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  1. Well when you talk about team.....TEAM...means everyone.....and kirbyville highschool has been district champs for i don't know how long....Team wise they ROCK!!! Congrats on winning District Champs 07
  2. If Newton played a lack luster weak pre season schedule we would have been undefeated going into the playoffs also..... So when you can beat Newton, (East Chambers) then you can talk....... Anyway back to what I was saying what team did you play Bucs that was anygood? Exactly when you finally played a team that was good you got your butts handed to you so what does that tell you????????
  3. I'm aware it was a joke also.....that's why I would rather talk to people in person, you can't really get the tone down while you type.....Sometimes when you're joking around, people read it as if you're angry at them. I was just messin' around Pluto.
  4. why do vidor fans always come on here and talk about us..dewey pitched good and if it was 83-84 it still no hit them and that is harder than any of yalls guys throw and for massey he will be back friday and ready for vidor so dont worry about him...and i doubt it was 83-84 becuase you couldnt even get the name of the person who was catching right so what makes your think you can get numbers right...now maybe yall should be worried about other stuff than us
  5. I went on one of the cats (I think the Wharf Cat) out of Port Aransas back in the late 70's. It was a night trip of four hours. It was $10 back then. Once we cleared the jetties we got into some moderate seas, maybe 6-8 feet. That big cat was crashing into the waves and sending spray all the way back over the stern. We went up to the third deck in the wheelhouse and talked to the captain the entire trip out. Once he killed the engines, we went back down to start fishing. When we got to the main deck we found that almost every person (not the crew) was on the rail heaving. Talk about some chum. We made our way to the stern where almost no one was fishing and set up shop. I don't mind the waves but I hate to fish next to a half dozen puking people on both sides of me, shoulder to shoulder.
  6. Imus should be left alone, there was no personal malice on his part, he didnt single any players or coaches out by name at all. I dont think Imus was really wrong, if it had been a group of white women with tats and body piercings and he said basically the same thing no one would have really cared. Its funny how all these hip-hop "songs" (and I use song VERY loosely) can talk about ho's and all and that that genre of music promoters talk about how mainstream it is, well if its so mainstream then dont play the offended card when someone calls you on it. 10 years ago before all this hip hop revolution crap, the phrase would have just been "man, those are some scary looking girls" or "man, those are some ugly girls" and NOTHING would have been mentioned but the black race itself brought this new slang or lingo to the masses and then gets offended when someone other than them uses it to refer to them. I'm not buying it. If it had been a black personality who referred to them as "nappy headed ho's" or such it would have never been an issue, the double standard has got to go.
  7. You could very well be right. However, for all the talk that goes on and on and on, Newton went no further than EC did...am I right? Thought so.
  8. Have been hearing good things about Toledo, but since I don't have the time to run up there, I've made a couple of trips to Spindletop. The slot is 14"-16" on bass and in 1 complete day ( 2 1/2 days) we caught 22 bass (10 slot fish) up to 3 1/2 #'s, and 16 bull bream , up to 11 1/2" long! That's the 2nd time I've caught bream that big. Talk about a fight on ultra-light tackle. The bass fishing still hasn't fully turned on though. I can't wait til it does!
  9. Guest


    This tread was not started to say negative things about coaches or dads. I was only asking a question as to why so much drama. Dads who get out there and coach their kid or work with them in the back yard are special people and moms too. There are alot of dads who do nothing. Also People who go into the coaching or teaching field are special also. Lord knows they can make more money doing something else. They do it because they love it. Then ones that don't love it eventually find something else to do. I think that parents should coach at home and not in the stands. Thats were the drama comes in. Why can't parent just sit there and support the team. I know they support the team but if you are not happy with something either go talk to the coach or keep it to yourself. Don't display your dissatifaction at the ballgame. This goes for every sport.
