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Everything posted by WeedBegone

  1. In your honor, I've temporarily changed my screen name. Don't know what all the fuss was about. I'm married, it's not like I haven't been called that before! Welcome back. Shut up Robert--- I guess its appropriate in this case you idiot to.
  2. Karma Plus for somebody else then. "Shut up self" "No Ima on a roll" "Your an IDi" "Back off, I warning you self"
  3. Karma + for Coop with the golden key. We've got Barabas back.
  5. If moderators keep speaking up---we are going to eventually weed out the real judge, jury, and executioner.
  6. This horrific tid-bit of information tends to make me want to change my vote on "Bags Who's Slugo" thread.
  7. Let the poster speak. Let OSUE back on the board. I say He was set up
  8. I know Maw Maw's daughter and I approve of this message. I want to also add that the Straight A's or good grades are equally important for a youngster wanting to explore the sports arena as an avenue to continuing education. So when choosing a travel ball team or league, make sure that education is not hindered. BTW-- If weda known maw maws daughter a year earlier--she would have been a Rowdie lady---and a good one. LOL
  9. Teams that hit wiffle balls on the playing field while warming up.
  10. Thanks man.......not sure I feel like getting wet.......we will see You can do it--we need the report.
  11. Good luck Sunday. Take your rain gear. Want hurt the fish--they are already wet.
  12. Now that was too funny true to pass up. Good one
  14. Things from the stands. Cant steal with bases loaded. Up an in can be a good thing Go ahead and block the bag Hey parents lets play the silent game When is it going to warm up for good.
  15. But that counts -- one vote for cross country ;D What i was trying to say was... regarding the wear and tear and long hours a midst the extreme heat..
  16. Speaking for GFPSB--- Coaching summer ball is an unbelievable task. Pitching BP to 13 or 14 girls in the summer heat is tough. Preparing a team for a tournament in the SETX heat can definitely take a toll on the back, hip, knees and entire body. It is not unusual to play 5 or six games a day. Last summer we played 77 innings of ball in 4 days in average temperatures in the mid ninetees (August). Your in the heat the entire time and often in back to back games. That is equivalent to 8.5 nine inning baseball games in 4 days. Tough for coaches and tougher for the players. Folks, serious Girls Fast-pitch soft ball is not a sport for sissies. It takes a toll on all involved. Our team of 12 players and coaches would put down 45-55 bottles of water/gatorade in 6 innings of play. It takes several days to get the electolites back in check after a week-end. But i loved every minute of it--i think. Beer and other beverages worked well at the end of the day.
  17. I fully understand...I coached the older kids in Junior and Senior League...but was a League official (President) during my son's younger playing days, and could not coach at all. In keeping with the spirit of this thread, we once had to eject a parent for being rude and ugly...to her own kid! Her daughter palyed T-Ball, and anyone who has dealt with T-Ball knows that it's either, as Bill Engvall says, "herding chickens"...or little Johnny or Suzie making like earth movers with the glove a big shovel. He daughter was one of the latter...she screams from the stands..."get of your a** and play ball"...of course at the top of her voice, and we asked her to please refrain from doing that. She told us that it was her daughter, and she could treat her the way she wanted...We told her..."okay, it's your daughter, but it's our league, so if you can't abide by the rules, you have to leave"...Sadly...or maybe happily...for her daughter, she left with her child. When will some psycho parents realize their stupidity? Some never will. :( Amen
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