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Everything posted by Eagletown

  1. I added a little wild pork and deer sausage and a little tobasco to the gumbo and it was excellant. But one would think you all being that close to Louisana would make a better gumbo. ::a
  2. Ok I got a poll going vote. Rookie!!
  3. Like him or hate him. This should be fun.
  4. I started to stop by, but yall looked real busy. I kind of wished I would have. Maybe next time.
  5. OK well sorry I did not read that in yours maybe just like you missed it on mine. I had every intent on telling WOS congrats and they have a really good team this year and the better team won blah, blah, blah. And most of all we need a lot of work if we are going to make a run at district and the playoffs this year at 4A. I hope to meet some of yall at the Dayton game.
  6. Yeah we did to get a drink and hot dog. Man it was hot.
  7. It is the latter KF. It works every year!!! Look at how much time we keep WOS poster occupied!! :wink: Although he really doesn't know that much about football either. ::a Sorry Jody!!
  8. Would you please pay attention to what you read before you reply to a post. I know you WOS posters are really defensive about things said about your beloved team. That is why we love messing with you WOS posters year after year. You just cant figure it out. I know what kind of team and program you have and have had in the past, I don't need a refresher course. I do wish we could have played WOS the last few years, because contrary to WOS belief we have had some good teams that may not have beaten you but could have competed. And yes I would have talked trash and pulled for them reguardless of the out come just like you with WOS. I was not refering to the 4th quarter read a little better. I was reffering to the 28 seconds before half time. It was not the 3rd or 4th back, and WOS threw the ball every time and we got it back with 13 seconds left. Don't be mistaken, I was not bashing WOS for that. I think it is great to have a team and a staff that plays agressive like that. I was just stating that our staff would never do that. In the past when we have blown teams out and I do mean in the past. We would do everything we could not to run it up. I have even heard of our coaches threating the players if they scored again. There have been many times at half time when we had a significant lead we started kneeling with a 1:30 left till half time. It is just a Coach Price thing.
  9. Add another for BH. I think we will do just fine against WOS. It being the first game/scrimage I do not expect to see a lot of explosives from either team. I know both teams will be pumped, and ready to play I just think us, the fans are putting a lot more into this than the coaches. Sure both would love to win, but I think they are really using it for a good judge for our teams early in the year with good competition. WOS has been doing this for years and now BH has got to step up and play tough teams early to get ready. I feel fortunate to be scrimaging WOS and take my hat off to our staff for scheduling such tough teams early this year. Obviously the WOS staff feels we would give their team a good test early in the season or they would be playing someone else. I have been waiting for this for a long time the sad part is it don't count. Hey RB don't be making any excuses for the Hill. You, Jody, Shellman and I have been looking forward to this for a long time and if the Hill does'nt make a good showing we will just have to eat a little crow. I don't want the almighty WOS posters to have reason for excuses. I just want them to come back here like big boys and girls and eat your crow, because I will. Which is not a problem because we, I have had our share of crow over the years. Along with lots of other posters from setxsports forums and the downlow. But we, I also have served our share so here is an early serving of crow for the almighty WOS lovers. So WOS posters how do you, like you crow, fried, baked, boiled, stewed, or in a gumbo? Mmmmmm taste like chicken.
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