  10. CBS Radio, MSNBC say they will suspend Imus for two weeks after inappropriate comment By DAVID BAUDER, AP Television Writer April 9, 2007 NEW YORK (AP) -- CBS Radio and MSNBC both said Monday they were suspending Don Imus' morning talk show for two weeks as a protest grew about his reference last week to members of the Rutgers women's basketball team as "nappy-headed hos." The suspension begins next Monday. ADVERTISEMENT MSNBC, which telecasts the radio show, said Imus' expressions of regret and embarrassment, coupled with his stated dedication to changing the show's discourse, made it believe suspension was the appropriate response. "Our future relationship with Imus is contingent on his ability to live up to his word," the network said. Imus, who has made a career of cranky insults in the morning, was fighting for his job following the joke that by his own admission went "way too far." He continued to apologize Monday, both on his show and on a syndicated radio program hosted by the Rev. Al Sharpton, who is among several black leaders demanding his ouster. Imus could be in real danger if the outcry causes advertisers to shy away from him, said Tom Taylor, editor of the trade publication Inside Radio. The National Organization for Women is also seeking Imus' ouster. "Everyone is on tenterhooks waiting to see whether it grows and whether the protest gets picked up more broadly," Taylor said. Imus isn't the most popular radio talk-show host -- the trade publication Talkers ranks him the 14th most influential -- but his audience is heavy on the political and media elite that advertisers pay a premium to reach. Authors, journalists and politicians are frequent guests -- and targets for insults. He has urged critics to recognize that his show is a comedy that spreads insults broadly. Imus or his cast have called Colin Powell a "sniffling weasel," New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson a "fat sissy" and referred to Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell of Colorado, an American Indian, as "the guy from `F Troop."' He and his colleagues also called the New York Knicks a group of "chest-thumping pimps." On Sharpton's program Monday, Imus said that "our agenda is to be funny and sometimes we go too far. And this time we went way too far." Imus made his remark the day after the Rutgers team, which includes eight black women, lost the NCAA women's championship game to Tennessee. He was speaking with producer Bernard McGuirk and said "that's some rough girls from Rutgers. Man, they got tattoos ..." "Some hardcore hos," McGuirk said. "That's some nappy-headed hos there, I'm going to tell you that," Imus said. The Rutgers comment has struck a chord, in part, because it was aimed at a group of young women at the pinnacle of athletic success. It also came in a different public atmosphere following the Michael Richards and Mel Gibson incidents, said Eric Deggans, columnist for the St. Petersburg Times and chairman of the media monitoring committee of the National Association of Black Journalists. The NABJ's governing board, which doesn't include Deggans, wants Imus canned. "This may be the first time where he's done something like this in the YouTube era," Deggans said. Viewers can quickly see clips of Imus' remarks, not allowing him to redefine their context, he said. On his show Monday, Imus called himself "a good person" who made a bad mistake. "Here's what I've learned: that you can't make fun of everybody, because some people don't deserve it," he said. "And because the climate on this program has been what it's been for 30 years doesn't mean that it has to be that way for the next five years or whatever because that has to change, and I understand that." New Jersey Gov. Jon S. Corzine spoke to Rutgers players Monday and said later that he strongly condemned Imus' words. "There is absolutely no excuse for his conduct, and he is right to apologize," Corzine said. "Only the Rutgers women's basketball team, however, can decide to accept his apology. If Mr. Imus really wants to go and learn from this, he should watch how these young ladies carry themselves. He might just learn from their example." Rutgers players said they planned to make a public statement on Tuesday. Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain, whose presidential candidacy has been backed by Imus on the air, said he would still appear on Imus' program. "He has apologized," McCain said. "He said that he is deeply sorry. I'm a great believer in redemption. Whether he needs to do more in order to satisfy the concerns of people like the members of that team, that's something that's between him and them. But I have made many mistakes in my life ... and I have apologized, and most people have accepted that apology." Imus' radio show originates from WFAN in New York City and is syndicated nationally by Westwood One, both of which are managed by CBS. The show reached an estimated 361,000 viewers on MSNBC in the first three months of the year, up 39 percent from last year. That's the best competitive position it has ever achieved against CNN (372,000 viewers). Imus' fate could ultimately rest with two of the nation's most prominent media executives: CBS Corp. chief Leslie Moonves and Jeff Zucker, head of NBC Universal. "He will survive it if he stops apologizing so much," said Michael Harrison, publisher of Talkers. Imus clearly seems under corporate pressure to make amends, but he's nearly reached the point where he is alienating the fans who appreciate his grumpy outrageousness. Even if he were to be fired, he's likely to land elsewhere in radio, Harrison said. The Rev. Jesse Jackson and about 50 people marched Monday outside Chicago's NBC tower to protest Imus' comments. He said MSNBC should abandon Imus and MSNBC should hire more black pundits. Julian Bond, chairman of the NAACP board of directors, said it is "past time his employers took him off the air." "As long as an audience is attracted to his bigotry and politicians and pundits tolerate his racism and chauvinism to promote themselves, Don Imus will continue to be a serial apologist for prejudice," Bond said. Imus was mostly contrite in his appearance with Sharpton, although the activist did not change his opinion that Imus should lose his job. At one point Imus seemed incredulous at Sharpton's suggestion that he might walk away from the incident unscathed. "Unscathed?" Imus said. "How do you think I'm unscathed by this? Don't you think I'm humiliated?" AP writers Deepti Hajela and Jacques Billeaud contributed to this account.
