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Everything posted by zoneman

  1. This problem will exist forever and it's not as much of a numbers issue as a competetive capability issue IMO. I have alot of friends that coach in the Beaumont area(Kountze,HJ,and others)and the post about Kountze holding their own against the local 4a/5a teams is true but not as relevant as it sounds up front. Yates is not a typical 4a, as they are annualy ranked number 1, and the true competetive distance between them and the annual number 2 in 4a is arguably immeasurable in most recent years.Until there is a way( And there doesn't seem to be one) to seed teams based on their prior seasons records or  success in a certain division then this argument will continue forever. I've enjoyed reading alot of intelligent posts on the subject and this is just my humbled opinion.
  2. Punishment is not fining the parent because the kid has no means probably to pay the fine. Everyone except the kid is suffering the punishment here! Sign of the times I guess! The coach,administration,the school, and the parents are suffering, the perpetrator not so much if you ask me. So the whole "double punishment" is not an argument. If I got a DWI however I would also lose my job now that is to be expected right? The state has their way with me and then I get fired because of it now that's punishment. It's all accountability in the end and unfortunately our society has all but waved that old ideal, we are now turning into a society of victims.
  3. Great post! Your son will benefit greatly from your choice and the teaching that he gets from a former successful player. Panic of staying up with the Jones' is truly killing kids IMO. What I consider development of talent is taking someone with very limited skill and making them realize their full potential. Select ball focuses on kids who are already all star material and combines them to form a team to travel and play. Not necessarily a bad thing as long as perspective is kept on what's going on. The argument on select coaching being better than high school is ridiculous. Anyone can make a composer out of Mozart or an artist out of Picasso!!! Coaching is making a player out of "Ned and the first reader", that's what, quite often is asked of high school coaches.
  4. Great for those few! That sounds great but strengthens my point in my first post! Mom's and Dad's are being duped into doling out the big bucks over the child's first 12 to 14 years of playing for a percentage (if they are LUCKY) of a return. The Full scholarships that people are hunting are simply not out there for these kids. Bottom line your kid must be a great one and hats off to you and I am sure you are proud but the facts are what they are, unless he is recieving academic money to fill it out somebody is paying for 15 to 25% of his education. With the economy being what it is that's a ton of money,especially if there are siblings at home.The other misconception is the 4 year scholarship;once signed he will re-sign every year provided he makes the team on a continuing basis over that period of time. Not trying to rain on anyone's parade here but I've never seen anyone post a more realistic picture to parents. As far as the NCAA is concerned revenue is generated by more than ticket sales to ballparks and these kids are exploited for the good of every university constantly. Even student enrollment (non athletic) is affected by successful sports teams so they aren't losing money as they may lead one to believe. I was fortunate enough to play both basketball and baseball in college at the D1 level and felt bad for my baseball teammates because I was on a full basketball scholarship and they always had to deal with supplementing their college education in some manner. Just a soap box moment sorry and I am proud for your son! Best of luck and he deserves more!
  5. Not being insiteful here but do the research! Baseball gives out the fewest "fulls" of any sport other than softball of the bigger sports in college.I believe the number hovers around 11 to 13 and most college teams are going to carry 20 plus players. Of those the pitching is where most of the money is spent because without it the rest simply wouldn't compete consistently enough to win. The "fulls" are divided up into books and tuition for this guy, and tuition and housing for that guy, and cafeteria plan and books for the next guy. Although the numbers I used are estimations I challenge anyone to really look into the situation because I have been there on the D1 level. The baseball and softball numbers are atrocious and UNFAIR when compared to the FULL rides basketball and football players get! The numbers are what they are and until the NCAA wakes up on the issue our kids will continue to be slighted.
  6. Here's an idea for all those mom's and dad's out there, how about saving the 250-500,000 you're spending from t-ball to senior year for that "college education" because about a tenth of a percent of those playing college ball have FULL scholarships anyway!!! The MOST they are likely to recieve, IF THEY ARE A BONIFIED STUD MIND YOU is about anywhere from 40 to 60% of each year paid for. Now if they attend junior college the opportunities are a LITTLE better but remember now what you have overpaid for that two year education????
  7. FYI Heard from reliable source that Livingstons leading scorer never made the trip due to illness. And for some reason the Harris kid #5 I believe didn't play most of the 3rd and none of the 4th period. Still close game throughout until the end and good win for LCM!!
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