about Silsbee in a negative way? The best season L-town ever had was 8-2 and they didnt make the playoffs 1995 i think!
  17. I'm not arguring KJB I like good sports talk and If I sounded that way I do apologize, because only the district games are the one's that really matter.
  18. Now please to do a favor all you BH haters stay off of this one. Dont say we deserve it from all the trash talk. Cause only a few of us trash talk. I think BH will take it. It wont be easy but it will be a time to see if the coaches adjusted the weakness they seen in the first 2 games which they have been known to be good at adjusted players and positions in the past
  19. I have talked to many Vidor fans and almost all are very enjoyable to talk to, but like was said there are a few in every community that will even get the home side riled up....I think I was banned from that board...but I do enjoy reading and learning about Vidor thru the people we have on this board thanks Vidor fans
  20. DP#1 Fan you were not even in the conversation so stop starting crap! I fell both school agreed to scrimmage each other because they do not play untill the second to last district game and both teams will be better by then. The sad part is you have nothing better to do but sit on a chat board and try to re-live your high school career. (If you had one) Please unless you have a intelligent point just let the adults talk and stay in your room like all good little kids are told to do!!!!!!!!
  21. WOS can talk crap. BC, however, has no room to talk. BH has alot of work to do and I am sure the coaches will be working overtime to fix them. They are weaker in the line than anyone thought (Rainey going down before the season didn't help). The secondary will only be weak until district starts I'm sure. Those kids will get better or we will have two way players I would imagine. My guess is that the team will be solid by district. The problems, I hope, are fixable. So don't be licking your chops just yet.
  22. Alright big deal - we will do like the coaches always tell the boys - talk with your actions not your mouth so we will see the outcomes when we get to district. Now lets talk about week 0. Predictions for me are: Orangefield over Buna Anahuac over HJ Tarkington over Hardin East Chambers over Shepard Warren over Huntington Deweyville over Cathedral Kountze over High Island Agree or disagree?
  23. You can really tell by your stupidity that you are from deweyville. Anyone with a brain would realize that you cant get 28 or 7 points without special teams not to mention the fact that buna scored twice. I think that if yall would have played an actual quarter like buna wanted then buna would have been on top. im not just going to talk without a point so here is why i say that. First of all only twice was buna stopped the whole game offensively and defensivly buna was missing 3 three year starters ,but like i said obviously you werent at the game and if you were you were on the sidelines!! are you a Waterboy?? i mean come on its pretty ridiculous and i think that all people like you are doin is making buna more angry and ready for the real deal that is only 10 weeks away
  24. Thanks.....I was a little concerned about the team until I heard some good things about the scrimmage last Friday....of course you know or heard we can be a little critical of our Coogs at times...but I think this will be a good contest.....notables are the receivers.... the Coogs have a standout basketball player turned receiver who made some great catches and a speedy transfer from Converse Judson at receiver....the line is huge but the running game seemed shakey at times as well as the QB timing...but hey it was a scrimmage......Coogs have three good backs....and are running a spread option...ala WVU and UT......Oh I will keep my smack talk to a minimum...... [Hidden Content]
  25. yea you are right God just blesses some cities with good athletes.. Since that is the mentally of the person who I am talking too then it is no use of continuing to talk to you..
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