  11. You cant talk about Texas high school football tradition without including the Brownwood Lions or Plano Wildcats. Both schools have won 7 state championships, most in Texas. SLC might now have 7 as well. Others of note: Permian, Stephenville, LaMarque, Austin Westlake, Temple, Celina, Houston Yates, PNG, Schulenburg, Waco, Abilene, Wichita Falls, Cuero, Refugio, Ennis, Sealy, Dangerfield, Converse Judson, WOS, Pilot Point.
  12. Behind the scenes of A&M basketball & BCG's leaving...very interesting April 08, 2007 Behind the scenes of A&M's basketball soap opera: The past two weeks of the A&M basketball saga has proved one thing more than anything else. Aggies athletic director Bill Byrne is either hard-headed, self-serving, brilliant, or a little bit of all three. Several sources who have been tack-on with all the information they have offered me over the past two weeks broke down the A&M basketball coaching saga as follows. Here's how the puzzle pieces fit: As the Aggie basketball season was winding down, former University of Houston coach Pat Foster, a close friend of Gillispie's worked as an intermediary between the University of Arkansas and Gillispie. The Hogs were working behind the scenes as far back as early-February, with an eye on Gillispie as Stan Heath's replacement. Heath knew of his ouster long before it came and tried to force Razorbacks AD Frank Broyles' hand, by asking for assurances that he would stay. He didn't get them. Meanwhile, Gillispie tried to stay out of the fray as he tried to win a Big 12 title and take this team to the Final Four. He spoke with Foster only occasionally, telling his friend he was happy at A&M, but come the end of the season they would talk seriously about it again. Gillispie's thoughts were, he didn't want to be put into a position where he would have to lie either in public or to his players. Broyles continued to talk with Foster and felt confident they would get Gillispie, to the point that he didn't even compile a second list of potential candidates. Gillispie spoke with Foster after the Aggies were eliminated in the Sweet 16. What he didn't realize was Byrne, aware of Arkansas' interest, refused to take calls from anyone associated with Arkansas. He was buying time in an effort to put pressure on the A&M Board of Regents to get Gillispie a new contract and begin construction in earnest on a new state of the art basketball facility. Byrne's biggest mistake: He never told Gillispie any of this. Instead, he kept Gillispie in the dark. Gillispie learned about the details of the new contract and the Board's moves to keep him from a member of the media. Understandably, he was upset with Byrne. When the contract was ironed out and Byrne flew to the Final Four to get Gillispie to sign the deal, Gillispie told him he planned on being the Aggies coach. At the same time, Foster was getting calls from Kentucky about that job. Gillispie began having doubts about just how much he could trust Byrne. He planned to sign the contract even after getting a firm offer from Kentucky while on the west coast attending an awards ceremony involving point guard Acie Law. While contemplating the offer, Gillispie called several close friends in basketball to ask about the Kentucky job. He hedged when one trusted friend in professional basketball told him, "The best day of your life at Kentucky will be the day you're announced as head coach. The rest are going to be hell." Gillispie went back and forth until deciding it would be stupid to tell the Wildcats no and Byrne already had made contact with a representative for Turgeon, tossing out contract numbers close to those offered to Gillispie. Also, a source within the A&M department told Gillispie that Byrne had made contact with a member of the Board of Regents, in an attempt to protect his own hide, making Gillispie look like he was pouting and being difficult. In fact, the exact opposite was true. All along, Gillispie was looking for a lifetime commitment, letting the thing play out. Once Gillispie took the job, Byrne alienated several trusted sources in basketball -- the same ones who raved about Gillispie three years ago -- by keeping them out of the loop on this coaching search. Byrne decided all of a sudden he knew more about basketball than the same people who handed him Gillispie on a silver platter. Most interesting: Longtime coach Rick Majerus contacted a pair of basketball people close to the A&M program, expressing great interest in the job. But when these sources tried to contact Byrne to endorse Majerus, Byrne refused to return their calls. UNLV coach Lon Kruger, through another A&M basketball source, also tried to contact Byrne. The A&M AD didn't want to hear any of that, either. Make no mistake. The Aggies could have had Majerus or Kruger. No doubt about it. Instead, Byrne made every call on the future of A&M basketball on his own, start-to-finish. He allowed Gillispie to leave on bad terms and refused to consult with some of the finest basketball minds in the game. Mark Turgeon may be perfect for the Aggies. Maybe not. Either way, it's on Byrne. Posted by John P. Lopez at April 8, 2007 11:26 PM
  13. Speaking of young teams, I beleive Brookeland starts 5 rookies, 1 sophmore, 2 juniors, and 1 senior. Talk about young. Congrats Wildcats, you are growing up nicely.
