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Everything posted by mustang

  1. Well that would still be a far site better than anything Loserton has ever done. After this year you can STILL say "no playoffs for us". LOL
  2. PNG pulls an upset and beats Central. Don't ever count the Indians out.
  3. and athletes, injuries, focus, luck, etc... Just like any other game.
  4. Looks like all of your smack talking was the "worthless" gum bumping? It may be why every team is now pounding the Loserton Raiders.
  5. Lumberton is DONE! Maybe next year they will walk the walk before talking the talk. Hard lesson learned.
  6. HD by 50 points Evadale by 35 points
  7. I was joking on the "stay on the field " post. I know that HD and WH matchups are very competitive. Good luck to both teams.
  8. Can West Hardin stay on the field with Hull Daisetta?
  9. Great Job PNG! It'll be a little more peaceful this week on the board.
  10. How bout them Raiders!!!!!!!!!! WOW 1-3 !! Looks like the playoff run WILL NEVER START!!!!LOLOLOL
  11. Where does this fit in with the race for district title and the playoffs? HD and WH vying for first I guess. Who's the favorite for the third spot?
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