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  1. Glad to see someoone from Silsbee talk in a respectful way instead of trashing another school or promoting themselves!!!!!! I agree with Aggiesarewe, in my opinion nobody thought that HJ would have had the year that they had. NOBODY!!!!! You must play the games!!!!!! I am already looking forward to high school hoop season next year.
  2. i never said vidor wasnt good......they are a great baseball team I was just talking about how unsportsmanlike their catcher acted......and don't talk about ryan ellis blowing it in the 9th because he went 11 innings a couple of weeks ago.......and he has never pitched before this year......
  3. Stupid program? That's funny you would say that, since you have TRIED to be a part of this "stupid program" for the last two years and you quit this year. The question is why did you quit? Let me guess, the coaches don't like you and you were going to play on one of the lower level teams instead of the varstiy. Yeah, I know, I'm right. Hey Kyle, If you want to talk trash about the Silsbee Baseball Program and Coach Trawhon, that's your right, but you could at least hide your email address so people wouldn't know who you are.
  4. unless jasper loses... : ;D need to play the games first, then talk.
  5. Are you serious, we've played 4A teams and beat them, and we also play STATE finalist Sulfur "5A" and beat them once and lost to them once. I would love to see 3A BC play 5A Westbrook and shut up the smack talk.....5A doesn't mean your better just that you have more kids......I would still take BC in the matchup though...Probably 14-3 in 5 innings.....
  6. and nobody should talk about jasper players trashtalking before you acknowledge how bad of a trashtalker the catcher for vidor is and he can't even back it up!!!!!at least ryan ellis can back it up when he trash talks
  8. quit all that crying!! Yalls second baseman always run his mouth..the old saying goes "aint no fun when the rabbits got the gun". Its ok to talk trash to teams when yall are winning, but the first time you get beat you come on here crying. From the words of yalls own pitcher " Go sit down"!!! "Better luck next time"...
  9. I don't know if it is right or wrong but I think it is silly and stupid to say that aluminum bats do not hit the ball harder and faster than wood. The reasoning used? There is no scientific proof. Right.... and cigarettes don't cause cancer either. Just because MIT has yet to study baseball bats doesn't negate what is going on. Let's see, a guy buys his 11 year old kid a baseball bat for $250 because it hits the same way as wood. Talk about things that make you go hmmmmmm!!
  10. They use to have a game like this, I do no know if they have it anymore!!! Maybe if we talk about it enough we can get it brought back.
  11. USC coach to talk to Mayo about marijuana charge Southern California coach Tim Floyd reserved comment Saturday in the wake of star recruit O.J. Mayo being cited for misdemeanor marijuana possession late Friday in Huntington, W.Va. According to reports, Mayo was one of four men cited for possession after the car they were riding in was pulled over, according to Cabell County Sheriff's Deputy Doug Adams. "I'm not going to have any response on it until I know more about it," Floyd told reporters after USC lost to Oregon 81-57 in the championship game of the Pac-10 tournament Saturday night in Los Angeles. "I'm going to talk to O.J. before I talk to you guys." Mayo, who starred for Huntington High School, is considered by many to be the nation's top high school basketball player. It is the second incident involving the Trojans' signee, who was suspended three games as punishment for being ejected and making contact with a referee in a Jan. 26 game. Mayo transferred this season from Cincinnati's North College Hill to Huntington and signed a letter of intent in November to play next season at USC.
  12. its not an official offer its just talk...i dont think teams can do that untill the draft..
  13. actually sporter, as a wh fan...it would not bother me a bit if you, dub, sunshine, ltown,and all the other wh haters...didnt talk about us at all...it upsets me that yall do!!!!!....i have yet to read one post where a wh fan, dogs someone's opinion about their team.....but look back on any of these threads.....everytime a wh fan or any fan for that matter, says something good or positive about wh.....the buzzards circling overhead..land...and start picking...and picking...
  14. All the WH fans get upset when someone gets on here and doesnt talk about how great there coach is. Stop being so whiney and just be glad you had a good season. How long has it been since you have had a season like this one? It'll be that long before another winning season roles around again. Appreciate this while you can and stop being so sensitive.