  14. If your looking to get on my payroll you are hurting ;D I'd have to talk to the CEO and President (The Wife) first!
  15. Hello everyone, I think its obvious who this is! But i felt the need to try to defend myself when i saw these posts about me. First off i would like to say Deaver is an amazing player and congradulations on the victory. He deserved it and he is playing at a high level. I will do my best to compete, but he has a huge edge. Second off, to everyone who has been bashing me on here, you must not really know me because i would never talk bad about any of you, but im guessing im going to have to so i can defend myself. Babalot2 if you say that there is noone in this area who is good to compete with me, but 5 of us can beat you does that not make you bad? Look im not trying to bash, but i felt the need to come on here and straighten this out. I will admit Deaver is a better player than me. There i said it, but this doesn't mean im not going to give it my all to beat him. We are all good friends and good people you need to stop bashing everyone on here and deal with your own lives.
  16. Another good point is....just because you were a good ball player does not mean you would make a good coach. Good coaches know how to talk "to" kids and not down to them.
  17. Trust me, if BCG had asked Kentucky to hold off the press conference until Friday Evening, allowing him to at least talk to his players and recruits, they would have let him... It wasnt like it really mattered when they had their stupid pep rally... they couldve even done it saturday or next week... All he had to do was ask UK to give him time to speak with his players... Something most coaches do in that situation...
  18. Schmidt is having a great year and made a play at short that even impressed Gringo on Thursday. Ok with the smack talk and will take it with a grain of salt and leave it at that. Good luck in your game on Monday when you play Crosby. I have no ranch only BHFAN has that type of scratch. 8)
  19. BH Fan, the game has been changed from Tuesday to Monday still @ BH @ 7:00. I'm told the change was because of district track meets. Crosby must have requested the move..BH doesn't have any track guys that also play baseball. The weather may change it again. Also, next Tuesday's game has also been moved to Monday beacuse of TAKS tests. I will try to keep you posted if I hear something different. Bulldog-- Cameron is Cameron. He has 5 or 6 HR's on the season. Best defensive and smartest high school catcher I have seen. I do not no if it's my place to talk of his future. I will say he has a 100% academic scholarship lined up and will probably play ball there. Great kid. My son and I were with him yesterday. His dad is on this site occasionally, maybe he can share more info.
  20. Hope the Hawks win..... It would make for some intresting conversations...and trash talk.... ;D
  21. I think this thread confirms that we have a lot of really good HS baseball players here in SE Texas. With that said, I'll throw my '2 cents' in on the "Best CF in SETX" with the caveat that, by ranking them, I'm not knocking any of them. I'll add the further 'warning' that I judge them not just by how they do in high school but trying to look at them beyond that. 1. Johnny Dishon (Bridge City)-- already has MLB speed (6.5 60) and arm (92). Hits and hits for power (at or near area HR lead). Tracks the ball as well as any on this list. Plays faster than he runs (which is pretty #@%$ fast). LSU signee for a reason. 2. Bobby Armstrong (West Brook) -- not as fast (6.9) but has demonstrated ability to throw (90). Has hit for average again this year with 'gap to gap' (but not HR) power. Does not track it as well as Dishon or Calhoun but sill at top notch OF. Look for him to be top JUCO or late Spring D-1 sign. 3. Rocky Calhoun (Silsbee) -- ranks behind Dishon and Armstrong in speed (7.0) and arm (78) but throws better in game than arm strength rates. Also plays faster than his clocked time. Very good tracker of balls back and into gaps. Falls behind both Dishon and Armstrong as a hitter (both current and projection). His stature hurts him with both recruiters and scouts. Not sure what his recruiting status is. Like Dishon, also a standout football player. I think you could take any one of these kids...put him in your OF and you'd be okay. I do remember the time when all three of them did play in the OF together... I have not seen Taylor Hart play CF (I have only seen him at SS). I would think he has all the makings of being a very good CF in terms of speed and instincts. Do not know what his OF arm strength is/is not. Is only a junior. Have not seen the kids from either Kirbyville or Central enough to form an opinion. I'll also mention another kid who is (technically) out of SETX: Ralphael Thomas from Lufkin. While he does not have a lot of power, he hits for average as well or better than any of the above. He is also 'plus plus' fast (I've seen him run a 6.3). His arm is slightly better than Calhoun's but not near Dishon's but...talk about game-changing speed... I doubt any of this changes anyone else's opinions. They're just mine anyway...
  22. Any coach that has any balls could have asked Kentucky to wait til further in the day to announce in order for him to talk with his players, recruits, and the students... I seriously doubt Kentucky would have had a problem with that....
  23. I just think its stupid for people to get on here and talk about who they think is the best when they get nothing out of fans saying they are. They get no kind of award. When the season is over we will see who gets what!
  24. Think about how much fun it would be to watch Calhoun and Dishon in the same outfield. Talk about an outfield where basehits go to die!!! ;D
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