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  1. u say that nobody will talk mess to his face.... well then if he is so big and bad why is a girl sticking up for him and he isnt??
  2. Silsbee was probably glad it got canceled. They knew what was coming, that can of whoop A$$. Whoop there it is. Just kidding all you tiger faithful. You know Its not becoming of me to talk smack. On a serious side, I can't believe they postponed this game. Its is not bad outside. I was so geared up to watch two really good teams get after one another. I guess I will have to have a drink and calm down till tomorrow. I think I can wait one more day.
  3. Mr. Reality, For your info NO I am not a kid, I am a proud oiler fan and parent and I am just giving a prediction I know my boys can do... talk about Reality dont think Daisetta will be so high up with Big Sandy.... H-D can play but if #33 gets the fouls called on him like he should with being over the back then H-D will not have as many points as you say
  4. All this talk about these coaches because they are at public schools . . . Gotta give Fontana the top rating on this one. Ive trained under select, Houston and other coaches. Fontana knows the game. He trains his way and runs his team the way he wants ran. If we make a mistake its because we screwed up and we pay for it know matter who you are. He believes in the team "A team that passes together is a team that will win together" Fontana - He teaches everyone must play def. Thats just his way. Building a program is what he has Done for Kelly and i am proud to play for him. He probably could go coach at any school he wanted. So i give fontana the 1 one spot
  5. Hello all. I hope you don't mind if I offer my two cents. I agree that it really never matters how you "start" if you are able to get to that one consistant launch point that all good hitters get to at the exact moment the ball arrives in the hitting zone. Julio Franco and Craig Counsel with the unorthodox bat position to begin, Bichette and Galarraga would nearly face the pitcher with their open stances, and Arod prefers the high leg kick, as does Jeter, Shef and several others. All these "starting points" are irrelevant if you are ready to launch at the right time. But when we talk about high school kids, things are not that simple. Many kids bring little league baggage with them to the high school ranks. They got away with lots of flaws when they matured quicker than some of their counterparts on the little league diamond, but when the playing surface is more level, their flaws are obvious to the well-trained eye and sometimes to the not-so-well-trained eye. When we discuss high school hitters, many problems exist with the most common problem I've run across being the stride. Average high school kids at smaller schools, where baseball is something they only practice after football and basketball seasons are over and in between track and the weight room during the spring, have to optimize their time. The long, lunging stride collapses their front side, opens them up too early, restricts their ability to keep the hands inside the ball, causes their heads to move, thus putting their eyes on an alternate plane, and on and on and on. Incidently, when I look at Arod, I don't see a long stride. The leg kick back to the body does not necessarily mean "long stride". The stride, from starting point to landing point for most all of your successful big league hitters, is very small if not at all (Edmonds, Alou, etc). Bags had a "reverse" stride, but still managed to hit off a firm front side. But to get the types of kids to which I refer to wait, wait, wait...EXPLODE...is a very difficult proposition. Do any of you guys on here run into the same thing with stride problems? What types of things do you do to combat overstriding?
  6. I Know this is ridiculous Bobcat I really wish you would stop trying to make an issue out of this for one minute, and understand that I completely agree with you that players change from one season to the next. I know how players work harder to get better and how some players also mature over time. I think that these forums are fun to read are hear about all the other teams in the area. You get on these things to talk about your up and comming team and what YOU feel. Not what you want other people to feel. I have not said one thing about not playing the best or who should play or not play. I have never said that the coaches could not coach, and I have full faith that they will be able to do their jobs and have success. All I did was give an opinion, and all you did was blow it up considerably. I don’t care how you feel, instead of attacking me you should follow this forum and give your opinion who you think will be big players for their team is this year. If you do not want to do then start your own forum titled “Lets Argue.†I’m sure you would love that one. I have never attacked you but it seems you always have something to say about my comments. I will be at every game this year just like I have been for the last 15 years, and I will not ever say anything negative about the bobcats only cheer them on no matter who starts. But I can say just by the way you act on this forum, you would say something if things didn’t go as you planned. Let this die and lets get on with this forum.
  7. hahaha...who writes in pink? well, to answer that question...i am a girl, most girls like pink, dont gripe at me gripe at whoever made setx sports and put pink as a color option. my panties are not in a bunch, but i dont appriciate rude comments about people, especially since i never even said anything about Terry Veitch in the first place, all i said was alot of people are anxious to see how the mustangs come out this year with a new coach! Bignasty was classless to call Terry Veitch out like that, so sorry bignasty, no time for power naps over here, we are gettin hyped up for baseball season. and since Terry gets brought up in disrespectful way i will definately defend him, he is my boyfriend after all, and i adore him!!! in my eyes he will always be an ace, no matter what anyone else's opinion. And to everyone who has said good things about him on here, thank you, because your right, no will will talk mess to Terrys face, and he is a very good and respectful kid. he not only has natural talent, but he has heart and he works his butt off to improve himself...hes not one of those arrogant little jerks running around thinkin they are good at everything. he shows very good sportsmanship and he puts everything he has into his game. so everyone can go ahead and talk all the mess they want...Terry will be GREAT this year, theres no doubt in my mind.