  15. hj is about 2 get blown out bye at least 20....watch wha i tell u....real talk!!1!!!all the other team has to do is double team donahoe and watch burrel and they have they game won.....hj would suck if they didnt have donahoe and everyone knows that.......hj is gonna get torn up next year....silsbee is gonna win state because they have so many athletes commin next year...there still going to have the soph more shannon robinson....and all tho he didnt play much this year....the sophmore brady byars is going to help the tigers next year....he is a great 3 point shooter who really knows the game....and there are alot of other players commin 2.......hj...57....wylie...79
  16. Does your mommy know you are playing on the computer ? If anyone has a problem I think it is you. I bet you are wearing one of the LCM coaches old Jock-straps as we speak, is your mind always on that side of the fence or have you come out of the closet ? I am just giving credit where credit is due. Go to the KOGT sports site and you will see Leggett and Hicks (Freak of Nature) from BC, both Zone kids. Lets talk about the surgeries, the kids ruined those elbows long before the Zone was opened, credit goes to Dads that let their own kids throw 135 pitches per game while throwing two games in ONE week !!
  17. Deweyville and buna are big rivals since they always talk crap on each other!
  18. Yeah you cant just go out on a limb and talk down about any team in this area...if they lost then it was for a reason, bottom line!!
  19. you talk like you know the kid. oh and jacob and josh played each other in 8th grade wright scored 2 touchdowns 50 yards + on both touchdowns against yalls hometown hero. so what he didnt play varsity this year wanna know how many sophmores did? 1 the qb harrison tatum. we had backs.
  20. Haha let me capitalize it for you my bad. JV GAME. haha if we had our sophmore players that are on varsity we would have beaten yall even worse, but wait they re on varsity, you know where the better kids play. Haha. We beat yall without even our best players and the way you talk about wright you act like he's just amazing ,shouldnt he have just won the game for yall?
  21. BH has been swinging some hot bats lately. "Mr." Harrington cooled them all off in a hurry. I haven't seen Flores pitch but have heard great talk about him. If Flores is anything like Harrington.................look out for the PNG Indians !
  22. yea well i think you got a pot problem cuz thats all you talk about
  23. Kountze sets eyes on championship KOUNTZE - This morning, when the bus pulls out and roars past red and black decorations on the chain link fence in front of the high school, it carries with it the hope and pride of the whole town. Advertisement Don't think the team doesn't know it, either. Last year, after being defeated by Arp in the Class 2A regional finals, team members were in shock. "It wasn't expected," team member Trey Irvine said. "That's why it hit us so hard." They, like everyone else in Kountze, simply expected the Lions would go to state, particularly since they were coming off two straight state championships. So this year the team fought hard to redeem themselves. And they did. In this small Southeast Texas town, the Friday night lights shine brightest for basketball, which is the talk of the town during the season. News about the team's latest or upcoming game can be heard at the feed store, Dairy Queen or Mama Jack's restaurant. Kountze High School Principal Patti Carraway said people come up to her in the grocery store to ask about the team. "We have great community support," Carraway said. "It really makes a big difference." In a tradition going back more than 30 years, Kountze High School's basketball program has been the showcase for the town's best athletic talent. "Kountze is kind of a basketball powerhouse," said Fred Johnson, a retired resident. The players themselves are acutely aware of the pride their hometown takes in them and they don't take it lightly. They acknowledged that the pressure can be extreme. "You just gotta take it how it is and just play," team member Freddie Haynes, an 18-year-old senior, said. They play to win because they love to play. Their drive to win is honed sharp by the expectations residents have of a Kountze basketball player. Because of them, Kountze students can hold their heads up when talk turns to the athletics programs. Through the week, until school lets out Friday, the excitement will build. "It's wild and crazy around here this week," longtime government and economics teacher Dee Turner said. Monday, calls from Kountze residents looking for tickets for the state championship already were flooding the high school administration office, secretary Billie Jean Tate said. "The excitement is tremendous," said Tate, the wife of Ted Tate, the coach who nurtured the school's basketball prowess for 24 years. Basketball coach Duane Joubert said some fans plan their vacation time around the team's schedule. Victor Cash and his wife Tina are two such fans. Before each game, Tina Cash walks the parking lot looking for a penny - head's up, for luck - to give to Joubert. Joubert and others feel the team spirit is part of the glue that holds the community together. Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles follow their young athletes' progress with pride - not just in high school basketball, but in all sports at every level. "They let you know if you mess up," Joubert said. "Not just on the court but off - where it really counts."
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