  8. I think im gonna be sick... Reading all this talk about HJ "owning all" really the tallents just not there..... As for the rest of the district it should be fun... IMO HJ should come back down to earth with the rest of us.... Ive played them in recient years and them "owning all" not likely.....
  9. What was the biggest upset you were ever involved in? Talk about your miracle upset win, or your unexpected upset loss, that wasn't supposed to happen.
  10. What was the biggest upset you were ever involved in? Talk about your miracle upset win, or your unexpected upset loss, that wasn't supposed to happen.
  11. Well here is my true feeling on the subect. You baseball parents are funny. Most of these threads are stupid, from preseason picks too "who makes an impact". Let the kids figure this out and they will if you let them. Baseball season is a month away and we already have all this talk. The only talk I know is on the playing field. I am just an outsider looking in. I don't have a dog in this fight. I hear all this blah, blah, blah about so and so is the best pitcher or the best hitter. How do we really know? What they did last year means nothing. Each year you have to prove yourself again, thats just life. Even in the work force. They don't care what you did before but what have you done for me lately? The same principal applies for sports. Its sad but its true.
  12. WOW! your are really dumb....next time you talk you really should think about what you are saying....no reason to be upset that yall lost....
  13. by: OHS_1994 wrote Terry is a great kid, and I would love tou see one of you little punks say any of this to his face. That would be very funny. thanks ohs it means alot to me for you to say that im not really worried about what everyone says about me it aint bothering me it will bother them when i prove them wrong i mean im taking all this in and im gonna go out there and shut their mouths up and show everyone why i made 2nd team pitcher it dont bother me i dont care if they are gonna talk like that thats their problem i will jus show up at the game and when i pitch i will prove all of these sayings wrong so just sit back and relax but thanx for what you said to know that someone knows how i am
  14. No I've only noticed you talking smack about Deweyville, you seriously need to move on. Praise your team, and let the players play the game on the field. Most of the time it's the adults that mess up and talk trash.
  15. has anyone noticed deweyville will talk trash on buna whether they lost got 3rd in district or only scored a touch down its really kinda silly.
  16. he does hit against the front side a lot but he is strong enough to do that. most of big league hitters do hip slide. however we talk about arod being the best player we have seen and will see but over the years his strikeouts are way up and his average is way down. in my opinion it is because he does to much hip sliding. watch pujols he doesnt slide at all this is why he is probably the best player we will ever see and nobody even talks about it. is it because he doesnt make 220 million. i see a lot of things wrong with arods swing and dont think we should be teaching our kids this today. we should build around pujols swing, a strong base and staying behind the ball not lurching at it like arod seems to do.
  17. I went to the WOS at HJ game and the HJ fans are crazy. When that game ended I couldnt even hear myself talk.
  18. That would get the talk started. Our area has some outstanding lifters every year.
  19. i sure wish more highschool lifters would get on this forum so we could talk a little more powerlifting
  20. Basketball vs Football From ESPN: Basketball, not football, rules at this Texas school Associated Press BROCK, Texas -- As the Friday night lights shine at most high schools in this football-centric state, the campus in Brock remains silent and dark. "Around here, football is often called the f-word." -- Richard Tedder, schools superintendent in Brock, Texas Even the hint of football has caused some hard feelings in this small town about 40 miles west of Fort Worth. A school board member who favored adding the sport and even offered $100,000 to start the program was voted out and said he was shunned by some for months. "Around here, football is often called the f-word," said Richard Tedder, schools superintendent since 2004. Brock High School, steeped in the tradition of a basketball program nearly 100 years old, is among a handful of schools in Texas' second-smallest classification without a football program. While not alone in its gridiron void, Brock certainly isn't among the majority in a state that boasts nearly 1,200 teams. "It's a rarity," said Dave Campbell, who founded Texas Football magazine and has covered the sport since the early 1950s. Football is "kind of one of the major factors that can unite a town, unite a community." But football has a history of dividing those who live in and around Brock. Residents rejected a football proposal in 1991, but four years later, the school board voted 4-3 in favor of one. "It caused a pretty big rift in the community and led to some new people being elected to the board in the spring," Tedder said. The new board overturned the decision 6-1. Phil Lumsden, who lost his re-election bid after the 1995 vote, said when word got out that he had written a $100,000 check to help start a football program, some people didn't talk to him for months. "Basketball here is what football is to most other schools. The history of Brock really runs through the basketball program." -- Scott Drillette, Brock High School principal "The reason is that they thought it would affect their basketball program and possibly some of the recognition and some of the monies," he said. The superintendent estimated it would cost at least $1.5 million for a stadium and equipment, plus yearly expenses of between $200,000 and $300,000 for coaches' salaries and maintenance. And there might not be enough athletes to go around, Tedder said. "I think the community feels that football may stretch kids to the point that we might not be successful in all our programs," he said. "They don't want to sacrifice tradition for the uncertainty of the success of a football program, and they realize the finances of it." Since the first boys team was formed at the school in 1911, basketball has united Brock. The tradition has only grown deeper in recent years with five state championships among the boys and girls teams since 2002. "Basketball here is what football is to most other schools," said principal Scott Drillette, who moved to Brock from nearby Aledo, a 4A school with a strong football tradition. "The history of Brock really runs through the basketball program." Lumsden said a football team would get more students involved in extracurricular activities at a school that has more than doubled in size in 15 years -- from 113 students to 236. Some of the basketball players "could dribble a ball before they could walk and their families put a lot of time into it, and they wanted their kids to follow in their footsteps," he said. "I don't see anything wrong with that, but you have to do something for those other kids." "State baseball is all that matters [to me] now, because it's going to be a while before we get football." -- Kyle Combs, Brock JV baseball player Anthony Daniell, a sophomore catcher on Brock's junior varsity baseball team, is among the Brock athletes who don't play basketball. He said he and most of his teammates would play football if given the chance because it would be played during baseball's offseason. Several of his teammates used to play youth football in nearby Weatherford but soon outgrew the program, which caters to elementary and middle school students. "That's kind of what you did in Brock because Brock didn't have peewee football. You went to Weatherford and played for the Weatherford Warriors," said Kyle Combs, a junior pitcher on the JV baseball team. "Almost everyone on the team would probably play football." But if history serves as a guide, those players will have to wait. After years of pressure, meetings and petitions, the school board has no plans to add football. "State baseball is all that matters [to me] now, because it's going to be a while before we get football," Combs said. Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press
  21. I got my hands on this footage of the halftime talk in the Cowboys locker room: [Hidden Content]
  22. Come on fellas. I dont post on here but this is ridiculous. Silsbe lost to WOS by 20! HJ has beaten them 2 times in the last two weeks. HJ had a bad night. To say they are not a number 4 ranked team in the state may be true but you cant base your opinion on 1 night. What about HJ beating Lufkin Hudson by 30+ and silsbee barely beats them. Silsbee has great athletes who had a good night. Then the stuff about Sutherland................WOW!!!!!!!!! This guy is arguably the best coach in the area and one of the best in Texas. You guys need to think before you talk! Questioning him is pretty funny............would anyone care for me to post his record?
  23. Good article, but the problem I see is Lamar can not stop living in the past. Everytime anything positive in regards to basketball is spoken they always have to talk about the late 70s and early 80s. The game has changed dramatically since then. Eligibilites and scholarship requirements have changed. Those glory years have dictated the whole sports program including the ultimate demise of football. While we enjoy good high school basketball in the area, the university has done little to bring in "local" flavor to help keep the community interested. Even Jim Gilligan does this in baseball. You look at Northwestern and you had/have the Hancock kids from Kountze playing integral roles. You look at Sam Houston a few years back with Silsbee's own Eddie Fobbs who plays professional ball overseas and tries out for NBA teams. Those teams have had success. To be honest this area is not that high on university basketball. This area is football country.
  24. just like every year you make it out of the golden triangle and yall get beat..people from nederland need to realize that there is football otu side of mid county.. lets talk about this year..you should be proud that your 5-5 team went to the playoffs another year. I wouldnt be proud that a team that what you say is "bad "like us beat yall.. you barely beat LCM and wow the other teams you beat were Lumberton and Ozen..dont forget about yalls sister PNG..You should be proud of that..but what yall fail to realize when yall do make it to the playoffs,yall are suppose to win..not come home the second week every year.. so what you are saying that you are a team that can barely beat weak teams and maybe lose sometimes,But just enough to slide by and get into the Playoffs. You are just happy to do that.. Come back and talk to me when yall do a little something, when yall get there instead of just being happy and that being yalls "superbowl "that yall made it out of the golden triangle.. Wow Nederland made it out of the golden triangle.Woooo!!.but once again realizes that there IS football outside of midcounty!!
  25. Lets talk about this year. You beat us and proceeded to lose then next 5 games. We went on to win 4 of our last 5 games including coming from behind to beat LCM, (one of the teams you lost to) to pretty much secure a playoff spot for the [move]11th straight year.[/move] We then proceeded to go two rounds deep while you sat at home and kept talking about a game that happened six weeks before and had no bearing on the season. Did I get it about right?
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